
Type: Posts; User: bluesolarwater

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  1. Writing to a contao 3.5 database from "outside" contao [PHP]?


    I've a newbie developer question, which I hope some kind soul will be able to help me with.

    I'd like to write two or three maintenance-type scripts to handle things related to my Contao 3.5...
  2. Impossible to format dates in list-view filters?

    Hi folks,

    I'm stuck trying to do something fairly simple. I hope someone with more Contao development knowledge can tell me if what I want to do is possible?

    I've switched on "Deactivate on" as...
  3. Brilliant, thank you Andreas. That's enough info...

    Brilliant, thank you Andreas. That's enough info for me to figure out the rest on my own. Thanks for taking the time to explain this. Hopefully some other people will be helped too. :)
  4. How to ignore current item in sidebar newslist?


    I've a very simple problem but don't know enough about Contao internals to code it...

    I have a newsreader that prints the item and a sidebar with all other current news stories listed in...
  5. Replies

    Inserttags and calendar dates - HELP!

    I'm hoping there's a really obvious answer to this problem that someone out there will know and post...

    I want to include a calendar module using {{insert_module::73}} but this means the calendar...
  6. Replies

    Re: Can event lists be grouped by month?

    Ahh.. that's *perfect*! Just what I was after.

    Thank you for answering so quickly and thank you also for Typolight. It's such a good piece of software and I'm happy to have finally found an open...
  7. Replies

    Re: Can event lists be grouped by month?

    Thanks for replying, Leo.

    I've been using the Event List module, set on yearly view, but no combination of settings and templates will make the monthly headers and group the events by month. It...
  8. Replies

    Can event lists be grouped by month?


    I've a simple question about the event listings. I hope someone on this brand-new forum will be able to help me :-)

    I'd like to list all the events in a year with month headings, like so......
Results 1 to 8 of 8