Contao-Konferenz 2024
Ergebnis 1 bis 7 von 7

Thema: Update von 4.8.8 auf 4.9.0 schlägt feht

  1. #1
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von allmächt!
    Registriert seit
    91174 Spalt

    Standard Update von 4.8.8 auf 4.9.0 schlägt feht

    Guten Tag,
    ich 6 Installationen von 4.8.8 am laufen. Bei dreien klappte das Update auf 4.9.0 ohne Probleme, bei dreien schlägt es fehl.
    Hier die Meldung bei der ersten Fehlgeschlagenen:

    contao/core-bundle is not required in your composer.json and has not been removed
    contao/installation-bundle is not required in your composer.json and has not been removed
    # Process terminated with exit code 0
    # Result: OK
    > Resolving dependencies using Composer Cloud v2.2.4
    [6.9MiB/0.54s] Loading composer repositories with package information
    [7.3MiB/0.72s] Updating dependencies
    [2040.0MiB/46.47s] Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Installation request for contao/calendar-bundle 4.9.* -> satisfiable by contao/calendar-bundle[4.9.0].
        - contao/calendar-bundle 4.9.0 requires contao/core-bundle 4.9.0 -> satisfiable by contao/core-bundle[4.9.0].
        - Conclusion: don't install symfony/css-selector v5.0.4
        - contao/core-bundle 4.9.0 requires terminal42/escargot ^0.5.1 -> satisfiable by terminal42/escargot[0.5.1, 0.5.2, 0.5.3, 0.5.4, 0.5.5].
        - terminal42/escargot 0.5.1 requires symfony/css-selector ^4.3 -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[v4.3.0, v4.3.1, v4.3.10, v4.3.11, v4.3.2, v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6, v4.3.7, v4.3.8, v4.3.9, v4.4.0, v4.4.1, v4.4.2, v4.4.3, v4.4.4].
        - terminal42/escargot 0.5.2 requires symfony/css-selector ^4.3 -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[v4.3.0, v4.3.1, v4.3.10, v4.3.11, v4.3.2, v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6, v4.3.7, v4.3.8, v4.3.9, v4.4.0, v4.4.1, v4.4.2, v4.4.3, v4.4.4].
        - terminal42/escargot 0.5.3 requires symfony/css-selector ^4.3 -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[v4.3.0, v4.3.1, v4.3.10, v4.3.11, v4.3.2, v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6, v4.3.7, v4.3.8, v4.3.9, v4.4.0, v4.4.1, v4.4.2, v4.4.3, v4.4.4].
        - terminal42/escargot 0.5.4 requires symfony/css-selector ^4.3 -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[v4.3.0, v4.3.1, v4.3.10, v4.3.11, v4.3.2, v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6, v4.3.7, v4.3.8, v4.3.9, v4.4.0, v4.4.1, v4.4.2, v4.4.3, v4.4.4].
        - terminal42/escargot 0.5.5 requires symfony/css-selector ^4.3 -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[v4.3.0, v4.3.1, v4.3.10, v4.3.11, v4.3.2, v4.3.3, v4.3.4, v4.3.5, v4.3.6, v4.3.7, v4.3.8, v4.3.9, v4.4.0, v4.4.1, v4.4.2, v4.4.3, v4.4.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.0, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.1, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.10, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.11, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.2, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.3, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.4, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.5, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.6, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.7, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.8, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.3.9, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.4.0, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.4.1, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.4.2, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.4.3, v5.0.4].
        - Can only install one of: symfony/css-selector[v4.4.4, v5.0.4].
        - Installation request for symfony/css-selector (locked at v5.0.4) -> satisfiable by symfony/css-selector[v5.0.4].
    [2040.0MiB/46.48s] <warning>Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.</warning>
    [438.0MiB/48.35s] Memory usage: 438.04MB (peak: 2040.85MB), time: 48.36s.
    [438.0MiB/48.35s] Finished Composer Cloud resolving.
    # Cloud Job ID 91c5udPjBWB1KbHt2fSQgDVPGgurnOsvnYYydgOMEv2PESkoe4xZJ1Bap9i8UFcSqUgYO8oPKSVXJvd2vbQA1malHkA5XrbeKTH0FBpvwK failed
    ### The background task has stopped unexpectedly ###
    Weiß jemand Rat?

    Die Meldungen der beiden anderen Fehlgeschlagenen kommen später ...
    Grüße aus Mittelfranken-Süd

    Ergänzung: Die Fehlermeldung bei der zweiten Installation, die das Update verweigert, lautet genauso.
    Die Meldung bei der Dritten sieht so aus:

    $ /usr/bin/php7.1 -q /home/www/xxx/web/contao-manager.phar.php composer require contao/manager-bundle=4.9.* contao/news-bundle=4.9.* contao/calendar-bundle=4.9.* contao/faq-bundle=4.9.* contao/comments-bundle=4.9.* contao/newsletter-bundle=4.9.* contao/listing-bundle=4.9.* --no-suggest --no-update --no-scripts --prefer-stable --sort-packages --no-ansi --no-interaction
    /home/www/xxx/composer.json has been updated
    # Process terminated with exit code 0
    # Result: OK
    $ /usr/bin/php7.1 -q /home/www/xxx/web/contao-manager.phar.php composer remove contao/core-bundle contao/installation-bundle --no-update --no-scripts --no-ansi --no-interaction
    contao/core-bundle is not required in your composer.json and has not been removed
    contao/installation-bundle is not required in your composer.json and has not been removed
    # Process terminated with exit code 0
    # Result: OK
    > Resolving dependencies using Composer Cloud v2.2.4
    [6.7MiB/0.30s] Loading composer repositories with package information
    [7.1MiB/0.43s] Updating dependencies
    [2043.7MiB/90.95s] Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
      Problem 1
        - Installation request for contao/calendar-bundle 4.9.* -> satisfiable by contao/calendar-bundle[4.9.0].
        - contao/calendar-bundle 4.9.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.4.2) overridden by "config.platform.php" version ( does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 2
        - Installation request for contao/comments-bundle 4.9.* -> satisfiable by contao/comments-bundle[4.9.0].
        - contao/comments-bundle 4.9.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.4.2) overridden by "config.platform.php" version ( does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 3
        - Installation request for contao/faq-bundle 4.9.* -> satisfiable by contao/faq-bundle[4.9.0].
        - contao/faq-bundle 4.9.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.4.2) overridden by "config.platform.php" version ( does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 4
        - Installation request for contao/listing-bundle 4.9.* -> satisfiable by contao/listing-bundle[4.9.0].
        - contao/listing-bundle 4.9.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.4.2) overridden by "config.platform.php" version ( does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 5
        - Installation request for contao/manager-bundle 4.9.* -> satisfiable by contao/manager-bundle[4.9.0].
        - contao/manager-bundle 4.9.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.4.2) overridden by "config.platform.php" version ( does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 6
        - Installation request for contao/news-bundle 4.9.* -> satisfiable by contao/news-bundle[4.9.0].
        - contao/news-bundle 4.9.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.4.2) overridden by "config.platform.php" version ( does not satisfy that requirement.
      Problem 7
        - Installation request for contao/newsletter-bundle 4.9.* -> satisfiable by contao/newsletter-bundle[4.9.0].
        - contao/newsletter-bundle 4.9.0 requires php ^7.2 -> your PHP version (7.4.2) overridden by "config.platform.php" version ( does not satisfy that requirement.
    [2043.7MiB/90.96s] <warning>Running update with --no-dev does not mean require-dev is ignored, it just means the packages will not be installed. If dev requirements are blocking the update you have to resolve those problems.</warning>
    [437.9MiB/92.89s] Memory usage: 437.91MB (peak: 2044.53MB), time: 92.9s.
    [437.9MiB/92.89s] Finished Composer Cloud resolving.
    # Cloud Job ID 19oVPgcG5cPFcTsKG4nD8AQ3CwmSpOO4LoG9o71fQKSTPTuY5ojMICRVDGVZOkAiSPTZPvvERq56I5BhypQpcWRpyoyu68yjHFM failed
    ### The background task has stopped unexpectedly ###
    Geändert von allmächt! (26.02.2020 um 15:11 Uhr)
    Grüße von Rudolf (alias allmächt! --> beliebter Ausdruck in Mittelfranken-Süd )

  2. #2
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Arno
    Registriert seit


    Zeige uns bitte mal deine composer.json.

  3. #3
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Führe eine vollständige Paketaktualisierung durch.

  4. #4
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von allmächt!
    Registriert seit
    91174 Spalt


    Zitat Zitat von Spooky Beitrag anzeigen
    Führe eine vollständige Paketaktualisierung durch.
    Ich habe die 4.8.8 zuvor vollständig aktualisiert.
    Grüße von Rudolf (alias allmächt! --> beliebter Ausdruck in Mittelfranken-Süd )

  5. #5
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von allmächt!
    Registriert seit
    91174 Spalt


    Zitat Zitat von Arno Beitrag anzeigen
    Zeige uns bitte mal deine composer.json.
    Hier ist sie:

        "name": "contao/managed-edition",
        "type": "project",
        "description": "Contao Open Source CMS",
        "license": "LGPL-3.0-or-later",
        "authors": [
                "name": "Leo Feyer",
                "homepage": ""
        "require": {
            "php": "^7.1",
            "bugbuster/contao-be_user_online-bundle": "^2.0",
            "bugbuster/contao-botdetection-bundle": "^1.0",
            "bugbuster/contao-botstatistics-bundle": "^1.0",
            "bugbuster/contao-visitors-bundle": "^1.3",
            "codefog/contao-cookiebar": "^2.2",
            "contao/calendar-bundle": "4.8.*",
            "contao/comments-bundle": "4.8.*",
            "contao/conflicts": "*@dev",
            "contao/listing-bundle": "4.8.*",
            "contao/manager-bundle": "4.8.*",
            "contao/news-bundle": "4.8.*",
            "contao/newsletter-bundle": "4.8.*",
            "craffft/contao-calendar-ical-bundle": "^4.1",
            "dklemmt/contao_dk_mmenu": "^2.1",
            "erdmannfreunde/euf_grid": "^3.",
            "georgpreissl/imagecrop": "^1.4",
            "heimrichhannot/contao-teaser-bundle": "^1.0",
            "ma3xl3/contao-easy-favicon": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider": "^2.0"
        "conflict": {
            "contao-components/installer": "<1.3",
            "doctrine/dbal": "2.9.1"
        "require-dev": {
            "sensiolabs/security-checker": "^4.1"
        "extra": {
            "branch-alias": {
                "dev-4.6": "4.6.x-dev"
            "contao-component-dir": "assets"
        "autoload": {
            "psr-4": {
                "App\\": "src/"
        "scripts": {
            "post-install-cmd": [
            "post-update-cmd": [
    Grüße von Rudolf (alias allmächt! --> beliebter Ausdruck in Mittelfranken-Süd )

  6. #6
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Zitat Zitat von allmächt! Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich habe die 4.8.8 zuvor vollständig aktualisiert.
    Nein, du musst für das Update eine vollständige Paketaktualisierung durchführen.

  7. #7
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von allmächt!
    Registriert seit
    91174 Spalt


    Zitat Zitat von Spooky Beitrag anzeigen
    Nein, du musst für das Update eine vollständige Paketaktualisierung durchführen.
    Also: bei den zwei erstgenannten hat es mit dem spookischen Hinweis geklappt. Danke dafür. Es ist schon erstaunlich, wass alles klappt, wenn man es richtig macht.

    Allerdings: beim Dritten (siehe 2. Listing) schlägt die Aktualisierung immer noch fehl, auch mit vollständiger Aktualisierung.

    Ahhh, habe gerade die PHP-Version auf dem Server geprüft: Asche auf mein Haupt, es war noch 7.1.n eingestellt. Dann sollte es jetzt klappen.

    Geändert von allmächt! (26.02.2020 um 16:38 Uhr)
    Grüße von Rudolf (alias allmächt! --> beliebter Ausdruck in Mittelfranken-Süd )

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