Ergebnis 1 bis 5 von 5

Thema: Fehler beim Update von 4.9.5 auf 4.13.14 (Fatal error: Could not check compatibility)

  1. #1
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von Carino
    Registriert seit
    Reichshof, NRW

    Standard Fehler beim Update von 4.9.5 auf 4.13.14 (Fatal error: Could not check compatibility)

    Hallo und guten Abend,

    ich habe seit langem mal ein Problem mit einer Installation, wo ich nicht weiterkomme. Vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen oder den "einen" Tipp geben ;-)

    Welche Contao Version ist installiert? Contao 4.9.5 (ursprünglich von 4.4 upgedated) mit PHP 7.4
    Wenn nicht die aktuellste Version von Contao verwendet wird, warum (Probleme beim Update, benötigte Erweiterung noch nicht kompatibel, usw)? Bin ja dabei ;-)
    Wo ist Contao installiert (Hoster, lokale Testumgebung, usw.)? Domainfactory
    Wie ist Contao installiert / upgedated worden (ContaoManager, Composer über CLI, zip-Datei, usw.)? Über ContaoManager
    Gibt es Zugang zur Contao Installation mittels Konsole / SSH? ja, bei Bedarf per PN
    Welche Erweiterungen sind installiert?

        "type": "project",
        "require": {
            "contao/calendar-bundle": "4.9.5",
            "contao/comments-bundle": "4.9.5",
            "contao/conflicts": "*@dev",
            "contao/faq-bundle": "4.9.5",
            "contao/listing-bundle": "4.9.5",
            "contao/manager-bundle": "4.9.5",
            "contao/news-bundle": "4.9.5",
            "contao/newsletter-bundle": "4.9.5",
            "felixpfeiffer/subcolumns": "^3.1",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-columns": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements": "^2.2",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-frontend-helper": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-icon-picker": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-mega-menu": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-theme-assistant": "^2.0",
            "terminal42/contao-pageimage": "^3.3"
        "extra": {
            "contao-component-dir": "assets"
        "scripts": {
            "post-install-cmd": [
            "post-update-cmd": [
    Das Problem ist ja scheinbar dieses, aber ich weiß gar nicht, was ich hier machen kann:

    An error occurred while executing the "contao:install-web-dir" command: PHP Fatal error: Could not check compatibility between Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\La zyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate(Reflection Class $originalClass, Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator): void and ProxyManager\ProxyGenerator\LazyLoadingValueHolder Generator::generate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Laminas\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator), because class Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator is not available in /kunden/ on line 33

    Alles mögliche geht, Cache leeren, Installer ausführen - außer: Composer Update ausführen bzw. (Alle) Pakete aktualisieren.

    Hier der Komplette Code:

    $ /usr/bin/php -q -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddisplay_errors=0 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Berlin /kunden/ composer install --no-dev --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader
    Installing dependencies from lock file
    Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
    Package operations: 2 installs, 3 updates, 1 removal
      - Removing friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.13)
      - Upgrading contao-community-alliance/composer-plugin (3.1.6 => 3.2.2): Extracting archive
      - Downgrading symfony/doctrine-bridge (v4.4.48 => v4.4.34): Extracting archive
      - Installing webimpress/safe-writer (2.2.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing ocramius/proxy-manager (2.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Downgrading symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v4.4.39 => v4.4.18): Extracting archive
    Package contao-components/highlight is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package doctrine/reflection is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use roave/better-reflection instead.
    Package league/uri-hostname-parser is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package league/uri-schemes is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard-bundle instead.
    Package patchwork/utf8 is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/polyfill-mbstring or symfony/string instead.
    Package phpunit/php-token-stream is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package scheb/two-factor-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use scheb/2fa-bundle instead.
    Package swiftmailer/swiftmailer is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead.
    Package symfony/swiftmailer-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    Package true/punycode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead.
    Generating optimized autoload files
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\AbstractUri located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Data located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\File located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Ftp located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Http located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Uri located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\UriException located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Ws located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: Generating version class...
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: ...done generating version class
    contao/manager-plugin: Dumping generated plugins file...
    contao/manager-plugin: ...done dumping generated plugins file
    Class Contao\ManagerPlugin\PluginLoader located in ./vendor/contao/manager-plugin/src/Resources/PluginLoader.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    90 packages you are using are looking for funding.
    Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
    > Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication
    PHP Fatal error:  Could not check compatibility between Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator): void and ProxyManager\ProxyGenerator\LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Laminas\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator), because class Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator is not available in /kunden/ on line 33
    Script Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception
    In ScriptHandler.php line 89:
      An error occurred while executing the "contao:install-web-dir" command: PHP  
       Fatal error:  Could not check compatibility between Symfony\Bridge\ProxyMa  
      ionClass $originalClass, Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator  
      ): void and ProxyManager\ProxyGenerator\LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::ge  
      nerate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Laminas\Code\Generator\ClassGenerato  
      r $classGenerator), because class Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator is not  
       available in /kunden/  
      p on line 33                                                                 
    install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-suggest] [--no-dev] [--no-autoloader] [--no-progress] [--no-install] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--apcu-autoloader-prefix APCU-AUTOLOADER-PREFIX] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>...]
    # Process terminated with exit code 1
    # Result: General error
    Wenn jemand eine Idee hat, wäre ich über einen Hinweis sehr dankbar!

    Vielen Dank,
    Geändert von Carino (14.12.2022 um 18:34 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Contao-Projekt unterstützen

    Support Contao


    Habe gerade die selben Abhängigkeiten installiert und bekomme ohne Probleme ein Update durch.

    Laut deiner Fehlermeldung nutzt irgendeine Abhängigkeit die "LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate(... )"-Methode, dies aber ohne Use-Statement.
    Die selbe Methode wird nun in den 3 gelisteten Plugins gefunden.

    Was eventuell helfen könnte:
    - Deine composer.lock (Alle installierten Versionen mit Abhängigkeiten) sichern (Eventuell kann diese später geteilt werden)
    - Die composer.lock löschen
    - Vendor-Ordner löschen
    - Gesamtes Composer update machen

    Versuch mal die composer.lock dieser Umgebung lokal mit "composer install" zu installieren und teste das oben beschriebene Vorgehen.

  3. #3
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von Carino
    Registriert seit
    Reichshof, NRW


    Hallo Zoglo,

    wow das ging schnell !!!

    Ich habe die Composer.json und .lock gesichert, die .lock gelöscht, den gesamten Vendor-Ordner gelöscht. Beim Reload war kein Composer mehr da, habe ihn über den Contao Manager 1.6.1 dann neu installieren wollen und bekam die u.g. Konsolenausgabe.

    $ /usr/bin/php -q -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddisplay_errors=0 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Berlin /kunden/ composer install --no-dev --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader
    Installing dependencies from lock file
    Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
    Package operations: 187 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
      - Downloading contao-components/installer (1.4.1)
      - Downloading composer/package-versions-deprecated (
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/deprecation-contracts (v2.5.2)
      - Downloading symfony/mime (v5.4.16)
      - Downloading symfony/http-foundation (v4.4.49)
      - Downloading symfony/http-client-contracts (v2.5.2)
      - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v1.1.13)
      - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher (v4.4.44)
      - Downloading symfony/var-dumper (v4.4.47)
      - Downloading psr/log (1.1.4)
      - Downloading symfony/debug (v4.4.44)
      - Downloading symfony/error-handler (v4.4.44)
      - Downloading symfony/http-kernel (v4.4.49)
      - Downloading psr/container (1.1.2)
      - Downloading symfony/service-contracts (v2.5.2)
      - Downloading symfony/dependency-injection (v4.4.49)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/filesystem (v4.4.42)
      - Downloading symfony/config (v4.4.44)
      - Downloading symfony/routing (v4.4.44)
      - Downloading symfony/process (v4.4.44)
      - Downloading symfony/finder (v4.4.44)
      - Downloading ausi/slug-generator (v1.1.1)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading dasprid/enum (1.0.3)
      - Downloading bacon/bacon-qr-code (2.0.8)
      - Downloading contao-components/ace (1.14.0)
      - Downloading contao-components/chosen (1.2.5)
      - Downloading contao-components/colorbox (1.6.6)
      - Downloading contao-components/colorpicker (1.5.2)
      - Downloading contao-components/contao (9.3.2)
      - Downloading contao-components/datepicker (2.3.2)
      - Downloading contao-components/dropzone (5.9.3)
      - Downloading contao-components/highlight (9.18.1)
      - Downloading contao-components/jquery (3.6.2)
      - Downloading contao-components/jquery-ui (1.13.2)
      - Downloading contao-components/mediabox (1.5.5)
      - Downloading contao-components/mootools (
      - Downloading contao-components/simplemodal (2.1.1)
      - Downloading contao-components/swipe (2.2.0)
      - Downloading contao-components/tablesort (4.0.1)
      - Downloading contao-components/tablesorter (2.31.3)
      - Downloading contao-components/tinymce4 (4.9.12)
      - Downloading symfony/yaml (v4.4.45)
      - Downloading patchwork/utf8 (v1.3.3)
      - Downloading symfony/options-resolver (v5.4.11)
      - Downloading psr/http-message (1.0.1)
      - Downloading php-http/message-factory (v1.0.2)
      - Downloading clue/stream-filter (v1.6.0)
      - Downloading php-http/message (1.13.0)
      - Downloading php-http/discovery (1.14.3)
      - Downloading symfony/http-client (v4.4.49)
      - Downloading psr/http-factory (1.0.1)
      - Downloading psr/http-client (1.0.1)
      - Downloading php-http/promise (1.1.0)
      - Downloading php-http/httplug (2.3.0)
      - Downloading php-http/client-common (2.6.0)
      - Downloading friendsofsymfony/http-cache (2.15.0)
      - Downloading wikimedia/less.php (1.8.2)
      - Downloading webignition/disallowed-character-terminated-string (2.0)
      - Downloading webignition/robots-txt-file (3.0)
      - Downloading composer/ca-bundle (1.3.4)
      - Downloading ua-parser/uap-php (v3.9.14)
      - Downloading twig/twig (v2.15.3)
      - Downloading true/punycode (v2.1.1)
      - Downloading psr/cache (1.0.1)
      - Downloading doctrine/lexer (1.2.3)
      - Downloading doctrine/annotations (1.14.1)
      - Downloading terminal42/service-annotation-bundle (1.1.4)
      - Downloading symfony/dom-crawler (v4.4.45)
      - Downloading nyholm/psr7 (1.5.1)
      - Downloading symfony/translation-contracts (v2.5.2)
      - Downloading symfony/twig-bridge (v4.4.49)
      - Downloading symfony/twig-bundle (v4.4.41)
      - Downloading symfony/translation (v4.4.47)
      - Downloading egulias/email-validator (3.2.1)
      - Downloading swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v6.3.0)
      - Downloading symfony/swiftmailer-bundle (v3.5.4)
      - Downloading symfony/security-core (v4.4.48)
      - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.27.0)
      - Downloading symfony/string (v5.4.15)
      - Downloading symfony/property-info (v5.4.16)
      - Downloading symfony/property-access (v5.4.15)
      - Downloading symfony/security-http (v4.4.48)
      - Downloading symfony/security-guard (v4.4.46)
      - Downloading symfony/security-csrf (v5.2.12)
      - Downloading symfony/security-bundle (v4.4.44)
      - Downloading monolog/monolog (1.27.1)
      - Downloading symfony/monolog-bridge (v4.4.43)
      - Downloading symfony/lock (v4.4.46)
      - Downloading symfony/var-exporter (v5.4.10)
      - Downloading symfony/cache-contracts (v2.5.2)
      - Downloading symfony/cache (v4.4.48)
      - Downloading symfony/framework-bundle (v4.4.49)
      - Downloading symfony/expression-language (v4.4.47)
      - Downloading symfony/console (v4.4.49)
      - Downloading symfony/asset (v4.4.46)
      - Downloading symfony-cmf/routing (2.3.4)
      - Downloading symfony-cmf/routing-bundle (2.5.1)
      - Downloading paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v2.6.3)
      - Downloading beberlei/assert (v3.3.2)
      - Downloading spomky-labs/otphp (v9.1.4)
      - Downloading simplepie/simplepie (1.7.0)
      - Downloading scssphp/scssphp (v1.11.0)
      - Downloading lcobucci/jwt (3.4.6)
      - Downloading scheb/two-factor-bundle (v4.18.4)
      - Downloading paragonie/random_compat (v9.99.100)
      - Downloading ramsey/uuid (3.9.6)
      - Downloading phpunit/php-token-stream (3.1.3)
      - Downloading phpspec/php-diff (v1.1.3)
      - Downloading michelf/php-markdown (1.9.1)
      - Downloading matthiasmullie/path-converter (1.1.3)
      - Downloading matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.70)
      - Downloading league/uri-parser (1.4.1)
      - Downloading league/uri-interfaces (1.1.1)
      - Downloading league/uri-schemes (1.2.1)
      - Downloading psr/simple-cache (1.0.1)
      - Downloading league/uri-hostname-parser (1.1.2)
      - Downloading league/uri-components (1.8.2)
      - Downloading knplabs/knp-time-bundle (v1.19.0)
      - Downloading imagine/imagine (1.3.3)
      - Downloading friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle (2.14.0)
      - Downloading dragonmantank/cron-expression (v2.3.1)
      - Downloading doctrine/reflection (1.2.3)
      - Downloading doctrine/deprecations (v1.0.0)
      - Downloading doctrine/event-manager (1.2.0)
      - Downloading doctrine/collections (1.8.0)
      - Downloading doctrine/cache (1.13.0)
      - Downloading doctrine/persistence (1.3.8)
      - Downloading doctrine/instantiator (1.4.1)
      - Downloading doctrine/inflector (1.4.4)
      - Downloading doctrine/dbal (2.13.9)
      - Downloading doctrine/common (2.13.3)
      - Downloading doctrine/orm (2.7.5)
      - Downloading doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle (1.4.0)
      - Downloading jdorn/sql-formatter (v1.2.17)
      - Downloading doctrine/doctrine-bundle (1.12.13)
      - Downloading webmozart/assert (1.11.0)
      - Downloading webmozart/path-util (2.3.0)
      - Downloading contao/image (1.1.1)
      - Downloading toflar/psr6-symfony-http-cache-store (2.3.1)
      - Downloading symfony/web-profiler-bundle (v4.4.47)
      - Downloading symfony/stopwatch (v4.4.46)
      - Downloading laminas/laminas-code (4.7.1)
      - Downloading symfony/monolog-bundle (v3.8.0)
      - Downloading symfony/dotenv (v4.4.37)
      - Downloading symfony/debug-bundle (v4.4.37)
      - Downloading nelmio/security-bundle (v2.12.0)
      - Downloading lexik/maintenance-bundle (v2.1.5)
      - Downloading menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard (3.3.17)
      - Downloading felixpfeiffer/subcolumns (3.1.7)
      - Downloading madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements (v2.3.12)
      - Downloading madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-frontend-helper (v2.1.3)
      - Downloading madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-icon-picker (v2.0.3)
      - Downloading madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider (v2.1.8)
      - Downloading madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-columns (v2.0.3)
      - Downloading madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-mega-menu (v2.1.4)
      - Downloading madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-theme-assistant (v2.0.5)
      - Downloading terminal42/contao-pageimage (3.4.3)
      - Installing contao-components/installer (1.4.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing composer/package-versions-deprecated ( Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v2.5.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/mime (v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v4.4.49): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/http-client-contracts (v2.5.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v1.1.13): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v4.4.44): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/var-dumper (v4.4.47): Extracting archive
      - Installing psr/log (1.1.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/debug (v4.4.44): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/error-handler (v4.4.44): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v4.4.49): Extracting archive
      - Installing psr/container (1.1.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v2.5.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/dependency-injection (v4.4.49): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/filesystem (v4.4.42): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/config (v4.4.44): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/routing (v4.4.44): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/process (v4.4.44): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/finder (v4.4.44): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/manager-plugin (2.12.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-community-alliance/composer-plugin (3.2.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing ausi/slug-generator (v1.1.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing dasprid/enum (1.0.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing bacon/bacon-qr-code (2.0.8): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/ace (1.14.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/chosen (1.2.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/colorbox (1.6.6): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/colorpicker (1.5.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/contao (9.3.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/datepicker (2.3.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/dropzone (5.9.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/highlight (9.18.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/jquery (3.6.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/jquery-ui (1.13.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/mediabox (1.5.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/mootools ( Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/simplemodal (2.1.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/swipe (2.2.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/tablesort (4.0.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/tablesorter (2.31.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao-components/tinymce4 (4.9.12): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/yaml (v4.4.45): Extracting archive
      - Installing patchwork/utf8 (v1.3.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/options-resolver (v5.4.11): Extracting archive
      - Installing psr/http-message (1.0.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing php-http/message-factory (v1.0.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing clue/stream-filter (v1.6.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing php-http/message (1.13.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing php-http/discovery (1.14.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/http-client (v4.4.49): Extracting archive
      - Installing psr/http-factory (1.0.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing psr/http-client (1.0.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing php-http/promise (1.1.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing php-http/httplug (2.3.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing php-http/client-common (2.6.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing friendsofsymfony/http-cache (2.15.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing wikimedia/less.php (1.8.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing webignition/disallowed-character-terminated-string (2.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing webignition/robots-txt-file (3.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing composer/ca-bundle (1.3.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing ua-parser/uap-php (v3.9.14): Extracting archive
      - Installing twig/twig (v2.15.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing true/punycode (v2.1.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing psr/cache (1.0.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/lexer (1.2.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/annotations (1.14.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing terminal42/service-annotation-bundle (1.1.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/dom-crawler (v4.4.45): Extracting archive
      - Installing nyholm/psr7 (1.5.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing terminal42/escargot (0.6.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/translation-contracts (v2.5.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/twig-bridge (v4.4.49): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/twig-bundle (v4.4.41): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/translation (v4.4.47): Extracting archive
      - Installing egulias/email-validator (3.2.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v6.3.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/swiftmailer-bundle (v3.5.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/security-core (v4.4.48): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.27.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/string (v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/property-info (v5.4.16): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/property-access (v5.4.15): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/security-http (v4.4.48): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/security-guard (v4.4.46): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/security-csrf (v5.2.12): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/security-bundle (v4.4.44): Extracting archive
      - Installing monolog/monolog (1.27.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/monolog-bridge (v4.4.43): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/lock (v4.4.46): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/var-exporter (v5.4.10): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/cache-contracts (v2.5.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/cache (v4.4.48): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/framework-bundle (v4.4.49): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/expression-language (v4.4.47): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/console (v4.4.49): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/asset (v4.4.46): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony-cmf/routing (2.3.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony-cmf/routing-bundle (2.5.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v2.6.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing beberlei/assert (v3.3.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing spomky-labs/otphp (v9.1.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing simplepie/simplepie (1.7.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing scssphp/scssphp (v1.11.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing lcobucci/jwt (3.4.6): Extracting archive
      - Installing scheb/two-factor-bundle (v4.18.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v9.99.100): Extracting archive
      - Installing ramsey/uuid (3.9.6): Extracting archive
      - Installing phpunit/php-token-stream (3.1.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing phpspec/php-diff (v1.1.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing nelmio/cors-bundle (2.2.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing michelf/php-markdown (1.9.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing matthiasmullie/path-converter (1.1.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.70): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/uri-parser (1.4.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/uri-interfaces (1.1.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/uri-schemes (1.2.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing psr/simple-cache (1.0.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/uri-hostname-parser (1.1.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing league/uri-components (1.8.2): Extracting archive
      - Installing knplabs/knp-time-bundle (v1.19.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing knplabs/knp-menu (v3.3.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing knplabs/knp-menu-bundle (v3.2.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing imagine/imagine (1.3.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle (2.14.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing dragonmantank/cron-expression (v2.3.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/reflection (1.2.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/deprecations (v1.0.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/event-manager (1.2.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/collections (1.8.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/cache (1.13.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/persistence (1.3.8): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.4.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/inflector (1.4.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/dbal (2.13.9): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/common (2.13.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/orm (2.7.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/doctrine-bridge (v4.4.34): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle (1.4.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing jdorn/sql-formatter (v1.2.17): Extracting archive
      - Installing doctrine/doctrine-bundle (1.12.13): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/imagine-svg (1.0.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing webmozart/assert (1.11.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing webmozart/path-util (2.3.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/image (1.1.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/core-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/calendar-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/comments-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/conflicts (dev-main 9657cca)
      - Installing contao/faq-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/listing-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing toflar/psr6-symfony-http-cache-store (2.3.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/web-profiler-bundle (v4.4.47): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/stopwatch (v4.4.46): Extracting archive
      - Installing webimpress/safe-writer (2.2.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing laminas/laminas-code (4.7.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing ocramius/proxy-manager (2.13.1): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v4.4.18): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/monolog-bundle (v3.8.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/dotenv (v4.4.37): Extracting archive
      - Installing symfony/debug-bundle (v4.4.37): Extracting archive
      - Installing nelmio/security-bundle (v2.12.0): Extracting archive
      - Installing lexik/maintenance-bundle (v2.1.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/installation-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/manager-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/news-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing contao/newsletter-bundle (4.9.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard (3.3.17): Extracting archive
      - Installing felixpfeiffer/subcolumns (3.1.7): Extracting archive
      - Installing madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements (v2.3.12): Extracting archive
      - Installing madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-frontend-helper (v2.1.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-icon-picker (v2.0.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider (v2.1.8): Extracting archive
      - Installing madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-columns (v2.0.3): Extracting archive
      - Installing madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-mega-menu (v2.1.4): Extracting archive
      - Installing madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-theme-assistant (v2.0.5): Extracting archive
      - Installing terminal42/contao-pageimage (3.4.3): Extracting archive
    Package contao-components/highlight is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package doctrine/reflection is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use roave/better-reflection instead.
    Package league/uri-hostname-parser is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package league/uri-schemes is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard-bundle instead.
    Package patchwork/utf8 is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/polyfill-mbstring or symfony/string instead.
    Package phpunit/php-token-stream is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package scheb/two-factor-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use scheb/2fa-bundle instead.
    Package swiftmailer/swiftmailer is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead.
    Package symfony/swiftmailer-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    Package true/punycode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead.
    Generating optimized autoload files
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: Generating version class...
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: ...done generating version class
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\AbstractUri located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Data located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\File located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Ftp located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Http located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Uri located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\UriException located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class League\Uri\Schemes\Ws located in ./vendor/league/uri-schemes/src/Schemes/deprecated.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    Class Contao\ManagerPlugin\PluginLoader located in ./vendor/contao/manager-plugin/src/Resources/PluginLoader.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    90 packages you are using are looking for funding.
    Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
    contao/manager-plugin: Dumping generated plugins file...
    contao/manager-plugin: ...done dumping generated plugins file
    PHP Fatal error:  Could not check compatibility between Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator): void and ProxyManager\ProxyGenerator\LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Laminas\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator), because class Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator is not available in /kunden/ on line 33
    > Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication
    Script Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception
    In ScriptHandler.php line 89:
      An error occurred while executing the "contao:install-web-dir" command: PHP  
       Fatal error:  Could not check compatibility between Symfony\Bridge\ProxyMa  
      ionClass $originalClass, Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator  
      ): void and ProxyManager\ProxyGenerator\LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::ge  
      nerate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Laminas\Code\Generator\ClassGenerato  
      r $classGenerator), because class Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator is not  
       available in /kunden/  
      p on line 33                                                                 
    install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-suggest] [--no-dev] [--no-autoloader] [--no-progress] [--no-install] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--apcu-autoloader-prefix APCU-AUTOLOADER-PREFIX] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [...]
    # Process terminated with exit code 1
    # Result: General error
    Nach einem erneuten Reload:

    vendor/bin/contao-console list
    PHP Fatal error:  Could not check compatibility between Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\PhpDumper\LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator): void and ProxyManager\ProxyGenerator\LazyLoadingValueHolderGenerator::generate(ReflectionClass $originalClass, Laminas\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator $classGenerator), because class Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator is not available in /kunden/ on line 33
    Nach einer automatischen Reparatur komme ich in eine Schleife, erst über den abgesicherten Modus komme ich wieder rein. Aber an der Fehlermeldung scheint es keine Verbesserung zu geben.

    Habe ich dich denn richtig verstanden?

    Trotzdem schonmal vielen Dank. Bisher dachte ich immer, dass man die .lock Datei gar nicht löschen dürfte. ^^

    Viele Grüße,

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    Contao-Projekt unterstützen

    Support Contao


    Nunja, die composer lock dient der Installation aller Pakete in den bisherigen Versionen über den Befehl "contao-install".
    Der Contao-Manager führt immer nur ein Composer-Update auf die ausgewählten Pakete aus.

    Ein komplettes "composer update" installiert alle neuen Versionen.

    Sofern eine neue Version eines Pakets / einer Abhängigkeit dazu führt (Major-Versionen), dass es zu Schäden kommt, ist das Löschen der composer.lock kein empfohlener Weg.

    Magst du mal folgende composer.json versuchen?

        "type": "project",
        "require": {
            "contao/calendar-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/comments-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/conflicts": "*@dev",
            "contao/faq-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/listing-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/manager-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/news-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "contao/newsletter-bundle": "4.9.*",
            "felixpfeiffer/subcolumns": "^3.1",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-columns": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements": "^2.2",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-frontend-helper": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-icon-picker": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-mega-menu": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider": "^2.0",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-theme-assistant": "^2.0",
            "terminal42/contao-pageimage": "^3.3"
        "extra": {
            "contao-component-dir": "assets"
        "scripts": {
            "post-install-cmd": [
            "post-update-cmd": [

    Hier gibt es keinen "Lock" der Contao-Version mehr (in deiner composer.json wird Contao auf Version 4.9.5 festgesetzt).

    Damit installierst du die aktuelle 4.9 LTS - Eventuell steht im Manager als Contao-Version "4.9.5" drin anstatt "4.9.*".

    Wenn das erfolgreich durchgelaufen ist, kannst du auch die genannten "4.9.*" auf "4.13.*" abändern.

  5. #5
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von Carino
    Registriert seit
    Reichshof, NRW


    Das war des Pudels Kern! Wow und wie lange hing ich an dem Problem und zu zauberst das so mir nichts dir nichts aus dem Weg.
    Was gelernt habe ich auch, wie wunderbar. :-)

    Herzlichen Dank du hast in der Nacht meinen Tag gerettet !!!

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