Hi I made these and thought I could contribute back to the typolight community somehow.
It might be good for newbies like myself

These are sample tinyMCE templates I made especially for newsletter wysiwyg, so you can have columns and rounded corner boxes, placed direct into the wysiwg.

I tried using them on the regular site but they break, they get additional height spacing from somewhere!! can't seem to fix it someone else can try, if they like.

all columns and boxes are fluid, are based on tables (not div's) and are styled inline.

you will find in the zip file:
a basic 2 column variation template,
a rounded corner box template,
a 2 column rounded corner template variation.

what to do:
1) for use with newsletter, the images may have to change from relative paths to absolute paths.

2) in typolight you should put the files in folder 'tl_files/tiny_templates/' there should already be a sample file called index.html inside.

3) ok now, go to the WYSIWYG tinyMCE and select templates menu item.

hope this will help someone

EDIT: oops! template 'rounded-2col.html' has cellpadding="10" should be cellpadding="0" or else the it expands 10px beyond shape of newsletter. Fixed.