Contao 4 Extension - Simple CRUD application
How could I start building a simple Resource Library (Images, Videos etc.) extension using Contao 4?
Front end - individual member logged in, add details and upload resources, edit, delete, view details.
Back end - admin user do the same as front end member.
How to integrate PHP file into Contao 4 module?
Could you please tell me how can I integrate a PHP file in Contao 4 module and add data into the table?
Contao form building extension
Is there any Contao Extension that can help to build form with option of file uploading? Also data should be saved in database when submit button is clicked.
Contao Store UUID Extension
Thank you Spooky.
Could you please highlight me on below issues please?
1. Can I customize from the admin panel?
2. How do I map the form with the database?
3. Just let me know how do I proceed.
Form data is not saving in the table
I have designed a form and mapped a table with that. I am submitting the button, but data is not saved in the table. What are the configuration rules that I need to follow?