Current language url
When using changelanguage module the current language seem to have empty url assigned. It'd be great if it had any link (to main page or to current) but in same language. Now if user is in secondary language and clicks corresponding flag is redirected to root / and gets the fallback language. Is there any way to change it or a chance to get it with next update?
Re: Current language url
Normally the current language does not have a link. Have you changed that in the template?
Re: Current language url
In template the part for each language (current and all other) is exactly the same without any conditionals. In language array there's just no url provided for current language page.
Re: Current language url
As far as I remember, there is an "active" parts, isn't it?
Re: Current language url
Yes, there is, but it's not the point. The 'href' part (or array index to be more precise) is always empty for active language. Never mind, I'll get to it other way.