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Thema: Installationsprobleme Contao 4.13 - Permission Denied

  1. #1
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von snarosy
    Registriert seit

    Standard Installationsprobleme Contao 4.13 - Permission Denied

    versuche gerade die aktuelle Contao 4.13. mittels Contao Manager zu installieren.
    Bekomme dabei folgenden Fehler:
    > ...
    > @php vendor/bin/contao-setup
     [INFO] An APP_SECRET was generated and written to your .env.local file.        
     [INFO] An empty .env file was created.                                         
    14:31:04 CRITICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi". Message: "Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for writing: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to open stream: Permission denied" ["exception" => Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException { …},"command" => "contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi","message" => "Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for writing: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to open stream: Permission denied"]
    In Filesystem.php line 59:
      Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/  
      src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/  
      betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for wr  
      iting: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to ope  
      n stream: Permission denied                                                  
    contao:install-web-dir []
    14:31:04 CRITICAL  [console] An error occurred while using the console. Message: "An error occurred while executing the "/usr/bin/php8.1 -dmemory_limit=-1 /var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/bin/contao-console contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi" command: 14:31:04 CRITICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi". Message: "Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for writing: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to open stream: Permission denied" ["exception" => Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException { …},"command" => "contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi","message" => "Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for writing: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to open stream: Permission denied"]
    In Filesystem.php line 59:
      Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/  
      src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/  
      betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for wr  
      iting: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to ope  
      n stream: Permission denied                                                  
    contao:install-web-dir []
    " ["exception" => RuntimeException { …},"message" => """  An error occurred while executing the "/usr/bin/php8.1 -dmemory_limit=-1 /var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/bin/contao-console contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi" command: 14:31:04 CRITICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi". Message: "Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for writing: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to open stream: Permission denied" ["exception" => Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException { …},"command" => "contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi","message" => "Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for writing: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to open stream: Permission denied"]\n  \n  In Filesystem.php line 59:\n                                                                                 \n    Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/  \n    src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/  \n    betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for wr  \n    iting: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to ope  \n    n stream: Permission denied                                                  \n                                                                                 \n  \n  contao:install-web-dir []\n  \n  """]
    In ContaoSetupCommand.php line 152:
      An error occurred while executing the "/usr/bin/php8.1 -dmemory_limit=-1 /v  
       contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi" command: 14:31:04 CRIT  
      ICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "contao:install-web-dir   
      public --env=prod --no-ansi". Message: "Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/  
      ublic/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" becaus  
      e target file could not be opened for writing: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/bet  
      onbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to open stream: Permission denied" ["exce  
      ption" => Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception\IOException { …},"command"  
       => "contao:install-web-dir public --env=prod --no-ansi","message" => "Fail  
      ed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/src/  
      Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/beto  
      nbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for writin  
      g: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to open st  
      ream: Permission denied"]                                                    
      In Filesystem.php line 59:                                                   
        Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundl  
        src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinge  
        betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for   
        iting: fopen(/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/public/.htaccess): Failed to o  
        n stream: Permission denied                                                
      contao:install-web-dir []                                            
    Script @php vendor/bin/contao-setup handling the post-install-cmd event returned with error code 1
    # Process terminated with exit code 1
    # Result: General error
    Ich finde da leider nichts vergleichbares, kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben?
    Vermutlich Nutzerrechte?

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Contao-Projekt unterstützen

    Support Contao


    Falls du SSH Zugriff hast, navigiere in die Contao Root Installation (über cd (change directory)) und nutze:

    chmod 0755 public
    Das public Verzeichnis sollte 755 besitzen / die Rechte sollten auf rwxr-xr-x stehen

    User: Read - Write - Execute
    Group: Read - ... - Execute
    Other: Read - ... - Exexute

    Wenn das Public-Verzeichnis nicht auf Execute für Group und Others steht, können die Files nicht gelesen werden. Danach wieder versuchen.
    Meine Vermutung ist, dass die Rechte sehr wahrscheinlich auf 644 gesetzt sind, wenn du den public folder bei deinem Hoster via SFTP / FTP hochgeladen hast.

    Bei Problemen gerne antworten mit weiteren Logs.

    MfG zoglo

    Kann es sein, dass der Manager hier keinen Zugriff hat? Notfalls den Hoster fragen:
      Failed to copy "/var/www/wopfinger/betonbloxx/vendor/contao/manager-bundle/  
      src/Command/../Resources/skeleton/public/.htaccess" to "/var/www/wopfinger/  
      betonbloxx/public/.htaccess" because target file could not be opened for wr  
    Geändert von zoglo (19.06.2023 um 19:02 Uhr)

  3. #3
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von snarosy
    Registriert seit


    Danke für die Unterstützung, es hatte etwas mit den Einstellungen des PHP-Socket im Zusammenhang mit dem User zu tun.
    Mein Provider hat das umgestellt, dann hats funktioniert.

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