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Thread: Split up right column articles with a navigationmodule

  1. #1
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    Default Split up right column articles with a navigationmodule


    I have a site with a header, a main column and a right column. In the right column I have my subnavigation. I want to give the subnavigation of every page a unique headline which schould be editable under "articles". After the subnavigation i want a new to be able to make more articles.

    So I basically want to split up the articles and throw a module inbetween - is that possible and how?
    Thanks in advance!

    - Christian -

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Split up right column articles with a navigationmodule

    Hi Christian, yes you can do this.

    1. Create your navigation module[/*:m:16n8q6of]
    2. Create a content element in your article at the point where you want the navigation to show and choose 'Module' from the 'Content element' drop down list.[/*:m:16n8q6of]
    3. Select your navigation module from the 'Module' drop down list.[/*:m:16n8q6of]

    Now you can add another element after the navigation or a new article. Of course you could also create a unique article to specifically contain your navigation if that made more sense to you. This article can then be positioned anywhere you like.

    Hope this helps, let me know if its not clear.



  3. #3
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    Default Re: Split up right column articles with a navigationmodule

    Aha, Thanks that makes perfectly sense :-)


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