Ich habe bei einer aktuelle 4.13.39 Installation die Erweiterung cgoit/contao-calendar-ical-php8-bundle v5.1.3 laufen.
Leider gibt es Probleme bei der Implementierung von regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Terminen (zB jeder 3. Mittwoch im Monat).
Da die Erweiterung nun als verwaist aufscheint und der Entwickler die neue Version cgoit/contao-calendar-ical-bundle v 5.2 empfiehlt habe ich dies installiert und wollte die alte deinstallieren.
Leider kommt nun die Fehlermeldung
Das System steht jetzt komplett, die automatische Reparatur über den Contao Manager geht auch nicht.Code:$ /bin/php81 -q -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -ddisplay_errors=0 -ddisplay_startup_errors=0 -derror_reporting=0 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Berlin /usr/www/users/menita/schmuckerau/website/web/contao-manager.phar.php composer install --no-dev --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader Installing dependencies from lock file Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. Nothing to install, update or remove Package php-http/message-factory is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use psr/http-factory instead. Generating optimized autoload files contao/manager-plugin: Dumping generated plugins file... contao/manager-plugin: ...done dumping generated plugins file Class Contao\ManagerPlugin\PluginLoader located in ./vendor/contao/manager-plugin/src/Resources/PluginLoader.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping. 110 packages you are using are looking for funding. Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! > @php vendor/bin/contao-setup In DefinitionErrorExceptionPass.php line 49: Cannot autowire service "Cgoit\ContaoCalendarIcalBundle\EventListener\DataC ontainer\CalendarOptionsListener": argument "$security" of method "__constr uct()" has type "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security" but this class was not found. Script @php vendor/bin/contao-setup handling the post-install-cmd event returned with error code 1 # Process terminated with exit code 1 # Result: General error
Die Systemwiederherstellung spuckt aus:
Bitte um Hilfe!Code:vendor/bin/contao-console list In DefinitionErrorExceptionPass.php line 49: Cannot autowire service "Cgoit\ContaoCalendarIcalBundle\EventListener\DataC ontainer\CalendarOptionsListener": argument "$security" of method "__constr uct()" has type "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security" but this class was not found.