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Thema: Contao 4.9.42, Fehler bei Datenbank-Migration?

  1. #1
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von ok99
    Registriert seit

    Standard Contao 4.9.42, Fehler bei Datenbank-Migration?

    Ich wollte mit einer älteren Contao-Installation Version 4.9.42 auf 4.13 updaten.
    Bevor ich das Update ausgeführt hab, habe ich gesehen, dass unter Systemwartung "Eine ausstehende Datenbank-Migration" steht.

    Wollte ich dann durchführen ...


    Contao 4.4.7 Update

    Contao 4.4.7 Update executed successfully


    Die Datenbankänderungen wurden übernommen.

    Bitte prüfe die untenstehende Konsolenausgabe, dann klicke weiter, um die nächsten Änderungen zu sehen.

    Und dann gehts wieder los mit

    Contao 4.4.7 Update

    Contao 4.4.7 Update executed successfully

    Aber dann kommt:

    Die Änderungen konnten nicht angewendet werden. Möglicherweise wurde die Datenbank geändert, bitte prüfe nochmals und versuche es erneut.

    Rotes X bei folgenden Einträgen:

    ALTER TABLE tl_member CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci

    ALTER TABLE tl_search CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci

    Es geht immer immer Kreis und fängt immer wieder von vorne an, läuft aber nie sauber durch.

    Hinweis: Ich habe keinen SSH-Zugriff auf den Server, kann also nicht per Console drauf.

  2. #2
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Poste deine config.yml
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  3. #3
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von ok99
    Registriert seit


                        charset: utf8
                        collate: utf8_unicode_ci

  4. #4
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Lösche deine config.yml, dann "Abhängigkeiten installieren" in der Systemwartung des Contao Managers, dann Datenbankaktualisierung durchführen.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  5. #5
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von ok99
    Registriert seit


    Zitat Zitat von Spooky Beitrag anzeigen
    Lösche deine config.yml, dann "Abhängigkeiten installieren" in der Systemwartung des Contao Managers, dann Datenbankaktualisierung durchführen.

    Beim "Abhängigkeiten installieren" kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:

    $ /usr/bin/php8.1 -q -c /is/htdocs/xxxx/www/xxxxxx/contao-manager/php.ini -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddisplay_errors=0 -ddisplay_startup_errors=0 -derror_reporting=0 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Berlin /is/htdocs/xxxxxxx/www/xxxxxx/web/contao-manager.phar.php composer install --no-dev --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader
    Installing dependencies from lock file
    Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
    Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.
      Problem 1
        - lcobucci/jwt is locked to version 4.2.1 and an update of this package was not requested.
        - lcobucci/jwt 4.2.1 requires ext-sodium * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's sodium extension.
      Problem 2
        - lcobucci/jwt 4.2.1 requires ext-sodium * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's sodium extension.
        - scheb/2fa-trusted-device v5.13.2 requires lcobucci/jwt ^3.4|^4.0 -> satisfiable by lcobucci/jwt[4.2.1].
        - scheb/2fa-trusted-device is locked to version v5.13.2 and an update of this package was not requested.
    To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
        - /is/htdocs/wp1154524_7W9WSKQ4AS/www/cms2020/contao-manager/php.ini
        - /etc/php8.1/conf.d/10-extensions.ini
        - /etc/php8.1/conf.d/20-generic.ini
        - /etc/php8.1/conf.d/20-mysql.ini
        - /etc/php8.1/conf.d/20-paths.ini
        - /etc/php8.1/conf.d/20-session.ini
        - /etc/php8.1/conf.d/30-limits-wp2018.ini
        - /etc/php8.1/conf.d/99-server-specific.ini
    You can also run `php --ini` in a terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.
    Alternatively, you can run Composer with `--ignore-platform-req=ext-sodium` to temporarily ignore these required extensions.
    # Process terminated with exit code 2
    # Result: Misuse of shell builtins

  6. #6
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Anscheinend hat sich an deiner PHP Konfiguration oder Version etwas geändert, du hast aber danach keine komplette Paketaktualisierung durchgeführt. Führe eine komplette Paketaktualisierung durch.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  7. #7
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von ok99
    Registriert seit


    Dann kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:

    > Resolving dependencies using Composer Cloud v3.6.0-1-g9d9036c
    [6.6MiB/0.25s] Loading composer repositories with package information
    [74.9MiB/9.88s] Updating dependencies
    [31.1MiB/12.25s] Lock file operations: 1 install, 93 updates, 0 removals
    [31.1MiB/12.25s]   - Upgrading bacon/bacon-qr-code (2.0.7 => 2.0.8)
    [31.1MiB/12.25s]   - Upgrading clue/stream-filter (v1.6.0 => v1.7.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.25s]   - Upgrading composer/ca-bundle (1.3.4 => 1.4.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.25s]   - Upgrading contao-components/ace (1.12.3 => 1.32.3)
    [31.1MiB/12.25s]   - Upgrading contao-components/colorpicker (1.5.2 => 1.5.3)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao-components/contao (9.3.2 => 9.3.4)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao-components/jquery (3.6.1 => 3.7.1)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao-components/jquery-ui (1.13.1 => 1.13.2)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao-components/simplemodal (2.1.1 => 2.1.2)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao-components/swipe (2.2.0 => 2.2.1)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/calendar-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/comments-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/conflicts (dev-main 96abbf1 => dev-main 8d5342f)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/core-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/faq-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/image (1.1.2 => 1.2.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/installation-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/listing-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/manager-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.26s]   - Upgrading contao/manager-plugin (2.12.0 => 2.13.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading contao/news-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading contao/newsletter-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading dasprid/enum (1.0.3 => 1.0.5)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/annotations (1.13.3 => 1.14.3)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/collections (1.8.0 => 2.1.4)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/deprecations (v1.0.0 => 1.1.2)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/doctrine-bundle (2.7.1 => 2.7.2)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/inflector (2.0.6 => 2.0.9)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/instantiator (1.4.1 => 2.0.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/lexer (1.2.3 => 2.1.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/orm (2.13.3 => 2.17.3)
    [31.1MiB/12.27s]   - Upgrading doctrine/persistence (3.0.4 => 3.2.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading egulias/email-validator (3.2.1 => 3.2.6)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.13 => v1.0.16)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading friendsofsymfony/http-cache (2.14.2 => 2.15.3)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle (2.13.0 => 2.17.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading imagine/imagine (1.3.2 => 1.3.5)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading knplabs/knp-menu (v3.3.0 => v3.4.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading laminas/laminas-code (4.7.0 => 4.13.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading lcobucci/clock (2.2.0 => 2.3.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Downgrading lcobucci/jwt (4.2.1 => 4.0.4)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.69 => 1.3.71)
    [31.1MiB/12.28s]   - Upgrading nelmio/cors-bundle (2.2.0 => 2.3.1)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading nikic/php-parser (v4.15.1 => v4.18.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading nyholm/psr7 (1.5.1 => 1.8.1)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading oveleon/contao-cookiebar (1.12.4 => 1.13.1)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading php-http/client-common (2.6.0 => 2.7.1)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading php-http/discovery (1.14.3 => 1.19.2)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading php-http/httplug (2.3.0 => 2.4.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading php-http/message (1.13.0 => 1.16.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading php-http/message-factory (v1.0.2 => 1.1.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading php-http/promise (1.1.0 => 1.3.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Locking psr/clock (1.0.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.29s]   - Upgrading psr/http-client (1.0.1 => 1.0.3)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading psr/http-factory (1.0.1 => 1.0.2)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading psr/http-message (1.0.1 => 2.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading ramsey/uuid (3.9.6 => 3.9.7)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading scssphp/scssphp (v1.11.0 => v1.12.1)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading simplepie/simplepie (1.7.0 => 1.8.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading stella-maris/clock (0.1.6 => 0.1.7)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading symfony/console (v4.4.48 => v4.4.49)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading symfony/dependency-injection (v4.4.44 => v4.4.49)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.1.1 => v3.4.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v1.1.13 => v1.10.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.30s]   - Upgrading symfony/filesystem (v5.4.13 => v5.4.25)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/framework-bundle (v4.4.47 => v4.4.51)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/http-client (v4.4.47 => v4.4.51)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/http-foundation (v4.4.48 => v4.4.49)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/http-kernel (v4.4.48 => v4.4.51)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/mime (v5.4.14 => v5.4.26)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/options-resolver (v5.4.11 => v5.4.21)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.31s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/property-access (v5.4.15 => v5.4.26)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/property-info (v5.4.15 => v5.4.24)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/security-bundle (v4.4.44 => v4.4.50)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/security-http (v4.4.48 => v4.4.50)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/serializer (v5.4.15 => v5.4.34)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/string (v6.1.7 => v6.4.2)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/twig-bridge (v4.4.45 => v4.4.51)
    [31.1MiB/12.32s]   - Upgrading symfony/var-exporter (v5.4.10 => v5.4.32)
    [31.1MiB/12.33s]   - Upgrading terminal42/contao-easy_themes (3.0.2 => 3.1.2)
    [31.1MiB/12.33s]   - Upgrading terminal42/escargot (1.4.1 => 1.5.3)
    [31.1MiB/12.33s]   - Upgrading terminal42/service-annotation-bundle (1.1.4 => 1.1.5)
    [31.1MiB/12.33s]   - Upgrading thecodingmachine/safe (v2.4.0 => v2.5.0)
    [31.1MiB/12.33s]   - Upgrading twig/twig (v2.15.3 => v2.16.0)
    [30.4MiB/12.34s] Writing lock file
    [15.8MiB/12.37s] Package contao-components/highlight is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    [15.8MiB/12.37s] Package lexik/maintenance-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    [15.8MiB/12.37s] Package patchwork/utf8 is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/polyfill-mbstring or symfony/string instead.
    [15.8MiB/12.37s] Package php-http/message-factory is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/http-factory instead.
    [15.8MiB/12.38s] Package swiftmailer/swiftmailer is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    [15.8MiB/12.38s] Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead.
    [15.8MiB/12.38s] Package symfony/swiftmailer-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    [15.8MiB/12.38s] Package terminal42/contao-easy_themes is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    [15.8MiB/12.38s] Package true/punycode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    [15.8MiB/12.38s] Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead.
    [16.0MiB/12.55s] No security vulnerability advisories found
    [16.4MiB/12.55s] Memory usage: 16.42MB (peak: 193.91MB), time: 12.56s.
    [16.4MiB/12.55s] Finished Composer Cloud resolving.
    # Job ID rs6LdTO9OgCXxaIRjW2EpDXBlOl4K3SUtC6hPzakrdXWOZV08QQGoLYlBsa8YTby4NRnY380OuuL3xjkE8X9Lup completed in 13 seconds
    # Memory usage: 16.42MB (peak: 193.91MB), time: 12.56s.
    $ /usr/bin/php8.1 -q -c /is/htdocs/xxxxxxx/www/xxxxxxx/contao-manager/php.ini -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddisplay_errors=0 -ddisplay_startup_errors=0 -derror_reporting=0 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Berlin /is/htdocs/xxxxxxx/www/xxxxxxx/web/contao-manager.phar.php composer install --no-dev --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader
    Installing dependencies from lock file
    Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
    Nothing to install, update or remove
    Package contao-components/highlight is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package lexik/maintenance-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package patchwork/utf8 is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/polyfill-mbstring or symfony/string instead.
    Package php-http/message-factory is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/http-factory instead.
    Package swiftmailer/swiftmailer is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead.
    Package symfony/swiftmailer-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    Package terminal42/contao-easy_themes is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package true/punycode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead.
    Generating optimized autoload files
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: Generating version class...
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: ...done generating version class
    contao/manager-plugin: Dumping generated plugins file...
    contao/manager-plugin: ...done dumping generated plugins file
    Class Contao\ManagerPlugin\PluginLoader located in ./vendor/contao/manager-plugin/src/Resources/PluginLoader.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    104 packages you are using are looking for funding.
    Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
    > Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication
    Script Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception
    In ScriptHandler.php line 98:
      An error occurred while executing the "contao:generate-app-secret" command:  
    install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--dry-run] [--download-only] [--dev] [--no-suggest] [--no-dev] [--no-autoloader] [--no-progress] [--no-install] [--audit] [--audit-format AUDIT-FORMAT] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--apcu-autoloader-prefix APCU-AUTOLOADER-PREFIX] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [...]
    # Process terminated with exit code 1
    # Result: General error

  8. #8
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Führe es nochmal durch.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  9. #9
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von ok99
    Registriert seit


    Leider gleiches Ergebnis ...

    > Resolving dependencies using Composer Cloud v3.6.0-1-g9d9036c
    [6.6MiB/0.21s] Loading composer repositories with package information
    [74.9MiB/9.43s] Updating dependencies
    [31.1MiB/11.69s] Lock file operations: 1 install, 93 updates, 0 removals
    [31.1MiB/11.70s]   - Upgrading bacon/bacon-qr-code (2.0.7 => 2.0.8)
    [31.1MiB/11.70s]   - Upgrading clue/stream-filter (v1.6.0 => v1.7.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.70s]   - Upgrading composer/ca-bundle (1.3.4 => 1.4.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.70s]   - Upgrading contao-components/ace (1.12.3 => 1.32.3)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao-components/colorpicker (1.5.2 => 1.5.3)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao-components/contao (9.3.2 => 9.3.4)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao-components/jquery (3.6.1 => 3.7.1)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao-components/jquery-ui (1.13.1 => 1.13.2)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao-components/simplemodal (2.1.1 => 2.1.2)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao-components/swipe (2.2.0 => 2.2.1)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao/calendar-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao/comments-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.71s]   - Upgrading contao/conflicts (dev-main 96abbf1 => dev-main 8d5342f)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/core-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/faq-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/image (1.1.2 => 1.2.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/installation-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/listing-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/manager-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/manager-plugin (2.12.0 => 2.13.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/news-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.72s]   - Upgrading contao/newsletter-bundle (4.9.35 => 4.9.42)
    [31.1MiB/11.73s]   - Upgrading dasprid/enum (1.0.3 => 1.0.5)
    [31.1MiB/11.73s]   - Upgrading doctrine/annotations (1.13.3 => 1.14.3)
    [31.1MiB/11.73s]   - Upgrading doctrine/collections (1.8.0 => 2.1.4)
    [31.1MiB/11.73s]   - Upgrading doctrine/deprecations (v1.0.0 => 1.1.2)
    [31.1MiB/11.73s]   - Upgrading doctrine/doctrine-bundle (2.7.1 => 2.7.2)
    [31.1MiB/11.73s]   - Upgrading doctrine/inflector (2.0.6 => 2.0.9)
    [31.1MiB/11.73s]   - Upgrading doctrine/instantiator (1.4.1 => 2.0.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.74s]   - Upgrading doctrine/lexer (1.2.3 => 2.1.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.74s]   - Upgrading doctrine/orm (2.13.3 => 2.17.3)
    [31.1MiB/11.74s]   - Upgrading doctrine/persistence (3.0.4 => 3.2.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.74s]   - Upgrading egulias/email-validator (3.2.1 => 3.2.6)
    [31.1MiB/11.74s]   - Upgrading friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.13 => v1.0.16)
    [31.1MiB/11.74s]   - Upgrading friendsofsymfony/http-cache (2.14.2 => 2.15.3)
    [31.1MiB/11.74s]   - Upgrading friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle (2.13.0 => 2.17.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.75s]   - Upgrading imagine/imagine (1.3.2 => 1.3.5)
    [31.1MiB/11.75s]   - Upgrading knplabs/knp-menu (v3.3.0 => v3.4.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.75s]   - Upgrading laminas/laminas-code (4.7.0 => 4.13.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.75s]   - Upgrading lcobucci/clock (2.2.0 => 2.3.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.75s]   - Downgrading lcobucci/jwt (4.2.1 => 4.0.4)
    [31.1MiB/11.75s]   - Upgrading matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.69 => 1.3.71)
    [31.1MiB/11.75s]   - Upgrading nelmio/cors-bundle (2.2.0 => 2.3.1)
    [31.1MiB/11.75s]   - Upgrading nikic/php-parser (v4.15.1 => v4.18.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.76s]   - Upgrading nyholm/psr7 (1.5.1 => 1.8.1)
    [31.1MiB/11.76s]   - Upgrading oveleon/contao-cookiebar (1.12.4 => 1.13.1)
    [31.1MiB/11.76s]   - Upgrading php-http/client-common (2.6.0 => 2.7.1)
    [31.1MiB/11.76s]   - Upgrading php-http/discovery (1.14.3 => 1.19.2)
    [31.1MiB/11.76s]   - Upgrading php-http/httplug (2.3.0 => 2.4.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.76s]   - Upgrading php-http/message (1.13.0 => 1.16.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.76s]   - Upgrading php-http/message-factory (v1.0.2 => 1.1.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.76s]   - Upgrading php-http/promise (1.1.0 => 1.3.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.77s]   - Locking psr/clock (1.0.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.77s]   - Upgrading psr/http-client (1.0.1 => 1.0.3)
    [31.1MiB/11.77s]   - Upgrading psr/http-factory (1.0.1 => 1.0.2)
    [31.1MiB/11.77s]   - Upgrading psr/http-message (1.0.1 => 2.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.77s]   - Upgrading ramsey/uuid (3.9.6 => 3.9.7)
    [31.1MiB/11.77s]   - Upgrading scssphp/scssphp (v1.11.0 => v1.12.1)
    [31.1MiB/11.77s]   - Upgrading simplepie/simplepie (1.7.0 => 1.8.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.78s]   - Upgrading stella-maris/clock (0.1.6 => 0.1.7)
    [31.1MiB/11.78s]   - Upgrading symfony/console (v4.4.48 => v4.4.49)
    [31.1MiB/11.78s]   - Upgrading symfony/dependency-injection (v4.4.44 => v4.4.49)
    [31.1MiB/11.78s]   - Upgrading symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.1.1 => v3.4.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.78s]   - Upgrading symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v1.1.13 => v1.10.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.78s]   - Upgrading symfony/filesystem (v5.4.13 => v5.4.25)
    [31.1MiB/11.78s]   - Upgrading symfony/framework-bundle (v4.4.47 => v4.4.51)
    [31.1MiB/11.78s]   - Upgrading symfony/http-client (v4.4.47 => v4.4.51)
    [31.1MiB/11.79s]   - Upgrading symfony/http-foundation (v4.4.48 => v4.4.49)
    [31.1MiB/11.79s]   - Upgrading symfony/http-kernel (v4.4.48 => v4.4.51)
    [31.1MiB/11.79s]   - Upgrading symfony/mime (v5.4.14 => v5.4.26)
    [31.1MiB/11.79s]   - Upgrading symfony/options-resolver (v5.4.11 => v5.4.21)
    [31.1MiB/11.79s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.79s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-iconv (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.79s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.80s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.80s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.80s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.80s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php72 (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.80s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php73 (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.80s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.80s]   - Upgrading symfony/polyfill-php81 (v1.27.0 => v1.28.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.80s]   - Upgrading symfony/property-access (v5.4.15 => v5.4.26)
    [31.1MiB/11.81s]   - Upgrading symfony/property-info (v5.4.15 => v5.4.24)
    [31.1MiB/11.81s]   - Upgrading symfony/security-bundle (v4.4.44 => v4.4.50)
    [31.1MiB/11.81s]   - Upgrading symfony/security-http (v4.4.48 => v4.4.50)
    [31.1MiB/11.81s]   - Upgrading symfony/serializer (v5.4.15 => v5.4.34)
    [31.1MiB/11.81s]   - Upgrading symfony/string (v6.1.7 => v6.4.2)
    [31.1MiB/11.81s]   - Upgrading symfony/twig-bridge (v4.4.45 => v4.4.51)
    [31.1MiB/11.81s]   - Upgrading symfony/var-exporter (v5.4.10 => v5.4.32)
    [31.1MiB/11.82s]   - Upgrading terminal42/contao-easy_themes (3.0.2 => 3.1.2)
    [31.1MiB/11.82s]   - Upgrading terminal42/escargot (1.4.1 => 1.5.3)
    [31.1MiB/11.82s]   - Upgrading terminal42/service-annotation-bundle (1.1.4 => 1.1.5)
    [31.1MiB/11.82s]   - Upgrading thecodingmachine/safe (v2.4.0 => v2.5.0)
    [31.1MiB/11.82s]   - Upgrading twig/twig (v2.15.3 => v2.16.0)
    [30.4MiB/11.83s] Writing lock file
    [15.8MiB/11.86s] Package contao-components/highlight is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    [15.8MiB/11.86s] Package lexik/maintenance-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    [15.8MiB/11.86s] Package patchwork/utf8 is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/polyfill-mbstring or symfony/string instead.
    [15.8MiB/11.86s] Package php-http/message-factory is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/http-factory instead.
    [15.8MiB/11.86s] Package swiftmailer/swiftmailer is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    [15.8MiB/11.86s] Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead.
    [15.8MiB/11.87s] Package symfony/swiftmailer-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    [15.8MiB/11.87s] Package terminal42/contao-easy_themes is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    [15.8MiB/11.87s] Package true/punycode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    [15.8MiB/11.87s] Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead.
    [16.0MiB/12.00s] No security vulnerability advisories found
    [16.4MiB/12.00s] Memory usage: 16.42MB (peak: 193.91MB), time: 12.01s.
    [16.4MiB/12.00s] Finished Composer Cloud resolving.
    # Job ID pFoRSWub494aLHM8FbyQYi1RSjZZekAycAEVZhn8P0D9trQtbTzOCenyYCL6HgXVzMQcD1YM8zq1wkOC6MzvwJ7A5HqV4BqAlurvWvIM0Q8 completed in 13 seconds
    # Memory usage: 16.42MB (peak: 193.91MB), time: 12.01s.
    $ /usr/bin/php8.1 -q -c /is/htdocs/xxxxxxx/www/xxxxxxx/contao-manager/php.ini -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddisplay_errors=0 -ddisplay_startup_errors=0 -derror_reporting=0 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Berlin /is/htdocs/xxxxxxx/www/xxxxxxx/web/contao-manager.phar.php composer install --no-dev --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader
    Installing dependencies from lock file
    Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
    Nothing to install, update or remove
    Package contao-components/highlight is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package lexik/maintenance-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package patchwork/utf8 is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/polyfill-mbstring or symfony/string instead.
    Package php-http/message-factory is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/http-factory instead.
    Package swiftmailer/swiftmailer is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead.
    Package symfony/swiftmailer-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
    Package terminal42/contao-easy_themes is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package true/punycode is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
    Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead.
    Generating optimized autoload files
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: Generating version class...
    composer/package-versions-deprecated: ...done generating version class
    contao/manager-plugin: Dumping generated plugins file...
    contao/manager-plugin: ...done dumping generated plugins file
    Class Contao\ManagerPlugin\PluginLoader located in ./vendor/contao/manager-plugin/src/Resources/PluginLoader.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
    104 packages you are using are looking for funding.
    Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
    > Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication
    Script Contao\ManagerBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::initializeApplication handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception
    In ScriptHandler.php line 98:
      An error occurred while executing the "contao:generate-app-secret" command:  
    install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--dry-run] [--download-only] [--dev] [--no-suggest] [--no-dev] [--no-autoloader] [--no-progress] [--no-install] [--audit] [--audit-format AUDIT-FORMAT] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--apcu-autoloader-prefix APCU-AUTOLOADER-PREFIX] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [...]
    # Process terminated with exit code 1
    # Result: General error

  10. #10
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


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  11. #11
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von ok99
    Registriert seit


    Jo, ich weiß, bzw. dachte ich mir schon ....

    Ich habe die ganze Contao-Instanz jetzt "spaßeshalber" auf einen anderen Server (von Hosteurope auf All-Inkl) gezogen. Lief alles problemlos durch und die Seite strahlt in 4.13!

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