Basic forum rules
If you think that a user ignores the forum rules or is a simple spam-bot, you can easily report him/her to the forum team by clicking on the little "Report post"-icon next to his/her post.
The forum team reserves the right to edit or remove any post at any time that violates the forum rules or german law. The determination of what is construed as a violation of the forum rules is up to the forum team and not users. We provide this forum voluntarily and without cost to you - please respect our rules.
We respect your privacy but we also need to abide to german law. We guarantee that we will only give user data to official authorities if we are legally bound to do so.
- One forum account/user: You are not allowed to register several forum accounts or share your acount-data with another person.
- Please post only in English, as this is the English speaking Contao-community.
- Use a friendly approach to other users. Provocations and insults are not allowed.
- Don't use too much CAPITALIZATION or too many punctuation marks (like !!!!!!!!!).
- Don't create several new threads with the same topic (cross-posting) in the forums.
- Don't change the topic in the middle of the thread. Create a new thread if needed.
- Advertisement is allowed only in very strict circumstances (more details below).
- Everyone has a right to his/her own privacy. It is not allowed to publically publish private informations about other users (like address, phone number, etc.) without his/her clear permission. This also includes publishing private emails or content from private messages.
- Spam is not tolerated under any circumstance.
- General prohibited: pornographic, right-wing extremistic, racist, discriminating, sexist, glorifying violence, gross, offensive, defamatory or degrading content or content that violates german law.
Advertisement/Posting external links in the forums
Advertisement is allowed only in very strict circumstances (links have to be related to Contao!):
- You are allowed to ask for help with a Contao problem and post a link to your - Contao based - website so that people are able to take a look at the problem.
- You are allowed to fill in your URL (even commercial) into your profile field "homepage".
- You are allowed to fill in (even commercial) links into your signature IF these links are directly connected to Contao, e.g: link to a Contao-web agency/-hoster/-programmer or Contao related community-project.
- Official Contao partners are allowed to support/advertise their non-commercial extensions by decent means. They are also allowed to create ONE thread for their commercial extensions.
- You are allowed to show your (even commercial) website in the "Showroom"-forum (only visible to logged in users) if the website is built with Contao. Maximum 4 websites per user and month.
You are not allowed to use the forums for unauthorized advertisement, Contao-fork advertisement, political advertisement, referer/afiliate-links, etc.