Contao 2.10.beta1

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Inscription : 01 Mai 2009 14:39

Contao 2.10.beta1

Messagepar equipc » 01 Juin 2011 12:33

La première beta de la version 2.10 est disponible avec son lot de nouveautés et de mises à jour :
Version 2.10.beta1 (2011-06-01)
- Updated: updated TinyMCE to version 3.4.2
- Updated: updated SyntaxHighlighter to version 3.0.83 (#2459)
- Updated: updated MooTools to version 1.3.2 (#2573)
- Updated: updated mediaboxAdvanced to version 1.3.4
- Changed: the back end now uses HTML5 instead of XHTML
- Changed: moved auto-generated style sheets to system/scripts
- Changed: support more complex conditional comments by making the field a text field
- Changed: make "email" a unique field for users and members (#2493)
- Changed: do not show subpages if the website root page is not public (#2425)
- Changed: make the ellipsis string of the String class configurable (#2700)
- Changed: moved the encryption logic from the DataContainer to the Widget class (#2603)
- Changed: support passing a custom encryption key to the encrypt/decrypt method (#2979)
- Changed: moved the "postLogin" and "postLogout" hooks to the User class (#2710)
- Improved: optimized the back end page speed (#2400)
- Improved: added CSS and JS combining to the back end front end
- Improved: standardized event and newsletter templates (#2889)
- Improved: minor CSS3 enhancements in the back end
- Improved: display back end pop-up windows using the mediabox
- Improved: visualize completed password fields in the back end (#2902)
- Improved: make checkbox and radio button groups more accessible (#1257)
- Improved: speed up the getChildRecords() method (#2475)
- Improved: added a better poor man's cron implementation (#2616)
- Improved: improved the __autoload() class (#3089)
- Improved: improved the link insert tag to support external links (#2842)
- Improved: the database installer now support multi-column primary keys (#112)
- Added: added an option to specify URLs for static content (#2399)
- Added: highlight the active module in the back end navigation (#2941)
- Added: optionally disable the periodic command scheduler (#2960)
- Added: added a FIND_IN_SET() method to the DBAL (#2383)
- Added: optionally minify the page markup before it is sent to the browser (#2982)
- Added: added a default IE6 warning message (browser out of date)
- Added: added an option to choose between HTML and XHTML output in the front end
- Added: add CSS classes to the body tag depending on the client's OS and browser
- Added: added collapsible groups to the install tool (#2857)
- Added: added CSS3 support to the style sheet editor (uses CSS3PIE)
- Added: added media query support to the style sheet generator (#2535)
- Added: added visual hints to TRBL fields (#3045)
- Added: added a warning to the site structure if there is no language fallback page (#2950)
- Added: added the classes "first", "previous" etc. to the pagination li elements (#2988)
- Added: added an option to generate XML sitemap URLs with https:// (#2763)
- Added: added an option to feature/unfeature news items via Ajax (#2506)
- Added: mark the selected day in the calendar with the CSS class "selected" (#1784)
- Added: added the event template names as CSS class (#2515)
- Added: add the news article image as enclosure to the RSS feed (#2924)
- Added: added an option to remove a session parameter (#2786)
- Added: added insert tags to output the URL of news and calendar feeds (#2561)
- Added: added a "parseTemplate" hook which is triggered before a template is parsed (#2582)
- Added: added the CSS class "protected" to protected pages in the navigation menu (#2844)
- Added: added an "updatePersonalData" to the "personal data" module (#2313)
- Added: added an option to the table element to use the left column as row headers (#2869)
- Added: add the mime type as alternative text to mime icons (#2954)
- Added: added a new method Controller::getForm() to insert forms in templates (#3013)
- Added: added a new insert tag "insert_form" to insert forms (#3013)
- Added: added a language-specific short names length for days and months (#2874)
- Added: added the method "getSizeOf" to the Database class (#2726)
- Added: added PNG optimization to the image resize function (#2426)
- Added: added global style sheet variables
- Added: added autocomplete="off" to back end password fields (#2835, #3019)
- Added: optionally ignore dynamic date parameters in the event list (#2559)
- Added: replaced the referer check with a request token system
- Fixed: do not add $objRow->protected in tree view by default (#2915)
- Fixed: convert relative external image URLs in newsletters (#2895)
- Fixed: not all option callbacks worked correctly in override multiple mode (#2976)
- Fixed: make the Input class return null if a variable is not set (#2570)
- Fixed: clear the output buffer befor sending a file to the browser (#2678)
- Fixed: prevent session locking during downloads (#2804)
- Fixed: modify the Config class to allow nested calls to getInstance() (#2706)
- Fixed: make getReadableSize() units translateable (#2658)
- Fixed: the link insert tag did not handle redirect and forward pages (#2972)
- Fixed: pages excluded in the sitemap did appear in the Google XML sitemap (#2811)
- Fixed: fixed the issue with lost newsletter subscriptions (#2779)
- Fixed a few minor issues

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