Hello !
In last versions of the gallery extension, a new field "Poster" is appeared.
In my case, I don't want this field because it's painful for my users wich create their own galleries.
Just an idea: make the field "Poster" optional ;)
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Hello !
In last versions of the gallery extension, a new field "Poster" is appeared.
In my case, I don't want this field because it's painful for my users wich create their own galleries.
Just an idea: make the field "Poster" optional ;)
I ALWAYS want this to be mandatory as this was a design principle I introduced (as some people will use the gallery for cataloging single images only and therefore there is no gallery, so in order for the gallery to work correctly, there MUST be a poster image.
You can do this yourself, by adding a DCA entry in the system/dcaconfig.php file:
Code:$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_gallery']['fields'][''singleSRC']['eval']['mandatory'] = false;