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Thema: Installation problem

  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    Standard Installation problem

    Hi Sorry for posting in english, im hoping someone here can help me with this.

    I have Contao 2.11.11 installed on live, which works.
    I have uploaded 3.2 to a subfolder of the 2.11.11.
    3.2 was running on localhost with composer without any issues.

    When i run the Contao check tool on the live server i get:

    Contao Check 8.9
    Safe Mode Hack

    php.ini settings

    The PHP safe_mode is not enabled.

    Creating a test folder

    The test folder could not be created.

    It seems that the PHP process does not have enough permissions to create folders on your server.

    Creating a test file

    The test file could not be created.

    It seems that the PHP process does not have enough permissions to create files on your server.

    You do need the Safe Mode Hack on this server.

    I have tried to install, and get the Modify FTP details, and i have tried to enter the details on this install page, and also i have tried modifying the localconfig.php file, allowing CHMOD to 777 on system/logs, system/tmp, assets/images. I think all files are set as CHMOD 644.

    When using the install FTP details page, hitting save results in the page being refreshed with the fields cleared.
    Trying the localconfig.php method results in the install.php returning a blank page.

    So now I am stuck. So i need some help, as I am not sure if this is a problem on my side, or with the host.

    I have PHP running as CGI application. I have the possibility to use Apache module, but FASTCGI is not offered by the host.

    The answer from my host is that the server is set up for all the requirements to run Contao, and that it must be a permissions issue.

    I think that Apache is being run as www-data and the PHP scripts are running as a specific user. But i would not know how to check if this is the case.

    ALSO, in the 2.11.11 version that works, there is an .htaccess file that was created by .htaccess extension, and although the extension is disabled, the .htaccess file is still there, and i am wondering if that is affecting something. Again, I am not sure.

    Hopefully someone here can help me understand this, as i am currently at a loss as to what the problem is and the possible solution.

    Many thanks in advance.
    Geändert von markclaus (17.07.2014 um 10:03 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Registriert seit


    Zitat Zitat von markclaus Beitrag anzeigen
    I have uploaded 3.2 to a subfolder of the 2.11.11.


    ALSO, in the 2.11.11 version that works, there is an .htaccess file that was created by .htaccess extension, and although the extension is disabled, the .htaccess file is still there, and i am wondering if that is affecting something. Again, I am not sure.
    Hi markclaus,

    I don't think that a subfolder-installation is a good idea. Even with some .htaccess files ;-)
    Maybe try both folders separately.

    But btw, what happens if you open the 3.2 installation folder? Do you get an error? Can you open the /contao directory?

  3. #3
    Registriert seit


    Yes i could open the 3.2 directory. So in the end it was nothing to do with .htaccess.

    It was all down to permissions. Unfortunately the host has the server set up rather securely, you might say, rendering it almost useless. I had to set 777 permissions to get the install tool to work.

    Its horrible, and i know how bad 777 is. Fortunately, the risks are somewhat reduced by the fact that there are no forms or login being used on the website. But still…..not so happy about this.

    Anyway, i got it installed in the end.

    Now, i know that when using SMH (which i had to do) means that the three files in the system folder (logs, tmp, html, and now the assists/images files swell i think) should be changed to 777, but now I a wondering that once Contao is installed, if i can set the permissions on all the other folders and files back to something that isn't open to everyman and his dog???? Or will Contao cease to function again??

    I am really trying to persuade my bosses that we need to move host. But as I am but a cog in the wheel, not much i can do beyond saying my piece. Although i have had it noted that i am not being held responsible if the web page gets defaced, or gets blocked for containing phishing scripts or something that could occur with such open access to the servers files.
    Geändert von markclaus (22.07.2014 um 09:38 Uhr)

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