Hallo Leute,
ich wollte meine Contao 4.4.36 er Version auf 4.7.x mit dem Manager updaten.
Habe soweit von 4.4 auf 4.7 entsprechend geändert.
Wenn ich das jetzt starte kommt
The background task has stopped unexpectedly. Please check the console protocol.
Sorry aber ich habe keine Ahnung was ich machen soll.Code:$ /opt/plesk/php/7.2/bin/php '-q' '/var/www/vhosts/hochsauerlandhalle.de/httpdocs/web/web/contao-manager.phar.php' 'composer' 'require' 'contao/calendar-bundle=^4.7' 'contao/comments-bundle=^4.7' 'contao/faq-bundle=^4.7' 'contao/listing-bundle=^4.7' 'contao/news-bundle=^4.7' 'contao/newsletter-bundle=^4.7' '--no-suggest' '--no-update' '--no-scripts' '--prefer-stable' '--sort-packages' '--no-ansi' '--no-interaction' 2>&1 Using config.component-dir has been deprecated. Please use extra.contao-component-dir instead. /var/www/vhosts/hochsauerlandhalle.de/httpdocs/web/composer.json has been updated # Process terminated with exit code 0 # Result: OK > Resolving dependencies using Composer Cloud v2.0.6 [354.7MiB/9.63s] Loading composer repositories with package information [355.0MiB/9.74s] Updating dependencies [1618.8MiB/49.90s] Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. [1618.8MiB/49.91s] Problem 1 - The requested package contao/manager-bundle (locked at 4.4.36, required as 4.7.*) is satisfiable by contao/manager-bundle[4.4.36] but these conflict with your requirements or minimum-stability. Problem 2 - contao/manager-bundle 4.7.2 requires contao/core-bundle 4.7.2 -> satisfiable by contao/core-bundle[4.7.2]. - Conclusion: don't install contao/core-bundle 4.7.2 - contao/manager-bundle 4.7.1 requires contao/core-bundle 4.7.1 -> satisfiable by contao/core-bundle[4.7.1]. - Conclusion: don't install contao/core-bundle 4.7.1 - Can only install one of: contao/installation-bundle[4.7.0, 4.4.36]. - Can only install one of: contao/installation-bundle[4.7.0, 4.4.36]. - contao/manager-bundle 4.7.0 requires contao/installation-bundle 4.7.0 -> satisfiable by contao/installation-bundle[4.7.0]. - Installation request for contao/manager-bundle 4.7.* -> satisfiable by contao/manager-bundle[4.7.0, 4.7.1, 4.7.2]. - Installation request for contao/installation-bundle (locked at 4.4.36) -> satisfiable by contao/installation-bundle[4.4.36]. [1618.8MiB/49.91s] <warning>Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.</warning> [633.6MiB/59.37s] Memory usage: 633.62MB (peak: 2597.91MB), time: 59.37s. [633.6MiB/59.37s] Finished Composer Cloud resolving. # Cloud Job ID Lxfpu5FhIf8L7qaD1mJ8wFbm0QaOdgqOOATsiIrG2T4GNPAu6mLbPpHGMYr3UUpz1J6QOU0m3RwCjuJbIAovpk failed --- ### The background task has stopped unexpectedly ###
Der Manager sagt alles OK
Danke für Eure Hilfe.
HTML-Code:Contao Logo Systemprüfung Bitte warten, Ihr Server wird überprüft … PHP-Webprozess PHP Version 7.2.16, keine bekannten Probleme gefunden. Serverkonfiguration Konfiguriert als STRATO AG, PHP-Binary in /opt/plesk/php/7.2/bin/php. PHP Kommandozeilen-Programm PHP Version 7.2.16, keine bekannten Probleme gefunden. Updates für den Contao Manager Sie verwenden die aktuelle Version 1.1.4. Composer-Umgebung Keine bekannten Probleme gefunden. Contao-Installation Contao 4.4.36 (API-Version 0) gefunden. Contao Manager 1.1.4 HilfeProbleme melden