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Thema: Fehler nach Export/Import

  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    Standard Fehler nach Export/Import

    Hab eine Seite fertiggestellt und wollte diese nun durch den Export vom lokalen System mit dem App BackUP DB in den Webspace einpassen. Habe die komplette Version als Backup lokal gespeichert und 1zu1 auf den neuen Webspace kopiert. Habe dann via phpMyAdmin die DB aktualisiert (mit der Backup sql) und habe letztendlich die localconfig neun angepasst.

    Im Frontend bekomme ich aber, wenn ich einen Menüpunkt anklicke folgenden Fehler:
    No input file specified. und im Backend bekomme ich einen ewig langen Eintrag über dem Header, welcher wie folgt aussieht:

    ed instead of the target URL.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['embed'] = array('Embed the link', 'Use the wildcard "%s" to embed the link in a phrase (e.g. For more information please visit %s).'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['rel'] = array('Lightbox', 'To trigger the lightbox, enter a rel attribute here.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['useImage'] = array('Create an image link', 'Use an image instead of the link title.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['multiSRC'] = array('Source files', 'Please select one or more files or folders from the files directory. If you select a folder, its files will be included automatically.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['useHomeDir'] = array('Use home directory', 'Use the home directory as file source if there is an authenticated user.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['perRow'] = array('Thumbnails per row', 'The number of image thumbnails per row.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['perPage'] = array('Items per page', 'The number of items per page. Set to 0 to disable pagination.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['sortBy'] = array('Order by', 'Please choose the sort order.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['galleryTpl'] = array('Gallery template', 'Here you can select the gallery template.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['cteAlias'] = array('Referenced element', 'Please choose the content element you want to insert.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['articleAlias'] = array('Referenced article', 'Please choose the article you want to insert.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['article'] = array('Article', 'Please select an article.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['form'] = array('Form', 'Please select a form.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['module'] = array('Module', 'Please select a module.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['protected'] = array('Protect element', 'Show the content element to certain member groups only.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['groups'] = array('Allowed member groups', 'These groups will be able to see the content element.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['guests'] = array('Show to guests only', 'Hide the content element if a member is logged in.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['cssID'] = array('CSS ID/class', 'Here you can set an ID and one or more classes.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['space'] = array('Space in front and after', 'Here you can enter the spacing in front of and after the content element in pixel. You should try to avoid inline styles and define the spacing in a style sheet, though.'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['source'] = array('Source files', 'Please choose the CSV files you want to import from the files directory.'); /** * Legends */ $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['type_legend'] = 'Element type'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['text_legend'] = 'Text/HTML/Code'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['image_legend'] = 'Image settings'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['list_legend'] = 'List items'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['table_legend'] = 'Table items'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['tconfig_legend'] = 'Table configuration'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['sortable_legend'] = 'Sorting options'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['moo_legend'] = 'Accordion settings'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['link_legend'] = 'Hyperlink settings'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['imglink_legend'] = 'Image link settings'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['source_legend'] = 'Files and folders'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['dwnconfig_legend'] = 'Download settings'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['include_legend'] = 'Include settings'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['protected_legend'] = 'Access protection'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['expert_legend'] = 'Expert settings'; /** * References */ $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['ordered'] = 'ordered list'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['unordered'] = 'unordered list'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['name_asc'] = 'File name (ascending)'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['name_desc'] = 'File name (descending)'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['date_asc'] = 'Date (ascending)'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['date_desc'] = 'Date (descending)'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['meta'] = 'Meta file (meta.txt)'; $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['random'] = 'Random order'; /** * Buttons */ $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['new'] = array('New element', 'Add a new content element'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['show'] = array('Element details', 'Show the details of content element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['cut'] = array('Move element', 'Move content element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['copy'] = array('Duplicate element', 'Duplicate content element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['delete'] = array('Delete element', 'Delete content element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['edit'] = array('Edit element', 'Edit content element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['editheader'] = array('Edit article settings', 'Edit the settings of the article'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['pasteafter'] = array('Paste at the top', 'Paste after content element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['pastenew'] = array('Add new at the top', 'Add new after content element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['up'] = array('Move item up', 'Move the item one position up'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['down'] = array('Move item down', 'Move the item one position down'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['toggle'] = array('Toggle visibility', 'Toggle the visibility of element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['editalias'] = array('Edit source element', 'Edit the source element ID %s'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['editarticle'] = array('Edit article', 'Edit article ID %s'); /** * Table wizard */ $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['importList'] = array('CSV import', 'Import list items from a CSV file'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['importTable'] = array('CSV import', 'Import table items from a CSV file'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['resizeCells'] = array('Cell magnifier', 'Toggle the cell magnifier'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['rcopy'] = array('Duplicate row', 'Duplicate the row'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['rup'] = array('Move row up', 'Move the row one position up'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['rdown'] = array('Move row down', 'Move the row one position down'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['rdelete'] = array('Delete row', 'Delete the row'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['ccopy'] = array('Duplicate column', 'Duplicate the column'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['cmovel'] = array('Move column left', 'Move the column one position left'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['cmover'] = array('Move column right', 'Move the column one position right'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_content']['cdelete'] = array('Delete column', 'Delete the column'); ?>
    Kann mir evtl. jemand helfen, was ich vergessen haben könnte oder was ich evtl. falsch gemacht habe?

    Danke schon einmal im voraus :-)

  2. #2
    Registriert seit

    Standard Erstes Problem behoben!

    Also das Problem im Backend habe ich behoben. Hat wohl nur an einer fehlenden Eintragung im config file gelegen.

    Das Problem aus dem Frontend bleibt jedoch weiterhin bestehen. Bekomme immer die Aussage beim anklicken eines Menüpunktes - No input file specified.

    Hat sowas schonmal jemand gehabt?

  3. #3
    Administrator Avatar von xchs
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    Zitat Zitat von the_dot Beitrag anzeigen
    Das Problem aus dem Frontend bleibt jedoch weiterhin bestehen. Bekomme immer die Aussage beim anklicken eines Menüpunktes - No input file specified.
    Das könnte auf ein Problem in der Server-Konfiguration hindeuten.

    Schau Dir mal die Beiträge dieses Themas an.
    Contao Community Administrator


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