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Thread: [catalog_mailer] Ability to send custom e-mails

  1. #1
    Experienced user
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    Cape Town, South Africa

    Default [catalog_mailer] Ability to send custom e-mails

    The Catalog Mailer adds the ability to mail catalog items to a predefined mail setup. This is ideal for sending an property or product update e-mail to a head-office or group e-mail on a regular basis.

    The backend allows setting up the subject, sender address, pre-defined recipient list, mail_xx and catalog_xx templates, field list to display in mailer application, filter condition and default sort order, and number of items.

    Once enabled, the Catalog Mailer creates a mail button for each catalog. The mailer application allows you to add member groups, custom recipients, a custom message and to select the catalog items to add to the mail. You can then preview or mail the catalog items.

  2. #2
    Experienced user
    Join Date
    Cape Town, South Africa

    Default Re: [catalog_mailer] Ability to send custom e-mails

    Note that when installing the catalog_mailer ensure that you select:


    Otherwise, when you install the catalog_mailer, it will ignore the catalog beta 1 and try to install the previous stable release.


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