I'm hoping that someone might be able to give me some ideas on the best / most practical way to handle the situation I am in. Lets say I have a website with four separate pages about topics A, B, C, and D.

If I am tagging all of my news post using A, B, C, D, or some combination of these I can get them to appear on the appropriate page using a newslist filtered by tag. This lets me have a news item show up on pages A and D if it is tagged with those topics and once on my main news page that contains all news listings.

I am trying to do the same thing with events, but I cannot figure out how. I have the events tagged, but this only lets me make a tag cloud. I cannot filter an upcoming eventlist by tag like I can on the newslist. If I make separate calendars for each topic I can then have an upcoming list on each page just pulling from that calendar, and I can set my main event page to pull from calendars A, B, C, and D so I have all events on that page. The trouble with this approach happens when I have an event that might be related to both topics B and C. If I want it to show up on those pages I would have to enter it on both calendars, but then it would show up twice on my main calendar which is pulling from all calendars. Not to mention on my main site I have 9 topics not 4 so I would end up having to enter events on 5 or 6 different calendars sometimes.

I hope that made some sense, and does anyone have an suggestions on how to best accomplish this?

I saw an extension called [x_ck_associated_events] Associated Events that might be similar to what I am looking to do, but it seems to be outdated and wouldn't even install right.

I am using the following extensions: