
Type: Posts; User: spirescreative

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  1. Extension or Solution for 2FA on Backend

    Is there a 2FA module for 4.13 backend that I may not be aware of? Something that could satisify this need for added security?

    dieschittigs/contao-tfa-bundle for Two Factor Authentication seems to...
  2. Ireland Missing Munster Province and it's related Counties

    When setting up the Store Configuration for Ireland, the "State" listing is missing the entirety of Munster Province, which includes counties such as Cork, Kerry and Limerick.

    How does one modify...
  3. PayPal Plus - Customer has option to update shipping address during payment

    How do you handle shipping address changes made through PayPal during the payment process in Contao Isotope?

    When using PayPal Plus, the customer can update their shipping address. However, these...
  4. Error after update - undefined method named "executeQuery"

    I've done a fresh installation of 4.9 and after a bundle update, the Page Layout Theme throws the following error:

    Internal Server Error
    Attempted to call an undefined method named...
  5. Replies

    Show All Attributes in Reader

    I am at a loss as to how to list all attributes in the reader, without manually calling each one by name with $this->generateAttribute. Seems I wouldn't need to modify the template every time a new...
  6. Replies

    Hi! Did you ever get an answer?? I'm curious as...

    Hi! Did you ever get an answer?? I'm curious as to how to list all attributes on the frontend, without manually entering them by name in the template.
  7. Dev states package is not supported on 4.13 at...

    Dev states package is not supported on 4.13 at this time.
  8. Contao Bootstrap Bundle - Installation Failed on 4.13

    Receiving the following error when installing the Bootstrap Bundle via the Contao Manager:

    composer update contao-bootstrap/bundle contao/conflicts

    - contao-bootstrap/bundle[2.1.0, ...,...
  9. Install Tool for Database - Exception Occurred

    Performed a 4.13 install using WEB directory. All goes smooth.
    When it's time for the Installation Tool to create the database, the following errors show up (vars/log):

  10. I'm running into the same issue when installing...

    I'm running into the same issue when installing 4.9 (LTS). I've not seen this issue in the past on the same server configuration.
    When I Confirm & Close, it takes me to the Contao Manager like all...
  11. FYI, here is the output as to how far it gets in...

    FYI, here is the output as to how far it gets in the installation process, should it be helpful.
    [Dropbox Text File]
  12. Contao 4.12 install - Symlinks disabled

    Trying to do a clean install of 4.12 as it's the newest version available in the contao-manager.phar. I'm running into the following error:

    In ContaoSetupCommand.php line 131:
  13. Allow all HTML Tags and Attributes in the HTML Element

    Using the HTML element, it seems that simple HTML content, such as a PayPal form button, is being blocked by the Contao security settings and I can't seem to get around it. I've added every HTML tag...
  14. Email sent to internal server email account - "Mail delivery failed: no such user"


    A contact form has been created on a Contao CMS (v4.9.20) at When setting the Recipient address of the contact form to be received at an external email address different from...
  15. Replies

    I'm still at a loss here. Is there a way to make...

    I'm still at a loss here. Is there a way to make a url like list.html?show=83 become list/83.html without developing a package like contao-simple-news-urls? Maybe there's a better approach?
  16. Replies

    Clean URLs for List Reader

    SHORT VERSION: Looking to use the List module, or other method, to access Db table records with a clean [user-friendly] URL (eg "".) We have tl_ tables that have...
  17. Host corrected the php directive for SSH access,...

    Host corrected the php directive for SSH access, which is different than directives set using MultiPHP, if using a shared host.
    Memory issues certainly the problem; got 4.9 installed now without...
  18. I was able to test the individual script commands...

    I was able to test the individual script commands above by adding -d memory_limit=128M to the front end of the commands, which effectively alters the memory limit per instance.

    php -d...
  19. No. The limit has been updated to 512M since back...

    No. The limit has been updated to 512M since back when you first requested that the memory be increased.
  20. When I look at the PHPInfo(), memory_limit it is...

    When I look at the PHPInfo(), memory_limit it is set to 512M. I'm not sure what or how to change where this script is getting it's directive for 32M...
  21. With regards to the following commands: rm...

    With regards to the following commands:

    rm -rf var/cache/prod
    php vendor/bin/contao-console contao:install-web-dir --env=prod
    php vendor/bin/contao-console cache:clear --no-warmup --env=prod...
  22. Package update fails with the same error as above...

    Package update fails with the same error as above (regarding contao:install-web-dir.)

    Additional Tests
    Maintenance > Composer Dependencies > Run Installer: I get the same error as when the Contao...
  23. Change made. Still a 500 error. My feeling is...

    Change made. Still a 500 error.
    My feeling is that some of the core parts have not installed, but I'm not sure what would have come after the contao:install-web-dir directive.
  24. This is the .htaccess file in the web folder...

    This is the .htaccess file in the web folder (first part is from the server which was generated when the MultiPHP settings in the cPanel enabled certain functions, including Allow_url_fopen):

  25. The doc root is pointing to the web folder, yes....

    The doc root is pointing to the web folder, yes.
    RewriteEngine is On.
    Accessing the page with the "index.php/contao/install" rewrites to /contao/install" and comes up with a 500 Internal Server...
  26. FYI, the Install Tool, inside of the Contao...

    FYI, the Install Tool, inside of the Contao Manager, now throws a 500 Internal Server Error.
  27. php -v outputs the php version information (PHP...

    php -v outputs the php version information (PHP 7.3/23) and build information.

    Running the following command "php vendor/bin/contao-console contao:install-web-dir" outputs the following:
  28. If I perform a update of the Contao Open Source...

    If I perform a update of the Contao Open Source CMS in the 4.10 Contao Manager I get a similar message:

    $ /usr/local/bin/php -q -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -dallow_url_fopen=1...
  29. I've performed the SSH command on both 4.10 and...

    I've performed the SSH command on both 4.10 and 4.4 installations. The command is received with no output response. Assume it was accepted.
  30. Here is the full text from the 4.10 installation:...

    Here is the full text from the 4.10 installation:
  31. Issues with installation: 4.10, 4.9, & 4.4 | contao:install-web-dir & scriptHandler


    I've attempted a clean installation of 4.x using the contao-manager.phar installer. Each version presents an error in the scriptHandler.php during the "composer install" phase. The only...
Results 1 to 31 of 32