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Thema: Contao 5.3.x-dev / Fehler nach update von 5.2.8

  1. #1
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
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    Standard Contao 5.3.x-dev / Fehler nach update von 5.2.8

    Moin an alle,

    nach dem Update auf Contao 5.3 RC2 bzw. 5.3.x-dev erfolgt nach der Anwahl eines beliebigen Menüpunktes folgende Fehlermeldung:

    [2024-01-26T18:25:02.648099+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\InternalServerErrorHttpException: "" at ExceptionConverterListener.php line 93 {"exception":"[object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\InternalServerErrorHttpException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\ForwardPageNotFoundException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    Zwei Stack Traces folgen:

      at vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/EventListener/ExceptionConverterListener.php:93
      at Contao\CoreBundle\EventListener\ExceptionConverterListener->convertToHttpException(object(ForwardPageNotFoundException), 'InternalServerErrorHttpException')
      at Contao\CoreBundle\EventListener\ExceptionConverterListener->__invoke(object(ExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exception', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
      at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener->__invoke(object(ExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exception', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
      at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->callListeners(array(object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener)), 'kernel.exception', object(ExceptionEvent))
      at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch(object(ExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exception')
      at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch(object(ExceptionEvent), 'kernel.exception')
      at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleThrowable(object(ForwardPageNotFoundException), object(Request), 1)
      at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, true)
      at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Request))
      at vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/Routing/Content/ContentUrlResult.php:76
      at Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Content\ContentUrlResult::redirect(null)
      at Contao\NewsBundle\Routing\NewsResolver->resolve(object(NewsModel))
      at Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\ContentUrlGenerator->resolveContent(object(NewsModel))
      at Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\ContentUrlGenerator->generate(object(NewsModel), array())
      at Contao\ModuleNews->generateContentUrl(object(NewsModel), false)
      at Contao\ModuleNews->generateLink('Neue Fotogrüße von den D-, E- und F-Kindern ...', object(NewsModel), false)
      at Contao\ModuleNews->parseArticle(object(NewsModel), false, ' featured', 3)
      at Contao\ModuleNews->parseArticles(object(Collection))
      at Contao\ModuleNewsList->compile()
      at Contao\Module->generate()
      at Contao\ModuleNewsList->generate()
      at Contao\Controller::getFrontendModule(object(ModuleModel), 'left')
      at Contao\PageRegular->prepare(object(PageModel))
      at Contao\PageRegular->getResponse(object(PageModel), true)
      at Contao\FrontendIndex->renderPage(object(PageModel))
      at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)
      at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, true)
      at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Request))
    Im Log steht als 1. Zeile:
    app	Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was not able to match, message "No routes found for "/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2/"."
    Im dev-log stehen jede Menge Hinweise auf fehlerhaftes routing:

    [2024-01-26T18:23:44.793402+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "contao_backend". {"route":"contao_backend","route_parameters":{"_route":"contao_backend","_scope":"backend","_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\BackendController::mainAction"},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/contao","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:44.795253+00:00] security.DEBUG: Read existing security token from the session. {"key":"_security_contao_backend","token_class":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Authenticator\\Token\\PostAuthenticationToken"} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:44.915036+00:00] security.DEBUG: User was reloaded from a user provider. {"provider":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Security\\User\\ContaoUserProvider","username":"Georg"} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:44.915390+00:00] security.DEBUG: Checking for authenticator support. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticators":2} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:44.915463+00:00] security.DEBUG: Checking support on authenticator. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticator":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Security\\Authenticator\\ContaoLoginAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:44.915528+00:00] security.DEBUG: Authenticator does not support the request. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticator":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Security\\Authenticator\\ContaoLoginAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:44.915585+00:00] security.DEBUG: Checking support on authenticator. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticator":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Authenticator\\LoginLinkAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:44.915645+00:00] security.DEBUG: Authenticator does not support the request. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticator":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Authenticator\\LoginLinkAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:45.023550+00:00] security.DEBUG: Stored the security token in the session. {"key":"_security_contao_backend"} {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:45.037764+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\Cron::updateMinutelyCliCron" [] {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:45.039168+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\SuperviseWorkersCron" [] {"request_uri":"/contao?","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:45.077962+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "_wdt". {"route":"_wdt","route_parameters":{"_route":"_wdt","_controller":"web_profiler.controller.profiler::toolbarAction","token":"649ab0"},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/_wdt/649ab0","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/649ab0","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:45.132327+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\Cron::updateMinutelyCliCron" [] {"request_uri":"/_wdt/649ab0","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:23:45.133111+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\SuperviseWorkersCron" [] {"request_uri":"/_wdt/649ab0","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:02.907381+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was not able to match, message "No routes found for "/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2/"." [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.072870+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "tl_page.182". {"route":"tl_page.182","route_parameters":{"_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\FrontendIndex::renderPage","_scope":"frontend","_locale":"de","_format":"html","_canonical_route":"tl_page.182","parameters":"","pageModel":{"Contao\\PageModel":[]},"_route":"tl_page.182","_route_object":{"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\Page\\PageRoute":[]}},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T19:24:03.074613+01:00] security.DEBUG: Checking for authenticator support. {"firewall_name":"contao_frontend","authenticators":2} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T19:24:03.074701+01:00] security.DEBUG: Checking support on authenticator. {"firewall_name":"contao_frontend","authenticator":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Security\\Authenticator\\ContaoLoginAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T19:24:03.074767+01:00] security.DEBUG: Authenticator does not support the request. {"firewall_name":"contao_frontend","authenticator":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Security\\Authenticator\\ContaoLoginAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T19:24:03.074836+01:00] security.DEBUG: Checking support on authenticator. {"firewall_name":"contao_frontend","authenticator":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Authenticator\\RememberMeAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T19:24:03.074961+01:00] security.DEBUG: Authenticator does not support the request. {"firewall_name":"contao_frontend","authenticator":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Authenticator\\RememberMeAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.203162+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.206417+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.218241+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.218691+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.219121+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.219543+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.224579+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.225017+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.225457+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.225880+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.228367+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.228806+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.229237+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.229659+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.232308+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.232743+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.233168+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.233700+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.238872+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.241677+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.242071+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.242400+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.242745+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.243063+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.243389+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.243714+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.244041+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.244362+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.244699+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.245031+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.245521+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.247387+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.247726+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.248052+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.248375+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.248697+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.250439+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.252722+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.253055+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.253381+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.253705+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.254039+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.254364+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.254688+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.255014+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.256586+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.256904+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.258921+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.259267+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.259592+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.259924+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.260254+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.261891+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.262207+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.263788+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.265495+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.267508+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.269338+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.269671+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.269992+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.270421+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.271485+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.271827+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.272145+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.272449+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.274145+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.274466+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.274790+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.275093+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.276355+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.276676+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.276992+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.277604+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.277922+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.278232+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.279370+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.279693+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.280014+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.280333+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.280657+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.280975+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.281296+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.281614+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.281933+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.282254+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.282575+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.282936+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.284297+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.284634+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.284960+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.285290+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.287093+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.287422+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.287746+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.288064+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.288385+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.288715+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.289033+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.289352+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.290765+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.291076+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.292392+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.292788+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.293142+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.293488+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.293859+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.294838+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.295154+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.301905+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.302635+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.307424+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.313428+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.316294+00:00] app.DEBUG: Router Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router was unable to generate route. Reason: 'Route 'page_routing_object' not found': Unable to generate a URL for the named route "page_routing_object" as such route does not exist. [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.318158+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\InternalServerErrorHttpException: "" at ExceptionConverterListener.php line 93 {"exception":"[object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\InternalServerErrorHttpException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\ForwardPageNotFoundException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.388664+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\Cron::updateMinutelyCliCron" [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.389648+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\SuperviseWorkersCron" [] {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T19:24:03.391271+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T19:24:03.391489+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T19:24:03.392221+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.403663+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "_wdt". {"route":"_wdt","route_parameters":{"_route":"_wdt","_controller":"web_profiler.controller.profiler::toolbarAction","token":"c8b748"},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/_wdt/c8b748","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.446330+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\Cron::updateMinutelyCliCron" [] {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.447163+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\SuperviseWorkersCron" [] {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.448580+00:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.448770+00:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.449484+00:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.585773+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "_wdt". {"route":"_wdt","route_parameters":{"_route":"_wdt","_controller":"web_profiler.controller.profiler::toolbarAction","token":"c8b748"},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/_wdt/c8b748","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.625866+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\Cron::updateMinutelyCliCron" [] {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.626994+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\SuperviseWorkersCron" [] {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.628104+00:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.628247+00:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:03.628795+00:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:04.045089+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "_wdt". {"route":"_wdt","route_parameters":{"_route":"_wdt","_controller":"web_profiler.controller.profiler::toolbarAction","token":"c8b748"},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/_wdt/c8b748","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:04.161790+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\Cron::updateMinutelyCliCron" [] {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:04.162663+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\SuperviseWorkersCron" [] {"request_uri":"/_wdt/c8b748","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:55.974646+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "contao_backend". {"route":"contao_backend","route_parameters":{"_route":"contao_backend","_scope":"backend","_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\BackendController::mainAction"},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/contao?do=debug&key=disable&ref=iOn4jtrs&referer=","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:55.976741+00:00] security.DEBUG: Read existing security token from the session. {"key":"_security_contao_backend","token_class":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Authenticator\\Token\\PostAuthenticationToken"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.122752+00:00] security.DEBUG: User was reloaded from a user provider. {"provider":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Security\\User\\ContaoUserProvider","username":"Georg"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.123173+00:00] security.DEBUG: Checking for authenticator support. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticators":2} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.123252+00:00] security.DEBUG: Checking support on authenticator. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticator":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Security\\Authenticator\\ContaoLoginAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.123326+00:00] security.DEBUG: Authenticator does not support the request. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticator":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Security\\Authenticator\\ContaoLoginAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.123413+00:00] security.DEBUG: Checking support on authenticator. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticator":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Authenticator\\LoginLinkAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.123487+00:00] security.DEBUG: Authenticator does not support the request. {"firewall_name":"contao_backend","authenticator":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Http\\Authenticator\\LoginLinkAuthenticator"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.207352+00:00] security.DEBUG: Stored the security token in the session. {"key":"_security_contao_backend"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.221477+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\Cron::updateMinutelyCliCron" [] {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-26T18:24:56.222471+00:00] app.DEBUG: Executing cron job "Contao\CoreBundle\Cron\SuperviseWorkersCron" [] {"request_uri":"/contao?do=debug&key=disable&referer=&ref=iOn4jtrs","request_method":"GET"}
    Unter Contao 5.2 lief alles noch ... vielleicht kann mir jemand auf die Sprünge helfen ... Ach ja, es wird das "Tao" Theme von Rocksolid verwendet.

    Ansonsten allen ein schönes Wochenende
    Geändert von Seefahrer (26.01.2024 um 20:30 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Kannst du den DB dump zur Verfügung stellen? Es reicht auch evt. nur die tl_page
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  3. #3
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    Hi Spooky, danke, dass Du Dich des Problems annimmst.

    anbei der Dump der tl_page:

    - phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
    -- version 5.2.0
    -- Host: localhost:8889
    -- Generation Time: Jan 27, 2024 at 09:21 AM
    -- Server version: 5.7.39
    -- PHP Version: 8.2.13
    SET time_zone = "+00:00";
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    -- Database: `....`
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    -- Table structure for table `tl_page`
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    (7, 12, 192, 1699784786, 'Kontakt', 'kontakt', 'regular', 'Kontaktformular', '', 'index,follow', 'Kontaktformular der Zuchtstätte, des Zwingers, des Züchters Lütten Diek', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-mail', 'map_default', 1, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (9, 12, 320, 1699784786, 'Suche', 'suche', 'regular', 'Suche', '', 'index,follow', 'Suche auf der Seite', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-magnifying-glass', 'map_default', 1, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
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    (15, 12, 64, 1699784786, 'Events & Termine', 'events-und-termine', 'regular', 'Wichtige Termine', '', 'index,follow', 'Wichtige Termine und Veranstaltungen wie Ausstellungen, Zuchtschauen, Spaziergänge usw.', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-calendar', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
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    (48, 1, 256, 1699784786, 'Über uns', 'ueber-uns', 'regular', 'Über uns', '', 'index,follow', 'Kurzportraits der Entlebucher Sennenhunde. Frl. Stina vom Gehrshof, Lütten Dieks Antje, Lütten Dieks Birte und Lütten Dieks Carlito', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, '', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '1', 2, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (60, 1, 1536, 1699784786, 'Impressum', 'impressum', 'regular', 'Impressum', '', 'index,follow', 'Impressum der Internetpräsenz der Zuchtstätte Lütten Diek', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-clipboard', 'map_default', 1, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (72, 1, 1792, 1699784786, 'Include Elements', 'include-elements', 'regular', 'Include Elemente', '', 'index,follow', 'Include Elemente für die Seiten der Internetpräsenz', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 1, '', 'map_never', 1, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (97, 1, 768, 1699784786, 'Gästebuch', 'gaestebuch', 'regular', 'Lütten Dieks Gästebuch', '', 'index,follow', 'Das Gästebuch der Zuchtstätte für Entlebucher Sennenhunde Lütten Diek', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-pen', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (104, 1, 640, 1699784786, 'Bilder', 'unsere-bilder', 'forward', 'Stinas Bildergalerie', '', 'index,follow', '', 'permanent', 122, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, '', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 1, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (108, 104, 256, 1699784786, 'Stinas erstes Lebensjahr', 'stinas-erstes-lebensjahr', 'regular', 'Stinas erstes Lebensjahr', '', 'index,follow', 'Bilder aus dem ersten Lebensjahr des Entlebucher Sennenhundes Frl. Stina vom Gehrshof', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-camera', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (109, 119, 640, 1699784786, 'Kinderstube A-Wurf 2013', 'kinderstube-a-wurf-2013', 'regular', 'Bilder vom A-Wurf', '', 'index,follow', 'Bilder des A-Wurfs der Entlebucher Sennenhündin Frl. Stina vom Gehrshof Juli 2013', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-camera', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (119, 1, 512, 1699784786, 'Unsere Zucht', 'unsere-zucht', 'regular', 'Unsere Zucht Lütten Dieks aus dem windigen Cuxland', '', 'index,follow', 'Zuchtstätte für Lütten Dieks Entlebucher Sennenhunde aus dem windigen Cuxland', 'permanent', 153, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, '', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (122, 104, 96, 1699784786, 'Unsere Erlebnisse', 'unsere-erlebnisse', 'regular', 'Stinas, Antjes und Birtes Erlebnisse', '', 'index,follow', 'Bilder von den Erlebnissen der Entlebucher Sennenhunde Frl. Stina vom Gehrshof, Lütten Dieks Antje, Lütten Dieks Birte und Lütten Dieks Carlito', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-camera', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
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    (178, 119, 1408, 1699784786, 'Kinderstube F-Wurf 2020', 'unsere-zucht/kinderstube-f-wurf-2020-2', 'regular', 'Bilder vom F-Wurf', '', 'index,follow', 'Bilder des F-Wurfs der Entlebucher Sennenhündin Lütten Dieks Birte-Pünktchen Okktober 2020', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-camera', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (179, 119, 768, 1699784786, 'Kinderstube B-Wurf 2014', 'unsere-zucht/kinderstube-b-wurf-2014-2', 'regular', 'Bilder vom B-Wurf', '', 'index,follow', 'Bilder des B-Wurfs der Entlebucher Sennenhündin Frl. Stina vom Gehrshof Oktober 2014', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-camera', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
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    (181, 119, 928, 1699784786, 'Kinderstube C-Wurf 2016', 'unsere-zucht/kinderstube-c-wurf-2016', 'regular', 'Bilder vom C-Wurf', '', 'index,follow', 'Bilder des C-Wurfs der Entlebucher Sennenhündin Frl. Stina vom Gehrshof August 2016', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-camera', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (182, 104, 24, 1699787762, 'Fotogrüße', 'unsere-bilder/fotogruesse-2', 'regular', 'Fotogrüße an Stina', '', 'index,follow', 'Fotogrüße von Freunden und Welpenkäufern an die Züchter, Zuchtstätte Lütten Diek', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-camera', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (185, 119, 1424, 1699784786, 'Kinderstube G-Wurf 2022', 'unsere-zucht/kinderstube-g-wurf-2022', 'regular', 'Bilder vom G-Wurf', '', 'index,follow', 'Bilder des G-Wurfs der Entlebucher Sennenhündin Lütten Dieks Birte-Pünktchen April 2022', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-camera', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (186, 168, 4, 1699784786, 'Videoclips G-Wurf 2022', 'videos/videoclips-g-wurf-2022', 'regular', 'Videoclips G-Wurf', '', 'index,follow', 'Videoclips G-Wurf 2022', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-movie', 'map_default', 0, '', 1, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0),
    (187, 104, 640, 1704106116, 'Testgalerie', 'testgalerie', 'regular', 'Jahreszeitliche Impressionen', '', 'index,follow', 'Bilder und Impressionen aus dem windigen Cuxland zu verschiedenen Jahreszeiten', 'permanent', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'a:9:{i:0;s:2:\"u1\";i:1;s:2:\"u2\";i:2;s:2:\"u3\";i:3;s:2:\"u4\";i:4;s:2:\"u5\";i:5;s:2:\"u6\";i:6;s:2:\"g4\";i:7;s:2:\"g5\";i:8;s:2:\"g6\";}', 0, 'icon-gallery', 'map_default', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'a:2:{i:0;s:0:\"\";i:1;s:0:\"\";}', NULL, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, '.html', '', 0, '', 0, '', '', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'rss', 'source_teaser', 25, 'all_items', NULL, '', 0, NULL, 0, 0);
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    -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `tl_page`
    ALTER TABLE `tl_page`
    Angehängte Dateien Angehängte Dateien
    Geändert von Seefahrer (27.01.2024 um 09:49 Uhr)

  4. #4
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    Tante Edit:

    Mir ist noch aufgefallen, dass das RS Megamenu funktioniert, auch alle Links können angeclicked werden und funktionieren. Das Problem scheint sich also wohl nur auf die "normale" Navigation zu beschränken?!

  5. #5
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Rein mit dem DB dump konnte ich das Problem nicht reproduzieren. Oder wo genau tritt das Problem überhaupt auf?
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  6. #6
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    Das Problem tritt beim Anklicken eines Menüpunktes auf, solange nicht das RS Megamenu eingebunden ist, letzteres funktioniert.

    Ich habe jetzt meine Live-Seite mal "abgeschossen". Die Navigation funktioniert nicht mehr außer dem Menüpunkt "Über uns", der mit dem Megamenu realisiert ist. Ab Level 2 gehen die Aufrufe dann auch dort ins Leere ...

  7. #7
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Zitat Zitat von Seefahrer Beitrag anzeigen
    Das Problem tritt beim Anklicken eines Menüpunktes auf, solange nicht das RS Megamenu eingebunden ist, letzteres funktioniert.
    Du musst mir den Datenbank-Stand schicken, bei dem der Fehler auftritt. Ist das mit dem Dump den du gepostet hast der Fall?

    Bitte auch die genaue URL posten, unter der der Fehler nachvollziehbar ist.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  8. #8
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    Ja, sind allerdings nach dem Update der lokalen Mamp-Installation.

    Nachfolgend noch die Dumps der Live Version ebenfalls nach Update auf 5.3:
    Geändert von Seefahrer (28.01.2024 um 09:03 Uhr)

  9. #9
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Poste auch deine composer.json.

    Und wie gesagt die genaue URL, unter der der Fehler auftritt.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  10. #10
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    Die composer.json:

        "type": "project",
        "require": {
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            "contao/news-bundle": "5.3.x-dev",
            "inspiredminds/contao-glightbox": "^1.0",
            "inspiredminds/contao-wowjs": "^1.1",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-columns": "^2.1",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements": "^2.4",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-frontend-helper": "^2.2",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-icon-picker": "^2.1",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-mega-menu": "^2.2",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider": "^2.2",
            "madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-theme-assistant": "^2.1",
            "markocupic/gallery-creator-bundle": "dev-contao5",
            "mediamotionag/contao-backend-optim-bundle": "dev-master",
            "oveleon/contao-cookiebar": " 5.x-dev",
            "seefahrer/contao-guestbook-bundle": "dev-master"
        "minimum-stability": "dev",
        "prefer-stable": true,
        "repositories": [
                "type": "git",
                "url": ""
        "autoload": {
            "psr-4": {
                "RevolutionSlider\\": "revolutionslider/RevolutionSlider/"
            "classmap": [
        "extra": {
            "contao-component-dir": "assets",
            "public-dir": "public",
            "contao": {
                "sources": {
                    "": "system/modules/revolutionslider"
        "config": {
            "allow-plugins": {
                "composer/package-versions-deprecated": true,
                "contao-community-alliance/composer-plugin": true,
                "contao-components/installer": true,
                "contao/manager-plugin": true,
                "php-http/discovery": false
        "scripts": {
            "post-install-cmd": [
                "@php vendor/bin/contao-setup"
            "post-update-cmd": [
                "@php vendor/bin/contao-setup"
    Urls z.B.:

    etc. ... alle Menüpunkte eben.

  11. #11
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Dieser Fehler passiert, weil du bei einer Nachricht eine interne Weiterleitungsseite eingestellt hast, die nicht mehr existiert.

    Darüberhinaus hast du beim Nachrichtenarchiv "Fotogrüße" eine Weiterleitungsseite eingestellt, die nicht mehr existiert.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  12. #12
    Contao-Nutzer Avatar von Janborg
    Registriert seit


    Vielleicht solltest du auch einfach abwarten, bis das Theme TAO für 5.3 freigegeben wird.

    Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Die Fehler haben nichts mit dem Theme zu tun.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  14. #14
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    Die Routing-Fehler haben wohl nichts mit dem Theme zu tun, sondern mit dem Routing, denke ich, zumal auch "nur" die Contao-Navigation betroffen scheint.
    Tao templates, CSS und die Erweiterungen funktionieren ja.

    Unter Bilder liegen keine News, sondern Bildergalerien, die mit dem RS-Slider umgesetzt wurden. Ein News-Archiv ist "Stinas Blog", allerdings bei Aufruf mit den gleichen Fehlern.
    Interne Weiterleitungen gibt es nur 2, die Weiterleitungsseiten existieren ebenfalls ... ich habe allerdings die Aliase neu generieren lassen, nützt auch nichts ...

  15. #15
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Zitat Zitat von Seefahrer Beitrag anzeigen
    ich habe allerdings die Aliase neu generieren lassen, nützt auch nichts ...
    Ich denke du hast das Problem misverstanden. In deiner Datenbank gibt es Nachrichten, die als Weiterleitungsziel "Seite" eingestellt haben und als Weiterleitungsziel eine Seite ausgewählt haben, die nicht mehr existieren (bei der Nachricht "Neue Fotogrüße von den D-, E- und F-Kindern ..."). Das musst du beheben.

    Darüberhinaus gibt es in deiner Datenbank Nachrichtenarchive, die als Weiterleitungsziel eine nicht mehr existierende Weiterleitungsseite eingestellt haben (bei den Archiven "Fotogrüße" und "Carlos Ausstellungen und Prüfungen"). Auch das musst du beheben.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  16. #16
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    tja, manchmal braucht es halt etwas länger bis der Groschen fällt .
    Hab die Fehler behoben und nu löppt dat ...

    Ich danke Dir! Vielleicht liegt es aber auch an Deinem Github-Patch, den ich angewendet habe, probiere es morgen noch einmal ohne.
    Geändert von Seefahrer (27.01.2024 um 14:59 Uhr)

  17. #17
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    Moin Spooky,

    ich habe es soeben auf meiner lokalen Mamp-Installation noch einmal mit der originalen NewsResolver.php versucht, leider gibt es nach wie vor die gleichen Fehler wie gestern. Mit Deinem Patch bzgl Fallback funktioniert alles ...

    Log-Ausgabe Debug und stack traces wie gestern. Unter var/logs erscheinen die Fehlermeldungen:

    [2024-01-28T10:40:07.972001+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "tl_page.97". {"route":"tl_page.97","route_parameters":{"_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\FrontendIndex::renderPage","_scope":"frontend","_locale":"de","_format":"html","_canonical_route":"tl_page.97","parameters":"","pageModel":{"Contao\\PageModel":[]},"_route":"tl_page.97","_route_object":{"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\Page\\PageRoute":[]}},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/gaestebuch","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T10:40:08.153898+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\InternalServerErrorHttpException: "" at ExceptionConverterListener.php line 93 {"exception":"[object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\InternalServerErrorHttpException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\ForwardPageNotFoundException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T11:40:08.181854+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T11:40:08.182101+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T11:40:08.183209+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T10:43:57.433843+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "tl_page.129". {"route":"tl_page.129","route_parameters":{"_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\FrontendIndex::renderPage","_scope":"frontend","_locale":"de","_format":"html","_canonical_route":"tl_page.129","parameters":"","pageModel":{"Contao\\PageModel":[]},"_route":"tl_page.129","_route_object":{"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\Page\\PageRoute":[]}},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/luetten-dieks-antje","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/luetten-dieks-antje","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T10:43:57.667260+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\InternalServerErrorHttpException: "" at ExceptionConverterListener.php line 93 {"exception":"[object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\InternalServerErrorHttpException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\ForwardPageNotFoundException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/"} {"request_uri":"/luetten-dieks-antje","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T11:43:57.693280+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/luetten-dieks-antje","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T11:43:57.693701+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/luetten-dieks-antje","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T11:43:57.694868+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/luetten-dieks-antje","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T11:00:23.316404+00:00] request.INFO: Matched route "tl_page.186". {"route":"tl_page.186","route_parameters":{"_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\FrontendIndex::renderPage","_scope":"frontend","_locale":"de","_format":"html","_canonical_route":"tl_page.186","parameters":"","pageModel":{"Contao\\PageModel":[]},"_route":"tl_page.186","_route_object":{"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\Page\\PageRoute":[]}},"request_uri":"https://luetten-dieks.local/videoclips-g-wurf-2022","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/videoclips-g-wurf-2022","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T11:00:23.588576+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\InternalServerErrorHttpException: "" at ExceptionConverterListener.php line 93 {"exception":"[object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\InternalServerErrorHttpException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\ForwardPageNotFoundException(code: 0):  at /Users/georg/Sites/"} {"request_uri":"/videoclips-g-wurf-2022","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T12:00:23.631354+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/videoclips-g-wurf-2022","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T12:00:23.631615+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/videoclips-g-wurf-2022","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-28T12:00:23.633171+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/videoclips-g-wurf-2022","request_method":"GET"}
    Alle Weiterleitungsseiten existieren allesamt, die fehlerwerfenden request_uris sind real existierende Seiten, die als Menüpunkte im Haupmenü aufgerufen werden konnten.

    Liegt das vielleicht an dem leading slash in den request_uris?

    Ein Test auf dem Live-Server bei All-Inkl warf gestern Abend folgende Fehler:
    [2024-01-27T15:55:03.624076+01:00] request.INFO: Matched route "contao_backend". {"route":"contao_backend","route_parameters":{"_route":"contao_backend","_scope":"backend","_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\BackendController::mainAction"},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=bfef5bbb99abfed2ad550dbd6a.GbE54_hCAr8KCISOR1UM4QIqdV6Kk-K0JMHzC9JJmKc.Q8lNprcKboxkQtbodjh-g0BTHS_E27TWaJO1QeoOzMBw3k2CqBJv73xltA&ref=ChsRIu5p","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T15:55:03.676489+01:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception LogicException: "Unable to generate a content URL for the SERP widget, please provide the url_callback." at SerpPreview.php line 166 {"exception":"[object] (LogicException(code: 0): Unable to generate a content URL for the SERP widget, please provide the url_callback. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\RouteParametersException(code: 0): Unable to generate route for page ID 182. The page requires an item but none was given. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\InvalidParameterException(code: 0): Parameter \"parameters\" for route \"tl_page.182\" must match \"/.+?\" (\"\" given) to generate a corresponding URL. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=bfef5bbb99abfed2ad550dbd6a.GbE54_hCAr8KCISOR1UM4QIqdV6Kk-K0JMHzC9JJmKc.Q8lNprcKboxkQtbodjh-g0BTHS_E27TWaJO1QeoOzMBw3k2CqBJv73xltA&ref=ChsRIu5p","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T15:55:03.706190+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=bfef5bbb99abfed2ad550dbd6a.GbE54_hCAr8KCISOR1UM4QIqdV6Kk-K0JMHzC9JJmKc.Q8lNprcKboxkQtbodjh-g0BTHS_E27TWaJO1QeoOzMBw3k2CqBJv73xltA&ref=ChsRIu5p","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T15:55:03.706507+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=bfef5bbb99abfed2ad550dbd6a.GbE54_hCAr8KCISOR1UM4QIqdV6Kk-K0JMHzC9JJmKc.Q8lNprcKboxkQtbodjh-g0BTHS_E27TWaJO1QeoOzMBw3k2CqBJv73xltA&ref=ChsRIu5p","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T15:55:03.707889+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=bfef5bbb99abfed2ad550dbd6a.GbE54_hCAr8KCISOR1UM4QIqdV6Kk-K0JMHzC9JJmKc.Q8lNprcKboxkQtbodjh-g0BTHS_E27TWaJO1QeoOzMBw3k2CqBJv73xltA&ref=ChsRIu5p","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:02:42.864050+01:00] request.INFO: Matched route "contao_backend". {"route":"contao_backend","route_parameters":{"_route":"contao_backend","_scope":"backend","_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\BackendController::mainAction"},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=d30b12ad75.yZrdNgjGZP3V3fOzNz6CEbPPRT6gVs13v24N8_Pu6AI.k-Kpc0eOCM67l6HVBlPwc_G2LU_uHpsV8zxLucupvGWg9alXWJYJraOwww&ref=3v58Lhfh","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:02:42.903971+01:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception LogicException: "Unable to generate a content URL for the SERP widget, please provide the url_callback." at SerpPreview.php line 166 {"exception":"[object] (LogicException(code: 0): Unable to generate a content URL for the SERP widget, please provide the url_callback. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\RouteParametersException(code: 0): Unable to generate route for page ID 182. The page requires an item but none was given. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\InvalidParameterException(code: 0): Parameter \"parameters\" for route \"tl_page.182\" must match \"/.+?\" (\"\" given) to generate a corresponding URL. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=d30b12ad75.yZrdNgjGZP3V3fOzNz6CEbPPRT6gVs13v24N8_Pu6AI.k-Kpc0eOCM67l6HVBlPwc_G2LU_uHpsV8zxLucupvGWg9alXWJYJraOwww&ref=3v58Lhfh","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:02:42.924562+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=d30b12ad75.yZrdNgjGZP3V3fOzNz6CEbPPRT6gVs13v24N8_Pu6AI.k-Kpc0eOCM67l6HVBlPwc_G2LU_uHpsV8zxLucupvGWg9alXWJYJraOwww&ref=3v58Lhfh","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:02:42.924782+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=d30b12ad75.yZrdNgjGZP3V3fOzNz6CEbPPRT6gVs13v24N8_Pu6AI.k-Kpc0eOCM67l6HVBlPwc_G2LU_uHpsV8zxLucupvGWg9alXWJYJraOwww&ref=3v58Lhfh","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:02:42.925682+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=182&rt=d30b12ad75.yZrdNgjGZP3V3fOzNz6CEbPPRT6gVs13v24N8_Pu6AI.k-Kpc0eOCM67l6HVBlPwc_G2LU_uHpsV8zxLucupvGWg9alXWJYJraOwww&ref=3v58Lhfh","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:07:56.406979+01:00] request.INFO: Matched route "contao_backend". {"route":"contao_backend","route_parameters":{"_route":"contao_backend","_scope":"backend","_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Controller\\BackendController::mainAction"},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=48&rt=dd47ee538.aOfVbPhJtHp0V0D1I8wBCxsBsHyoor6SByujCBamlaI.Mp-hKbcB2EkaHRKTEqFzaVl42A3m6ujwS3nlQi7hwcUBiKENqBnZKgI6cA&ref=-PQqtala","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:07:56.839316+01:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception LogicException: "Unable to generate a content URL for the SERP widget, please provide the url_callback." at SerpPreview.php line 166 {"exception":"[object] (LogicException(code: 0): Unable to generate a content URL for the SERP widget, please provide the url_callback. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\RouteParametersException(code: 0): Unable to generate route for page ID 48. The page requires an item but none was given. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\InvalidParameterException(code: 0): Parameter \"parameters\" for route \"tl_page.48\" must match \"/.+?\" (\"\" given) to generate a corresponding URL. at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=48&rt=dd47ee538.aOfVbPhJtHp0V0D1I8wBCxsBsHyoor6SByujCBamlaI.Mp-hKbcB2EkaHRKTEqFzaVl42A3m6ujwS3nlQi7hwcUBiKENqBnZKgI6cA&ref=-PQqtala","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:07:56.953025+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=48&rt=dd47ee538.aOfVbPhJtHp0V0D1I8wBCxsBsHyoor6SByujCBamlaI.Mp-hKbcB2EkaHRKTEqFzaVl42A3m6ujwS3nlQi7hwcUBiKENqBnZKgI6cA&ref=-PQqtala","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:07:56.953284+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=48&rt=dd47ee538.aOfVbPhJtHp0V0D1I8wBCxsBsHyoor6SByujCBamlaI.Mp-hKbcB2EkaHRKTEqFzaVl42A3m6ujwS3nlQi7hwcUBiKENqBnZKgI6cA&ref=-PQqtala","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T16:07:56.954541+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/contao?do=page&act=edit&id=48&rt=dd47ee538.aOfVbPhJtHp0V0D1I8wBCxsBsHyoor6SByujCBamlaI.Mp-hKbcB2EkaHRKTEqFzaVl42A3m6ujwS3nlQi7hwcUBiKENqBnZKgI6cA&ref=-PQqtala","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:31:31.365514+01:00] request.INFO: Matched route "tl_page.97". {"route":"tl_page.97","route_parameters":{"_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\FrontendIndex::renderPage","_scope":"frontend","_locale":"de","_format":"html","_canonical_route":"tl_page.97","parameters":"","pageModel":{"Contao\\PageModel":[]},"_route":"tl_page.97","_route_object":{"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\Page\\PageRoute":[]}},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:31:31.496901+01:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\InternalServerErrorHttpException: "" at ExceptionConverterListener.php line 93 {"exception":"[object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\InternalServerErrorHttpException(code: 0):  at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\ForwardPageNotFoundException(code: 0):  at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:31:31.529225+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:31:31.529514+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:31:31.537542+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/gaestebuch","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:34:18.775936+01:00] request.INFO: Matched route "tl_page.170". {"route":"tl_page.170","route_parameters":{"_token_check":true,"_controller":"Contao\\FrontendIndex::renderPage","_scope":"frontend","_locale":"de","_format":"html","_canonical_route":"tl_page.170","parameters":"/videoclips-f-wurf-2020","pageModel":{"Contao\\PageModel":[]},"_route":"tl_page.170","_route_object":{"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\Page\\PageRoute":[]}},"request_uri":"","method":"GET"} {"request_uri":"/videogruesse/videoclips-f-wurf-2020","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:34:18.860192+01:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\InternalServerErrorHttpException: "" at ExceptionConverterListener.php line 93 {"exception":"[object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\InternalServerErrorHttpException(code: 0):  at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/\n[previous exception] [object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\ForwardPageNotFoundException(code: 0):  at /www/htdocs/w00c556f/"} {"request_uri":"/videogruesse/videoclips-f-wurf-2020","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:34:18.888984+01:00] messenger.INFO: Sending message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage with contao_prio_low sender using Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Transport\AutoFallbackTransport {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","alias":"contao_prio_low","sender":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Transport\\AutoFallbackTransport"} {"request_uri":"/videogruesse/videoclips-f-wurf-2020","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:34:18.889262+01:00] messenger.INFO: Received message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage"} {"request_uri":"/videogruesse/videoclips-f-wurf-2020","request_method":"GET"}
    [2024-01-27T19:34:18.890596+01:00] messenger.INFO: Message Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\Message\SearchIndexMessage handled by Contao\CoreBundle\Messenger\MessageHandler\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke {"class":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\Message\\SearchIndexMessage","handler":"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Messenger\\MessageHandler\\SearchIndexMessageHandler::__invoke"} {"request_uri":"/videogruesse/videoclips-f-wurf-2020","request_method":"GET"}
    Geändert von Seefahrer (29.01.2024 um 06:29 Uhr)

  18. #18
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
    Avatar von Spooky
    Registriert seit


    Nutze den Debug-Modus und poste den Stack Trace. Poste auch die URL, unter der dieser Fehler auftritt.
    » sponsor me via GitHub or PayPal or Revolut

  19. #19
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
    Registriert seit
    Wurster Nordseeküste


    Hmm ... dass der Fehler mit einer gepatchten NewsResolver,php behoben ist, lässt ja nur die Möglichkeit, dass es an den Nachrichtenarchiven liegt!

    Ich habe also im betreffenden Seitenlayout mal das Latest News FE-Modul deaktiviert und prompt lief alles wie gewünscht. Nun im FE-Modul das Fotogrüße-Archiv deaktiviert und das Modul im Layout wieder aktiviert.
    Lief immer noch wie gewünscht, erneute Aktivierung des Fotogrüße-Archivs --> Absturz ...

    Nun das Fotogrüße-Archiv einmal in Fotogruesse umbenannt, aktiviert und alles lief wieder wie gewünscht ... Schlussendlich das Archiv in Fotogrüße zurückbenannt und das ganze läuft immer noch mit der ungepatchten NewsResover.php

    Tja ... alles ziemlich strange ... manchmal geschehen merkwürdige Dinge.

    Nach jeder Änderung natürlich den Symfony-Cache und den Scriptcache in der Systemwartung gelöscht.

  20. #20
    Wandelndes Contao-Lexikon
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    Hmm ... dass der Fehler mit einer gepatchten NewsResolver,php behoben ist, lässt ja nur die Möglichkeit, dass es an den Nachrichtenarchiven liegt!
    Es gibt noch keinen richtigen Patch. Das was ich im Ticket geschrieben habe, ist nur ein teilweiser Patch und solltest du auch nicht anwenden. Hast du denn nun das hier durchgeführt? Wenn ja, ist es ein anderer Fehler und du musst den Strack Trace + URL dazu posten.
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  21. #21
    Contao-Fan Avatar von Seefahrer
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    Wurster Nordseeküste


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    Moin Spooky,

    ich habe es soeben auf meiner lokalen Mamp-Installation noch einmal mit der originalen NewsResolver.php versucht, leider gibt es nach wie vor die gleichen Fehler wie gestern.
    Die Weiterleitungsseiten existieren allesamt, die fehlerwerfenden request_uris sind real existierende Seiten, die als Menüpunkte im Haupmenü aufgerufen werden konnten.
    Das Problem mit den fehlenden Seiten habe ich gestern behoben. Ansonsten habe ich mit der originalen NewsResolver.php getestet. Die Bemerkungen in beziehen sich nicht auf die teilweise gepatchte Datei! Nach meinem beschriebenen Vorgehen ist das Problem zunächst anscheinend gelöst.

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