I have the following page struture:
- Information (text + file downloads etc)
- efg form (page title as hidden field for id)
- efg form list (selected on hidden field)

When a user fills in and submits the form, the same page is loaded and the form is listed beneath, which can then be edited if necessary.

Since for each page I only need one form:
- is there a way to check if a form already exists/has been filled in (for that page title), if yes - show form list element only, if no - show form element only?
- is there a completely different way to set this up? (if I use a jump-to list page on efg form submit, how do I get the user to go there if a form has alreday been submitted for this page?)

I have looked in the forum and have not yet found a solution; I would be very grateful if anyone could point me in the right direction/provide an answer. Thanks