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Thema: GELÖST: Update 4.9->4.13 schlägt fehl - controller not found

  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    Frage GELÖST: Update 4.9->4.13 schlägt fehl - controller not found

    Hallo zusammen,

    ihr seht, dass ich hier nur wenige Beiträge geschrieben habe, ich bin ziemlicher Laie mit Contao und betreibe damit eine kleine Webseite mit einer Kartenanwendung für private Zwecke. Wegen der unsäglichen PHP-Problematik bei HE habe ich habe meine Webseite vor einigen Wochen von HE zu AI umgezogen und sie läuft dort mit contao 4.9.37 und php 7.4 einwandfrei im all-inkl Premium-Tarif. Spasshalber habe ich es bei AI auch mit PHP 8.1 ausprobiert, da das bei HE nicht funktioniert hatte. Das geht ebenfalls ohne Probleme, aber dennoch habe ich die Installation aber zunächst wieder auf 7.4 umgestellt. Ich verwende verschiedene Rocksolid-Pakete sowie con4gis-Maps, sonst nichts weiteres.

    Jetzt wollte ich mit dem Contao-Manager nach der offiziellen Istallationanleitung auf die nächste LTS-Version 4.13.* updaten, und habe eine Testinstallation auf AI vorbereitet, die identisch ist mit der produktiven Seite, jedoch in einer Subdomain liegt. Diese funktioniert ebenfalls einwandfrei. Starte ich aber die Aktualisierung der Pakete für das Update zu 4.13.* (aktuell 4.3.14, habe es auch mit 4.13.1 versucht) dann wirft mir die Konsole bei composer-install den nachfolgend komplett gelisteten Code aus. Bei einem Testlauf mit allen Paketen ging noch alles glatt durch.

    Offenbar gibt es ein Problem mit Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller aber was kann ich damit anfangen? Bin zugegebenermassen ratlos und bräuchte ein paar Tipps, was ich tun kann. Danke im Voraus.

    $ /bin/php74 -q -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddisplay_errors=0 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Berlin /www/htdocs/w01d7574/*******/ct413test1/contao413/web/contao-manager.phar.php composer install --no-dev --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader
    Installing dependencies from lock file
    Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
    Package operations: 18 installs, 53 updates, 12 removals
      - Downloading contao/core-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Downloading contao/calendar-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Downloading contao/comments-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Downloading contao/faq-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Downloading contao/listing-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Downloading contao/installation-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Downloading contao/manager-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Downloading contao/news-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Downloading contao/newsletter-bundle (4.13.1)
      - Removing webmozart/path-util (2.3.0)
      - Removing webmozart/assert (1.11.0)
      - Removing symfony/swiftmailer-bundle (v3.5.4)
      - Removing symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.27.0)
      - Removing symfony/debug (v4.4.44)
      - Removing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v6.3.0)
      - Removing ramsey/uuid (3.9.6)
      - Removing patchwork/utf8 (v1.3.3)
      - Removing michelf/php-markdown (1.9.1)
      - Removing lexik/maintenance-bundle (v2.1.5)
      - Removing contao-components/highlight (9.18.1)
      - Removing composer/package-versions-deprecated (
      - Upgrading symfony/translation (v4.4.47 => v5.4.14): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/http-foundation (v4.4.49 => v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Installing psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v1.1.13 => v2.5.2): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/event-dispatcher (v4.4.44 => v5.4.9): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/var-dumper (v4.4.47 => v5.4.14): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/error-handler (v4.4.44 => v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/http-kernel (v4.4.49 => v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/dependency-injection (v4.4.49 => v5.4.13): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/console (v4.4.49 => v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/config (v4.4.44 => v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading twig/twig (v2.15.3 => v3.4.3): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/http-client (v4.4.49 => v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/dom-crawler (v4.4.45 => v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/yaml (v4.4.45 => v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-uuid (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/uid (v5.4.13): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/twig-bridge (v4.4.49 => v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/twig-bundle (v4.4.41 => v5.4.8): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/password-hasher (v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/security-core (v4.4.48 => v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/security-http (v4.4.48 => v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/security-csrf (v5.2.12 => v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/security-guard (v4.4.46 => v5.4.13): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/security-bundle (v4.4.44 => v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/routing (v4.4.44 => v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/process (v4.4.44 => v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading monolog/monolog (1.27.1 => 2.8.0): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/monolog-bridge (v4.4.43 => v5.4.10): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/mailer (v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/lock (v4.4.46 => v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/intl (v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/finder (v4.4.44 => v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/cache (v4.4.48 => v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/framework-bundle (v4.4.49 => v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/expression-language (v4.4.47 => v5.4.14): Extracting archive
      - Downgrading doctrine/persistence (3.1.0 => 2.5.5): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/doctrine-bridge (v4.4.48 => v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/asset (v4.4.46 => v5.4.13): Extracting archive
      - Installing spatie/schema-org (3.9.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing scrivo/highlight.php (v9.18.1.9): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/mime-type-detection (1.11.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/flysystem (2.5.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/flysystem-bundle (2.4.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing nette/utils (v3.2.8): Extracting archive
      - Installing nette/schema (v1.2.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing dflydev/dot-access-data (v3.0.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/config (v1.1.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/commonmark (2.3.7): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/templating (v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading knplabs/knp-time-bundle (v1.19.0 => v1.20.0): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading friendsofsymfony/http-cache (2.14.2 => 2.15.0): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle (2.13.0 => 2.14.0): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading doctrine/dbal (2.13.9 => 3.5.1): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao-components/tinymce4 (4.9.12 => 5.10.6): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/core-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/calendar-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/comments-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/conflicts (dev-main 8439917 => dev-main e00a47a)
      - Upgrading contao/faq-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/listing-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing twig/extra-bundle (v3.4.0): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/web-profiler-bundle (v4.4.47 => v5.4.14): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/stopwatch (v4.4.46 => v5.4.13): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v4.4.39 => v5.4.6): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/dotenv (v4.4.37 => v5.4.5): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading symfony/debug-bundle (v4.4.37 => v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/installation-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/manager-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/news-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Upgrading contao/newsletter-bundle (4.9.37 => 4.13.1): Extracting archive
    Package true/punycode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Generating optimized autoload files
    contao/manager-plugin: Dumping generated plugins file...
    contao/manager-plugin: ...done dumping generated plugins file
    Class Contao\ManagerPlugin\PluginLoader located in ./vendor/contao/manager-plugin/src/Resources/PluginLoader.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    99 packages you are using are looking for funding.
    Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
    > @php vendor/bin/contao-setup
    Added the /www/htdocs/w01d7574/*******.eu/ct413test1/contao413/web/app.php file.
    Added the /www/htdocs/w01d7574/*******.eu/ct413test1/contao413/web/index.php file.
    Added the /www/htdocs/w01d7574/*******.eu/ct413test1/contao413/web/preview.php file.
     // Clearing the cache for the prod environment with debug                      
     // false                                                                       
     [OK] Cache for the "prod" environment (debug=false) was successfully cleared.  
     // Clearing the cache for the dev environment with debug                       
     // true                                                                        
     [OK] Cache for the "dev" environment (debug=true) was successfully cleared.    
     // Warming up the cache for the prod environment with debug                    
     // false                                                                       
    14:13:22 CRITICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi". Message: "Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller' not found" ["exception" => Error { …},"command" => "cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi","message" => "Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller' not found"]
    In BaseController.php line 25:
      Attempted to load class "Controller" from namespace "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller".                                                        
      Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?                      
    cache:warmup [--no-optional-warmers]
    14:13:22 CRITICAL  [console] An error occurred while using the console. Message: "An error occurred while executing the "/usr/bin/php74 -dmemory_limit=-1 /www/htdocs/w01d7574/*******.eu/ct413test1/contao413/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/bin/contao-console cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi" command: 14:13:22 CRITICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi". Message: "Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller' not found" ["exception" => Error { …},"command" => "cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi","message" => "Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller' not found"]
    In BaseController.php line 25:
      Attempted to load class "Controller" from namespace "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller".                                                        
      Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?                      
    cache:warmup [--no-optional-warmers]
    " ["exception" => RuntimeException { …},"message" => """  An error occurred while executing the "/usr/bin/php74 -dmemory_limit=-1 /www/htdocs/w01d7574/*******.eu/ct413test1/contao413/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/bin/contao-console cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi" command: 14:13:22 CRITICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi". Message: "Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller' not found" ["exception" => Error { …},"command" => "cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi","message" => "Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller' not found"]\n  \n  In BaseController.php line 25:\n                                                                                 \n    Attempted to load class "Controller" from namespace "Symfony\Bundle\Framewo  \n    rkBundle\Controller".                                                        \n    Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?                      \n                                                                                 \n  \n  cache:warmup [--no-optional-warmers]\n  \n  """]
    In ContaoSetupCommand.php line 120:
      An error occurred while executing the "/usr/bin/php74 -dmemory_limit=-1 /ww  
      dle/bin/contao-console cache:warmup --env=prod --no-ansi" command: 14:13:22  
       CRITICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "cache:warmup --env  
      =prod --no-ansi". Message: "Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controlle  
      r\Controller' not found" ["exception" => Error { …},"command" => "cache:war  
      mup --env=prod --no-ansi","message" => "Class 'Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBund  
      le\Controller\Controller' not found"]                                        
      In BaseController.php line 25:                                               
        Attempted to load class "Controller" from namespace "Symfony\Bundle\Frame  
        Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?                    
      cache:warmup [--no-optional-warmers]                                         
    Script @php vendor/bin/contao-setup handling the post-install-cmd event returned with error code 1
    # Process terminated with exit code 1
    # Result: General error
    Geändert von Schremser (07.12.2022 um 10:16 Uhr) Grund: Gelöst-Tag in Titel ergänzt

  2. #2
    Registriert seit


    Hat keiner eine Idee oder einen Tip für mein Problem?

  3. #3
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Du hast eine Extension installiert, die von dieser Klasse erben möchte - diese existiert jedoch nicht. Die Extension hat vermutlich die Dependencies nicht korrekt definiert. Es könnte auch eine Applikationsanpassung von dir sein. Poste zB. zumindest mal die composer.json.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  4. #4
    Registriert seit


    Danke für die Rückmeldung. Hier die composer.json, wie sie in der "defekten" Installation zu finden ist. Wissentlich habe ich nichts daran geändert, vielleicht unbewusst. Es kann sich eigentlich nur um con4gis handeln, der Rest stammt noch aus der initialen Contao-Vorlage, da habe ich mich nicht getraut, etwas zu entfernen.
        "type": "project",
        "require": {
            "con4gis/maps": "^7.1",
            "contao/calendar-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/comments-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/conflicts": "*@dev",
            "contao/faq-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/listing-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/manager-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/news-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/newsletter-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-columns": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements": "^2.2",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-frontend-helper": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-icon-picker": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-theme-assistant": "^2.0"
        "extra": {
            "contao-component-dir": "assets",
            "public-dir": "web"
        "scripts": {
            "post-install-cmd": [
                "@php vendor/bin/contao-setup"
            "post-update-cmd": [
                "@php vendor/bin/contao-setup"

  5. #5
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Der Fehler kommt von "con4gis/maps": "^7.1". Du musst auf "con4gis/maps": "^8.1" aktualisieren.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  6. #6
    Registriert seit

    Daumen hoch

    Yup, das war es, besten Dank. Hätte ich das aus dem Fehlerlog der Konsole irgendwo direkt erkennen können, dass es an dem con4gis liegt?

  7. #7
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Zitat Zitat von Schremser Beitrag anzeigen
    Yup, das war es, besten Dank. Hätte ich das aus dem Fehlerlog der Konsole irgendwo direkt erkennen können, dass es an dem con4gis liegt?
    Über den Contao Manager nicht, sondern nur über die Konsole mit
    composer install -v
    composer update -v
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

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