Contao-Camp 2024
Ergebnis 1 bis 7 von 7

Thema: Fehlermeldung nach Contao Upgrade

  1. #1
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    Standard Fehlermeldung nach Contao Upgrade


    Habe eine Contao 3.5 Website umgezogen, respektive die Datenbank exportiert und mit Contao 4.13.6 installiert.
    Im Backend sind Seitenstruktur, Seiten und Artikel bearbeitbar, soweit so gut :-)
    Wenn ich aber eine Seite aufrufe kommt die Meldung «Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten»

    Im Logfile steht dann:

    [2022-08-12T20:20:27.849559+02:00] request.INFO: Matched route "tl_page.107". {"route":"tl_page.107","route_parameters":{"_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\FrontendIndex::renderPage","_scope":"frontend","_locale":"de","_format":"html","_canonical_route":"tl_page.107","parameters":"","pageModel":{"Contao\\PageModel":[]},"_route":"tl_page.107","_route_object":{"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\Page\\PageRoute":[]}},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} []
    [2022-08-12T20:20:27.853946+02:00] security.INFO: Populated the TokenStorage with an anonymous Token. [] []
    [2022-08-12T20:20:27.978114+02:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Exception: "Could not find template "mod_article_fullwidth"" at /home/ritzhae/www/ line 156 {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): Could not find template \"mod_article_fullwidth\" at /home/ritzhae/www/"} []
    Auf was deuten diese Fehlermeldungen hin?

  2. #2
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Fehrmann
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    "Could not find template "mod_article_fullwidth"
    Das deutet darauf hin, das du die Templates nicht mit kopierst hast.
    Software-Entwickler Backend/Frontend

  3. #3
    Registriert seit


    Habe alle Dateien des Teplates-Ordners übertragen.
    Jetzt habe ich folgende Meldungen:

    [2022-08-12T21:20:46.707015+02:00] request.INFO: Matched route "tl_page.107". {"route":"tl_page.107","route_parameters":{"_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\FrontendIndex::renderPage","_scope":"frontend","_locale":"de","_format":"html","_canonical_route":"tl_page.107","parameters":"","pageModel":{"Contao\\PageModel":[]},"_route":"tl_page.107","_route_object":{"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\Page\\PageRoute":[]}},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} []
    [2022-08-12T21:20:46.712975+02:00] security.INFO: Populated the TokenStorage with an anonymous Token. [] []
    [2022-08-12T21:20:46.973558+02:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Exception: "Could not find template "j_slider"" at /home/ritzhae/www/domain/vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/Resources/contao/library/Contao/TemplateLoader.php line 156 {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): Could not find template \"j_slider\" at /home/ritzhae/www/domain/vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/Resources/contao/library/Contao/TemplateLoader.php:156)"} []

  4. #4
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
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    Hast du denn überhaupt das Install Tool aufgerufen, um die Datenbankmigration zu starten?
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  5. #5
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Fehrmann
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    "Could not find template "j_slider"
    Das 'j_slider'-Template gibt es in 4.13 nicht mehr. Im Backend die Seitenlayouts einmal neu speichern (darauf achten, das keine unbekannten Templates ausgewählt sind). Eventuell das vorhandene js_slider-Template aktivieren.
    Software-Entwickler Backend/Frontend

  6. #6
    Registriert seit


    Habe alle Layouts neu gespeichert. Die Fehlermeldung bleibt.

    Im Intalltool habe ich noch folgende Einträge:
    Tabellen löschen
    	Alle auswählen
    DROP TABLE tl_cron
    DROP TABLE tl_newsletter_recipients_backup
    DROP TABLE tl_om_backend_sysinfo
    DROP TABLE tl_om_backend_links
    DROP TABLE tl_session
    DROP TABLE tl_repository_installs
    DROP TABLE tl_extension
    DROP TABLE tl_repository_instfiles
    Spalten löschen
    	Alle auswählen
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP mediatyp
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_blockgrid
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_margin
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_no_gutter
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_adjust_mobile
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_sameheight
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_border
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_newline
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_css
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid_mode
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP autogrid
    ALTER TABLE tl_article DROP space
    ALTER TABLE tl_comments_notify DROP tokenConfirm
    ALTER TABLE tl_comments_notify DROP ip
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP youtubeStop
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP youtubeStart
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP remark_icon
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP abstand
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP mainspalte_hoch
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_delay_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_split_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_origin_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_perspective_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_opacity_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_skew_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_scale_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_rotation_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_position_OUT
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_text_invertcolor
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_video_boxed
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_video_fullscreen
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_split
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_origin
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_perspective
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_opacity
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_skew
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_scale
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_rotation
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP revolutionslider_data_delay
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP autogrid_blockgrid
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP autogrid_margin
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP autogrid_no_gutter
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP autogrid_adjust_mobile
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP autogrid_border
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP autogrid_newline
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP autogrid_mode
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP space
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP autoplay
    ALTER TABLE tl_content DROP shClass
    ALTER TABLE tl_form DROP tableless
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP cm_alternativelabelelse
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP cm_alternativelabel
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP cm_alternativeType
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP cm_optionlabel
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP headline
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP remark_icon
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP autogrid_blockgrid
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP autogrid_margin
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP autogrid_no_gutter
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP autogrid_adjust_mobile
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP autogrid_border
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP autogrid_newline
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP autogrid_mode
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP addSubmit
    ALTER TABLE tl_form_field DROP fsType
    ALTER TABLE tl_layout DROP mooSource
    ALTER TABLE tl_layout DROP jSource
    ALTER TABLE tl_layout DROP picturefill
    ALTER TABLE tl_layout DROP doctype
    ALTER TABLE tl_layout DROP sPosition
    ALTER TABLE tl_log DROP ip
    ALTER TABLE tl_member DROP activation
    ALTER TABLE tl_member DROP createdOn
    ALTER TABLE tl_member DROP autologin
    ALTER TABLE tl_member DROP loginCount
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP space
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP flashJS
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP flashID
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP interactive
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP source
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP altContent
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP flashvars
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP transparent
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP size
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP tableless
    ALTER TABLE tl_module DROP cols
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_blockgrid
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_margin
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_no_gutter
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_adjust_mobile
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_sameheight
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_border
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_newline
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_css
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid_mode
    ALTER TABLE tl_news DROP autogrid
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_channel DROP smtpPort
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_channel DROP smtpEnc
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_channel DROP smtpPass
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_channel DROP smtpUser
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_channel DROP smtpHost
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_channel DROP useSMTP
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_recipients DROP token
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_recipients DROP ip
    ALTER TABLE tl_newsletter_recipients DROP confirmed
    ALTER TABLE tl_page DROP pct_mm_floating
    ALTER TABLE tl_page DROP pct_mm_noreplace
    ALTER TABLE tl_page DROP pct_mm_article
    ALTER TABLE tl_page DROP pct_megamenu
    ALTER TABLE tl_page DROP mobileLayout
    ALTER TABLE tl_page DROP sitemapName
    ALTER TABLE tl_page DROP createSitemap
    ALTER TABLE tl_pct_customelement DROP template_mod
    ALTER TABLE tl_pct_customelement DROP template_cte
    ALTER TABLE tl_revolutionslider DROP thumbSize
    ALTER TABLE tl_revolutionslider DROP addThumbs
    ALTER TABLE tl_revolutionslider DROP addArrows
    ALTER TABLE tl_revolutionslider DROP addNavigation
    ALTER TABLE tl_revolutionslider_slides DROP slotamount
    ALTER TABLE tl_style DROP remark_text
    ALTER TABLE tl_style DROP remark_icon
    ALTER TABLE tl_style DROP beremark
    ALTER TABLE tl_style_sheet DROP disablePie
    ALTER TABLE tl_user DROP om_features
    ALTER TABLE tl_user DROP om_flags
    ALTER TABLE tl_user DROP om_toolbar
    ALTER TABLE tl_user DROP om_small
    ALTER TABLE tl_user DROP rocksolidFrontendHelperLightbox
    ALTER TABLE tl_user DROP rocksolidFrontendHelper
    ALTER TABLE tl_user DROP rocksolidFrontendHelperOperations
    ALTER TABLE tl_user DROP loginCount
    ALTER TABLE tl_user_group DROP rocksolidFrontendHelperOperations
    Datenbank aktualisieren

  7. #7
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon Avatar von tab
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    Was passiert, wenn du eine vollständige Systemwartung im Backend durchführst?

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Aktive Benutzer in diesem Thema: 1 (Registrierte Benutzer: 0, Gäste: 1)




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