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Thema: Contao 4.4.24: Ständiger automatischer Logout

  1. #1
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von medianetic
    Registriert seit

    Standard Contao 4.4.24: Ständiger automatischer Logout


    ich habe einen seltsamen Effekt:

    Wenn ich im Backend arbeite wird der User immer wieder automatisch ausgeloggt.

    Das kann ich auch im Systemlog sehen.

    /var/logs zeigt keine Fehler. PHP-Log zeigt keine Fehler.

    Cookies und Browsercache mehrfach gelöscht, ebenso wie tl_sessions.

    Wenn ich z.B. ein Element bearbeite und auf speichern klicke, werde ich ausgeloggt, logge ich mich dann wieder ein, kommt die Fehlerseite:

    Ungültiges Token

    Wo kann ich ansetzen?

    Grüße aus Berlin
    Geändert von medianetic (12.09.2018 um 08:49 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Deaktiviere mal die IP Prüfung und teste ob das hilft.

  3. #3
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von medianetic
    Registriert seit


    Ich bin dem hier gefolgt:

    Bringt aber leider nichts.

  4. #4
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von medianetic
    Registriert seit


    Composer show sagt:

    clue/stream-filter v1.4.0 A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP
    composer/ca-bundle 1.1.2 Lets you find a path to the system CA bundle, and includes a fallback to the Mozilla CA bundle.
    contao-components/ace 1.3.3 ACE code editor integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/chosen 1.1.11 Chosen integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/colorbox Colorbox integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/colorpicker Color picker integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/compass Compass integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/contao 7.1.5 Contao Open Source CMS components
    contao-components/datepicker Date picker integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/dropzone 4.3.0 DropZone integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/highlight 8.9.1 Highlight.js integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/html5shiv 3.7.3 HTML5 Shiv integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/installer 1.3.0 Contao components installer
    contao-components/jquery 1.12.4 jQuery integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/jquery-ui jQuery UI integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/mediabox Mediabox integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/mediaelement 4.2.9 MediaElement.js integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/mootools MooTools integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/respimage 1.4.2 Respimage.js integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/simplemodal 2.0.8 SimpleModal integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/swipe A JavaScript touch slider with dot menu
    contao-components/tablesort 3.4.11 Contao Open Source CMS tablesort
    contao-components/tablesorter jQuery tablesorter integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao-components/tinymce4 TinyMCE 4 integration for Contao Open Source CMS
    contao/calendar-bundle 4.4.24 Adds calendar functionality to Contao 4
    contao/comments-bundle 4.4.24 Adds comments functionality to Contao 4
    contao/core-bundle 4.4.24 Contao 4 core bundle
    contao/faq-bundle 4.4.24 Adds FAQ functionality to Contao 4
    contao/image 0.3.7 Contao image library
    contao/imagine-svg 0.2.1 Contao Imagine SVG library
    contao/installation-bundle 4.4.24 Required to install and update Contao 4
    contao/listing-bundle 4.4.24 Allows to list arbitrary data in the Contao 4 front end
    contao/manager-bundle 4.4.24 Contao 4 manager bundle
    contao/manager-plugin 2.6.2 Contao 4 manager plugin
    contao/news-bundle 4.4.24 Adds news functionality to Contao 4
    contao/newsletter-bundle 4.4.24 Adds newsletter functionality to Contao 4
    doctrine/annotations v1.6.0 Docblock Annotations Parser
    doctrine/cache v1.8.0 Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends
    doctrine/collections v1.5.0 Collections Abstraction library
    doctrine/common v2.9.0 Common Library for Doctrine projects
    doctrine/dbal v2.8.0 Database Abstraction Layer
    doctrine/doctrine-bundle 1.9.1 Symfony DoctrineBundle
    doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle 1.3.3 Symfony Bundle for Doctrine Cache
    doctrine/event-manager v1.0.0 Doctrine Event Manager component
    doctrine/inflector v1.3.0 Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules.
    doctrine/lexer v1.0.1 Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers.
    doctrine/persistence v1.0.1 Doctrine Persistence abstractions.
    doctrine/reflection v1.0.0 Doctrine Reflection component
    fig/link-util 1.0.0 Common utility implementations for HTTP links
    friendsofsymfony/http-cache 2.5.0 Tools to manage HTTP caching proxies with PHP
    friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle 2.4.1 Set path based HTTP cache headers and send invalidation requests to your HTTP cache
    guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.3.3 Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library
    guzzlehttp/promises v1.3.1 Guzzle promises library
    guzzlehttp/psr7 1.4.2 PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utility methods
    imagine/imagine v0.7.1 Image processing for PHP 5.3
    jdorn/sql-formatter v1.2.17 a PHP SQL highlighting library
    jeremykendall/php-domain-parser 3.0.0 Public Suffix List based URL parsing implemented in PHP.
    knplabs/knp-menu 2.3.0 An object oriented menu library
    knplabs/knp-menu-bundle v2.2.1 This bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library
    knplabs/knp-time-bundle 1.8.0 Knplabs time bundle makes your dates look sensible and descriptive
    leafo/scssphp v0.6.7 scssphp is a compiler for SCSS written in PHP.
    league/uri 4.2.2 URI manipulation library
    lexik/maintenance-bundle v2.1.5 This bundle allows you to place your website in maintenance mode by calling two commands from your console.
    madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements v2.2.6 Create your own, nestable content elements using a modular system. End the WYSIWYG chaos with your own content elements.
    matthiasmullie/minify 1.3.60 CSS & JavaScript minifier, in PHP. Removes whitespace, strips comments, combines files (incl. @import statements and small assets in CSS files), and op...
    matthiasmullie/path-converter 1.1.1 Relative path converter
    michelf/php-markdown 1.8.0 PHP Markdown
    monolog/monolog 1.23.0 Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
    nelmio/cors-bundle 1.5.4 Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Symfony2 application
    nelmio/security-bundle 2.5.1 Extra security-related features for Symfony: signed/encrypted cookies, HTTPS/SSL/HSTS handling, cookie session storage, ...
    oyejorge/less.php v1.7.0.14 PHP port of the Javascript version of LESS (Originally maintained by Josh Schmidt)
    paragonie/random_compat v2.0.17 PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
    patchwork/utf8 v1.3.1 Portable and performant UTF-8, Unicode and Grapheme Clusters for PHP
    php-http/client-common 1.7.0 Common HTTP Client implementations and tools for HTTPlug
    php-http/discovery 1.4.0 Finds installed HTTPlug implementations and PSR-7 message factories
    php-http/guzzle6-adapter v1.1.1 Guzzle 6 HTTP Adapter
    php-http/httplug v1.1.0 HTTPlug, the HTTP client abstraction for PHP
    php-http/message 1.7.0 HTTP Message related tools
    php-http/message-factory v1.0.2 Factory interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP Message
    php-http/promise v1.0.0 Promise used for asynchronous HTTP requests
    phpspec/php-diff v1.1.0 A comprehensive library for generating differences between two hashable objects (strings or arrays).
    phpunit/php-token-stream 1.4.12 Wrapper around PHP's tokenizer extension.
    psr/cache 1.0.1 Common interface for caching libraries
    psr/container 1.0.0 Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11)
    psr/http-message 1.0.1 Common interface for HTTP messages
    psr/link 1.0.0 Common interfaces for HTTP links
    psr/log 1.0.2 Common interface for logging libraries
    psr/simple-cache 1.0.1 Common interfaces for simple caching
    sensio/distribution-bundle v5.0.22 Base bundle for Symfony Distributions
    sensiolabs/ansi-to-html v1.1.3 A library to convert a text with ANSI codes to HTML
    sensiolabs/security-checker v4.1.8 A security checker for your composer.lock
    simplepie/simplepie 1.5.2 A simple Atom/RSS parsing library for PHP
    swiftmailer/swiftmailer v5.4.12 Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer
    symfony/monolog-bundle v3.3.0 Symfony MonologBundle
    symfony/polyfill-apcu v1.9.0 Symfony polyfill backporting apcu_* functions to lower PHP versions
    symfony/polyfill-ctype v1.9.0 Symfony polyfill for ctype functions
    symfony/polyfill-intl-icu v1.9.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's ICU-related data and classes
    symfony/polyfill-mbstring v1.9.0 Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
    symfony/polyfill-php56 v1.9.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 5.6+ features to lower PHP versions
    symfony/polyfill-php70 v1.9.0 Symfony polyfill backporting some PHP 7.0+ features to lower PHP versions
    symfony/polyfill-util v1.9.0 Symfony utilities for portability of PHP codes
    symfony/swiftmailer-bundle v2.6.7 Symfony SwiftmailerBundle
    symfony/symfony v3.4.15 The Symfony PHP framework
    tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.17 TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents and barcodes.
    terminal42/header-replay-bundle 1.5.0 Send preflight requests for user context headers and replay them for reverse proxy support.
    true/punycode v2.1.1 A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
    twig/twig v1.35.4 Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
    ua-parser/uap-php v3.5.0 A multi-language port of Browserscope's user agent parser.
    webmozart/assert 1.3.0 Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.
    webmozart/path-util 2.3.0 A robust cross-platform utility for normalizing, comparing and modifying file paths.

    und composer.json

    "name": "contao/managed-edition",
    "type": "project",
    "description": "Contao Open Source CMS",
    "license": "LGPL-3.0-or-later",
    "authors": [
    "name": "Leo Feyer",
    "homepage": ""
    "require": {
    "php": "^5.6|^7.0",
    "contao/calendar-bundle": "^4.4",
    "contao/comments-bundle": "^4.4",
    "contao/faq-bundle": "^4.4",
    "contao/listing-bundle": "^4.4",
    "contao/manager-bundle": "4.4.*",
    "contao/news-bundle": "^4.4",
    "contao/newsletter-bundle": "^4.4",
    "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements": "^2.0"
    "conflict": {
    "contao/core-bundle": "<4.4.8"
    "config": {
    "component-dir": "assets"
    "extra": {
    "branch-alias": {
    "dev-4.4": "4.4.x-dev"
    "scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [
    "Contao\\ManagerBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::i nitializeApplication"
    "post-update-cmd": [
    "Contao\\ManagerBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::i nitializeApplication"

  5. #5
    Administrator Avatar von xchs
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    Über welches Netz greifst Du denn auf die Website zu? Hast Du überprüft, ob sich nach dem unfreiwilligen Logout die IP-Adresse geändert hat?
    Contao Community Administrator


  6. #6
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von medianetic
    Registriert seit


    Zitat Zitat von xchs Beitrag anzeigen
    Über welches Netz greifst Du denn auf die Website zu? Hast Du überprüft, ob sich nach dem unfreiwilligen Logout die IP-Adresse geändert hat?
    Ganz normales VDSL, ohne Proxy oder Ähnliches. Meine IP ändert sich nur noch alle 3,4 Tage, das hat nichts mit der IP zu tun.

  7. #7
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von medianetic
    Registriert seit


    Hab das Problem nach langer Suche identifiziert. Das hat nichts mit Contao direkt zu tun. Ich hatte in verschiedenen Frontendtemplates session_unset() stehen. Da diese natürlich auch im Backend ausgeführt werden ...

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