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Thema: Probleme nach Installation und Migration auf einem Uni Webserver

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    Standard Probleme nach Installation und Migration auf einem Uni Webserver

    Hallo, ich habe heute eine bestehende Website mit Contao 4.13 von einem Webhoster zu einem Webserver an einer Universität umgezogen. Die Datenbank ist mirgriert, Prod.-Cache erneuert, Composer Abhängkeiten ausgeführt, Symlinks erneuert. Alles ist quasi grün.

    Trotzdem habe ich zum einen das Problem, dass es scheinbar nicht möglich ist im Frontend auf Daten aus dem Ordner files zuzugreifen. Sprich Bilder werden im Frontend nicht angezeigt und Schriften nicht geladen. Wenn ich die Dateien separat im Browser aufrufen möchte bekommte ich die Meldung: "Forbidden, You don't have permission to access this resource." Die Ordner stehen alle in der Dateiverwaltung auf öffentlich. Ich habe den Haken bei "öffentlich" auch noch mal deaktiviert und wieder aktiviert.

    Zum anderen spuckt mir Contao endlose Zeilen an Fehlern aus, wo ich gar nicht weiß wo sie anfangen und wieder enden.

    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.710657+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken" class is deprecated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AnonymousToken\" class is deprecated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.710694+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Using an object that is not an instance of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface" as $user in "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken" is deprecated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Using an object that is not an instance of \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\User\\UserInterface\" as $user in \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AnonymousToken\" is deprecated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.710726+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()" is deprecated, return null from "getUser()" instead when a token is not authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()\" is deprecated, return null from \"getUser()\" instead when a token is not authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.710747+00:00] security.INFO: Populated the TokenStorage with an anonymous Token. [] []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.715438+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()" is deprecated, return null from "getUser()" instead when a token is not authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()\" is deprecated, return null from \"getUser()\" instead when a token is not authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.715471+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()" method is deprecated, use "isAuthenticated()" or "isFullFledged()" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()\" method is deprecated, use \"isAuthenticated()\" or \"isFullFledged()\" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.715755+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()" is deprecated, return null from "getUser()" instead when a token is not authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()\" is deprecated, return null from \"getUser()\" instead when a token is not authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.715786+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()" method is deprecated, use "isAuthenticated()" or "isFullFledged()" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()\" method is deprecated, use \"isAuthenticated()\" or \"isFullFledged()\" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.741803+00:00] php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(code: 1044): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 1044): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.749052+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\ConnectionException: "An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database ''" at /www/VirtualHosts/ line 101 {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(code: 1044): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 1044): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.764592+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.3: Using the "langconfig.php" file has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Create custom language files in the "contao/languages" folder instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.3: Using the \"langconfig.php\" file has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Create custom language files in the \"contao/languages\" folder instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:09.764880+00:00] php.WARNING: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/VirtualHosts/ {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/VirtualHosts/ at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.716658+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "" service is deprecated, use "" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The \"\" service is deprecated, use \"\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.716855+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "" service is deprecated, create your own "" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The \"\" service is deprecated, create your own \"\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.717000+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "" service is deprecated, use "", "" or "" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The \"\" service is deprecated, use \"\", \"\" or \"\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.717175+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.10: Using the "Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\FrontendLoader" class has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Symfony routing instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.10: Using the \"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\FrontendLoader\" class has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Symfony routing instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718233+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using "Contao\ClassLoader::addNamespaces()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using \"Contao\\ClassLoader::addNamespaces()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718267+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using "Contao\ClassLoader::addNamespace()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using \"Contao\\ClassLoader::addNamespace()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718294+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using "Contao\ClassLoader::addClasses()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using \"Contao\\ClassLoader::addClasses()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718321+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using "Contao\ClassLoader::addClass()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using \"Contao\\ClassLoader::addClass()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718533+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718565+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718597+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718625+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718656+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718684+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.718711+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.720303+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using the "Contao\RequestToken" class has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the Symfony CSRF service via the container instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using the \"Contao\\RequestToken\" class has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the Symfony CSRF service via the container instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.740946+00:00] request.ERROR: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET" (from "")" at /www/VirtualHosts/ line 135 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code: 0): No route found for \"GET\" (from \"\") at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\ResourceNotFoundException(code: 0): None of the routers in the chain matched this request\nGET /contao-manager/users.json HTTP/2.0\r\nAccept:               application/json\r\nAccept-Encoding:      gzip, deflate, br\r\nAccept-Language:      de-DE,de;q=0.9\r\nCookie:               PHPSESSID=hehm8j7qc054laqsm3rr4esk8d; csrf_https-contao_csrf_token=TSvKsjiiSVKEQ3-_sMeV_vjInbSrX-B8owiWBzBf2hA\r\nForwarded:            for=\"\";host=\"\";proto=https\r\nHost:       \r\nProxy:      \r\nReferer:    \r\nSec-Fetch-Dest:       empty\r\nSec-Fetch-Mode:       cors\r\nSec-Fetch-Site:       same-origin\r\nSurrogate-Capability: symfony=\"ESI/1.0\"\r\nUser-Agent:           Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Safari/605.1.15\r\nX-Forwarded-For:\r\nX-Php-Ob-Level:       1\r\nX-Requested-With:     XMLHttpRequest\r\nCookie: PHPSESSID=hehm8j7qc054laqsm3rr4esk8d; csrf_https-contao_csrf_token=TSvKsjiiSVKEQ3-_sMeV_vjInbSrX-B8owiWBzBf2hA\r\n\r\n at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.741279+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Class "Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\HttplugFactory" is deprecated since version 1.8, use "Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Class \"Nyholm\\Psr7\\Factory\\HttplugFactory\" is deprecated since version 1.8, use \"Nyholm\\Psr7\\Factory\\Psr17Factory\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.741705+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Passing the access decision strategy as a string is deprecated, pass an instance of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Strategy\AccessDecisionStrategyInterface" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Passing the access decision strategy as a string is deprecated, pass an instance of \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authorization\\Strategy\\AccessDecisionStrategyInterface\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.741769+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Not setting the 5th argument of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker::__construct" to "false" is deprecated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Not setting the 5th argument of \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authorization\\AuthorizationChecker::__construct\" to \"false\" is deprecated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.750079+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()" is deprecated, return null from "getUser()" instead when a token is not authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()\" is deprecated, return null from \"getUser()\" instead when a token is not authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.750155+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()" method is deprecated, use "isAuthenticated()" or "isFullFledged()" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()\" method is deprecated, use \"isAuthenticated()\" or \"isFullFledged()\" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.751049+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()" is deprecated, return null from "getUser()" instead when a token is not authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()\" is deprecated, return null from \"getUser()\" instead when a token is not authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.751084+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()" method is deprecated, use "isAuthenticated()" or "isFullFledged()" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()\" method is deprecated, use \"isAuthenticated()\" or \"isFullFledged()\" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.758983+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/cache 5.4: "Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider" is deprecated, use "Doctrine\Common\Cache\Psr6\DoctrineProvider" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/cache 5.4: \"Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\DoctrineProvider\" is deprecated, use \"Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\Psr6\\DoctrineProvider\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.759333+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/cache 5.4: "Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider" is deprecated, use "Doctrine\Common\Cache\Psr6\DoctrineProvider" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/cache 5.4: \"Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\DoctrineProvider\" is deprecated, use \"Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\Psr6\\DoctrineProvider\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.762640+00:00] php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(code: 1044): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 1044): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.764167+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\ConnectionException: "An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database ''" at /www/VirtualHosts/ line 101 {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(code: 1044): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 1044): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.764722+00:00] php.WARNING: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/VirtualHosts/ {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/VirtualHosts/ at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.764900+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Exception thrown when handling an exception (RuntimeException: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by "/www/VirtualHosts/" at line 397. at /www/VirtualHosts/ line 145) {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by \"/www/VirtualHosts/\" at line 397. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:20.764950+00:00] php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by "/www/VirtualHosts/" at line 397. {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by \"/www/VirtualHosts/\" at line 397. at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(code: 1044): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 1044): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.656560+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "" service is deprecated, use "" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The \"\" service is deprecated, use \"\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.656761+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "" service is deprecated, create your own "" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The \"\" service is deprecated, create your own \"\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.656949+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "" service is deprecated, use "", "" or "" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The \"\" service is deprecated, use \"\", \"\" or \"\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.657138+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.10: Using the "Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\FrontendLoader" class has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Symfony routing instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.10: Using the \"Contao\\CoreBundle\\Routing\\FrontendLoader\" class has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Symfony routing instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658311+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using "Contao\ClassLoader::addNamespaces()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using \"Contao\\ClassLoader::addNamespaces()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658357+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using "Contao\ClassLoader::addNamespace()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using \"Contao\\ClassLoader::addNamespace()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658388+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using "Contao\ClassLoader::addClasses()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using \"Contao\\ClassLoader::addClasses()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658422+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using "Contao\ClassLoader::addClass()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.2: Using \"Contao\\ClassLoader::addClass()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658643+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658678+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658712+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658756+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658788+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658827+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.658855+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using "array_insert()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "Contao\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using \"array_insert()\" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use \"Contao\\ArrayUtil::arrayInsert()\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.660484+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using the "Contao\RequestToken" class has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the Symfony CSRF service via the container instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since contao/core-bundle 4.0: Using the \"Contao\\RequestToken\" class has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the Symfony CSRF service via the container instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.670476+00:00] request.ERROR: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET" (from "")" at /www/VirtualHosts/ line 135 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code: 0): No route found for \"GET\" (from \"\") at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\ResourceNotFoundException(code: 0): None of the routers in the chain matched this request\nGET /contao-manager/users.json HTTP/2.0\r\nAccept:               application/json\r\nAccept-Encoding:      gzip, deflate, br\r\nAccept-Language:      de-DE,de;q=0.9\r\nCookie:               PHPSESSID=hehm8j7qc054laqsm3rr4esk8d; csrf_https-contao_csrf_token=TSvKsjiiSVKEQ3-_sMeV_vjInbSrX-B8owiWBzBf2hA\r\nForwarded:            for=\"\";host=\"\";proto=https\r\nHost:       \r\nProxy:      \r\nReferer:    \r\nSec-Fetch-Dest:       empty\r\nSec-Fetch-Mode:       cors\r\nSec-Fetch-Site:       same-origin\r\nSurrogate-Capability: symfony=\"ESI/1.0\"\r\nUser-Agent:           Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Safari/605.1.15\r\nX-Forwarded-For:\r\nX-Php-Ob-Level:       1\r\nX-Requested-With:     XMLHttpRequest\r\nCookie: PHPSESSID=hehm8j7qc054laqsm3rr4esk8d; csrf_https-contao_csrf_token=TSvKsjiiSVKEQ3-_sMeV_vjInbSrX-B8owiWBzBf2hA\r\n\r\n at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.670780+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Class "Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\HttplugFactory" is deprecated since version 1.8, use "Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Class \"Nyholm\\Psr7\\Factory\\HttplugFactory\" is deprecated since version 1.8, use \"Nyholm\\Psr7\\Factory\\Psr17Factory\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.671250+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Passing the access decision strategy as a string is deprecated, pass an instance of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Strategy\AccessDecisionStrategyInterface" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Passing the access decision strategy as a string is deprecated, pass an instance of \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authorization\\Strategy\\AccessDecisionStrategyInterface\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.671320+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Not setting the 5th argument of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker::__construct" to "false" is deprecated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Not setting the 5th argument of \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authorization\\AuthorizationChecker::__construct\" to \"false\" is deprecated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.681213+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()" is deprecated, return null from "getUser()" instead when a token is not authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()\" is deprecated, return null from \"getUser()\" instead when a token is not authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.681254+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()" method is deprecated, use "isAuthenticated()" or "isFullFledged()" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()\" method is deprecated, use \"isAuthenticated()\" or \"isFullFledged()\" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.681899+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()" is deprecated, return null from "getUser()" instead when a token is not authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Method \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\AbstractToken::isAuthenticated()\" is deprecated, return null from \"getUser()\" instead when a token is not authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.681932+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()" method is deprecated, use "isAuthenticated()" or "isFullFledged()" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: The \"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\AuthenticationTrustResolver::isAnonymous()\" method is deprecated, use \"isAuthenticated()\" or \"isFullFledged()\" if you want to check if the request is (fully) authenticated. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.688769+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/cache 5.4: "Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider" is deprecated, use "Doctrine\Common\Cache\Psr6\DoctrineProvider" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/cache 5.4: \"Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\DoctrineProvider\" is deprecated, use \"Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\Psr6\\DoctrineProvider\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.689124+00:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since symfony/cache 5.4: "Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider" is deprecated, use "Doctrine\Common\Cache\Psr6\DoctrineProvider" instead. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since symfony/cache 5.4: \"Symfony\\Component\\Cache\\DoctrineProvider\" is deprecated, use \"Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\Psr6\\DoctrineProvider\" instead. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.694578+00:00] php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(code: 1044): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 1044): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.696255+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\ConnectionException: "An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database ''" at /www/VirtualHosts/ line 101 {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(code: 1044): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 1044): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.696717+00:00] php.WARNING: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/VirtualHosts/ {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/VirtualHosts/ at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.696884+00:00] request.CRITICAL: Exception thrown when handling an exception (RuntimeException: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by "/www/VirtualHosts/" at line 397. at /www/VirtualHosts/ line 145) {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by \"/www/VirtualHosts/\" at line 397. at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
    [2024-04-12T14:27:23.697026+00:00] php.CRITICAL: Uncaught Exception: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by "/www/VirtualHosts/" at line 397. {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by \"/www/VirtualHosts/\" at line 397. at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(code: 1044): An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception(code: 1044): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/\n[previous exception] [object] (PDOException(code: 42000): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1044 Access denied for user ''@'%' to database '' at /www/VirtualHosts/"} []
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    Contao-Urgestein Avatar von fiedsch
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    Wenn ich ein Bild!das im Quelltext angegeben ist (z.B. direkt aufrufe, bekomme ich vom Server einen Fehler 403 „ Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.“.

    Du müsstest klären, warum das so ist. Z.B. Rechte der Verzeichnisse oder Dateien.
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