
Type: Posts; User: Symian

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  1. Re: [bug fixed] Missing Resized Images in Front End

    Thanks Thyon, I couldn't figure this one out.

    It was line 188 for me, it worked immediately with a frontend reload.

    I'm not sure it matters, but I thought I'd mention this website was on...
  2. Replies

    Re: [solved] error DC_DynamicTable

    Thanks! This fixed my problem with this excellent extension, I figured I'd corrupted it in some way doing the upgrade.

    I backed up my db but not the folders so was not pleased about rolling back...
  3. Replies

    Re: Styling Member Registration form problem

    I've realised that I can edit the way the member registration form in the way I want by editing tables mode in the form_*.tpl files in the same way I edited tableless mode for my custom forms. This...
  4. Re: Custom form using 'groupselection' functionality

    I'm running into a different problem with the member registration module as it seems much more problematic to style.

    The labels have no #id or .classes, only 'for', meaning I cannot specifically...
  5. Replies

    Styling Member Registration form problem

    Hello, I am confused by the (unless I'm an idiot) differences in the way the tableless modes in member registration module and the form tpls are set up. I'm using 2.7~ for my examples, but I have...
  6. Re: Custom form using 'groupselection' functionality

    Thanks again Ramjet. I've successfully changed the default registration form's Group to CountryGroup using dcaconfig.php in the way you suggested :D

  7. Re: Custom form using 'groupselection' functionality

    Thanks Ramjet, i'm going to try that and let you know. I had reached the point of finding member groups were stored as blob in mysql and couldn't get past it
  8. Re: 1250 elements!

    On the subject of the risk of hideous levels of duplication for language versions, I had been tackling this in my setup. The pages themselves (drama/privateLife.htm for instance) contain almost no...
  9. Re: Custom form using 'groupselection' functionality

    Hi Ramjet, the main function of the country groups is not languages, I need it to apply viewing permissions by country (viewable, not viewable) to 'guest', 'country that is allowed', 'country that is...
  10. Custom form using 'groupselection' functionality

    Hello, I am currently developing this site:

    Due to restrictions on showing content to various countries, as well as the aim to make it available in as many languages as...
Results 1 to 10 of 10