
Type: Posts; User: aswathy

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  1. make a domain only accessible when only logged into backend

    How can I make a domain only accessible when only logged into backend in my mutidomain set. Enable maintenance mode is working bt for both the domain. I need only one domain making maintenance mode....
  2. Thread: Search Indexer

    by aswathy

    But I noticed that in some templates no content...

    But I noticed that in some templates no content in between these tags. and occurs same tags consecutively and stop tag without a start tag
  3. Thread: Search Indexer

    by aswathy

    Search Indexer

    Hi, I found some tags <!-- indexer::start --> ,<!-- indexer::continue --> , <!-- indexer::stop --> in my webpage . The tag has no specific order . 2 <!-- indexer::continue --> occur consecutively...
  4. Replies

    Yes I'am Using newslist extended extension since...

    Yes I'am Using newslist extended extension since I am working with multi domain site. Contao version 4.5.8 .Where is $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['disableAlias'] setting?
  5. Replies

    I am using news extension in the above mensioned...

    I am using news extension in the above mensioned pages. News Module Filtered in the list page and Newsreader module in detail page
  6. Replies

    My page structure is like News (newslist)...

    My page structure is like
    News (newslist)
    |____________News Detail

    when I click on a news , the news is redirected to the correct url is ...
  7. Replies

    return 404

    url is not changing when change the redirect page
  8. Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /..//templates/elements/ce_player.html5

    Europe/Amsterdam] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /../vendor/contao/core-bundle/src/Resources/contao/templates/elements/ce_player.html5 on line 13 in contao ver.4.5.8 .
  9. Replies

    Thank you

    Thank you for your quick response.
  10. Replies

    Use same news in a multi domain site

    How can I use same news archives for muti domain site. In news archive configuration , there is option to select only one detail page . How to configure different detail page for same news in a multi...
  11. Ignore indexing by value

    like $GLOBALS['TL_NOINDEX_KEYS'][] any other configuration is there for ignoring the url , if theit contains values with specific patterns
  12. IndexPage

    I wrote IndexPage hook in my pluggin. When I clicked on rebuild index, my function is not executing. How to process the hook ?
  13. I resolved the issue. The url's were regenerated...

    I resolved the issue.
    The url's were regenerated from the newsletter-bundle. In core bundle, the url of the article with teaser is generated. The newsletter-bundle is also contain hook for creating...
  14. My siteconfiguration is as follows created...

    My siteconfiguration is as follows

    created a regular page with hidden in navigation and created articles with configuration show teaser
    created another page and created elements as 'teaser...
  15. Contao Sitemap generates url for same page twice

    I am using contao 4.4 instance.I have a problem in google sitemap generation. I have a newsletter page (page type = regular ) . In that page I have some newsletter articles (with teaser) . When I...
  16. sitemap xml generates 404 pages for newsletter archive

    I am using Contao 4.4 instance. I have a page(newsletterpage) with multiple articles which are different newsletters.
    so the generated sitemap.xml contains two links for newsletter articles....
  17. then,what is the correct method to minify css and...

    then,what is the correct method to minify css and avoid render blocking in contao ?
  18. How to minify css and make combined js file async

    Hi I need to optimise the site . So I want

    minify css
    make combined js file async

    I selected all the external css in Themes-> Layout -> my Layout and enabled Combine scripts. Then...
  19. Replies

    News extended module template overriding

    Hi, I need to extend tl_news extension. I added some fields (e.g.: fileTree, select with related news options etc.). The entries successfully saved in database. And got the templatevars in the news...
  20. Replies

    Internal server error on delete

    I created a backend custom module . The listing of records is looking fine.But When I was trying to delete or copy it returns internal server error.Why?



    // List
  21. Replies

    Change web/files/ to files/

    I uploaded an image in article of a page.But the image not displayed in frontend.The image is in /files but path showing is /web/files . How can I fix it???
  22. The video is now missing.

    The video is now missing.
  23. Thank you for your valuable information. But I...

    Thank you for your valuable information. But I need basic guidelines for compatibility fix from 3 to 4
  24. I manually installed the extension.Updated the...

    I manually installed the extension.Updated the database.But It doesn't appear in the backend template module.
  25. I install the extension custom_module...

    I install the extension custom_module (comptibility : Contao from 3.2.0 to 3.5.28 ).I need to make this extension works in contao 4.4
  26. Migration of extensions from contao 3 to contao 4

    Hi,I'm new to contao . How to migrate an extension from contao 3 to conto 4 ??? Please provide me any reference.
Results 1 to 26 of 27