Hi all,

I have a TL site I'm setting up for a client who needs to be able to display video which will mostly be hosted on external sites. They also publish most of their content via News article on various channels throughout the site.

I've added the <embed> tag to the list of allowed tags in the settings, but would like a more GUI-friendly way for them to insert the content than having to edit the html directly, so am trying to enable the "youtube" plugin from the TineMCE site.

I've uploaded the plugin to /plugins/tinymce/plugins/, and added it to the plugins list in the TinyMCE config file, as well as the button in the theme_advanced_buttons3 list. However, I get no icon in the TinyMCE interface when creating a new News article. A comment on the TinyMCE plugins site suggested that the "media" plugin had to be active for the Youtube one to work, so I've tried installing that, but its icon doesn't show up either. (again, uploaded "media" folder to the /tinymce/plugins directory, added "media" to plugins: list, added "media" to buttons list.)

Anything I'm missing here? On TL 2.7.2. Thanks!