
Type: Posts; User: sid_yamamoto

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  1. Replies

    Re: Can't insert new record on backend

    Hi Ruud, I've tried regenerating the autoload files, but the error continues. One thing that I forgot to mention was that I've duplicated one form several times and the field names continues the...
  2. Replies

    Can't insert new record on backend

    I have a website with contao 3.0.5 + efg 2.0.1. In backend, when I try to insert a new record the following error occurs:
    500 (Internal Server Error). The error_log says:
    PHP Fatal error: Class...
  3. Re: Upgrade to v3.0.4 Fails on Clean Install v3.0.3

    I'm having the same issue with contao 3.0.4. Made the install from scratch and the English labels aren't showing. The same warning (error?) in the Backend Template on line 197.

    PHP Warning:...
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