Hi thyon,

I wanted to ask you if you know some method or strategy to handle 404 errors deriving form obsolete catalog entries for example in the Google search index?

As I'm using the folderUrl extension from Andreas Schempp, my catalog page alias has the following directory structure:

http://www.domain.tld/de/folder/subfold ... -item.html (whereas "items" is the keyword added by the catalog extension)

Thus, I tried to write some rewrite rules in my .htaccess file to redirect those catalog requests (which are causing the 404 errors) to my overview catalog items page:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-d
RewriteRule ^/de/folder/subfolder/details/items/.+$ http://www.domain.tld/de/folder/overview.html [L]
Unfortunatly, this rules are not working!

If I invoke some (invalid) catalog link currently present in the Google index, I only receive the catalogExt error message from this variable "$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['catalogItemInvalid']"
As I have also a own 404 error page for my website: Are the 404 errors caused by invalid catalog items handled in a special manner by the catalogExt extension?

Maybe do you know some tactic to handle this behavior i.e. to redirect all 404 errors with request URI of a certain folder structure to a predefined overview page?
