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Thread: How to use hooks

  1. #1
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    Default How to use hooks

    Guess this is really simple, but if you never have done it before, it sure helps if someone points you in the right direction.

    I need to write a custom php-script that fires each time a new frontend member is registered. The values I need to get is: first name, last name and e-mail.

    I understand that I need to use the processFormData hook. I have never used hooks before and therefore need a little bit of help. The only information I found is this syntax:

    // config.php
    $GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['processFormData'][] = array('MyClass', 'myProcessFormData');
    // MyClass.php
    public function myProcessFormData($arrPost, $arrForm, $arrFiles)
    // Do something
    But from here I don't know where to go. :? Where is the config.php and MyClass.php files that I need to alter? And how do I write the function to get the name and e-mail fields?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How to use hooks

    Hi Ola,

    From someone who was exactly where you are just a few weeks ago, I'd be happy to share what I've learned so far...

    First off, it sounds like what you are describing would use the 'createNewUser' hook instead -- it's on the Hooks page of the Website as well, and has a very similar syntax.

    I would also read Tru's blog series on writing a custom module. In your case the first part of his series would be useful -- where he creates the file and folder structure of his custom module, and explains the logic behind why those are set up the way they are -- ... -part-one/.

    You'd essentially be creating a custom module that has two files:

    /system/modules/myCustomModule/config/config.php, Which Contains:
    $GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['createNewUser'][] = array('myCustomModuleClass', 'myCustomClassMethod');
    /system/modules/myCustomModule/myCustomModuleClass.php, Which Contains:
    class myCustomModuleClass // Make sure this class name matches the first item in the above line of code
    	public function __construct() {}
    	public function myCustomClassMethod($intId, $arrData) // And make sure this method matches as well
    		print_r($intId); // Print the ID of the new User
    		print_r($arrData); // Print out the user's data, which should include the fields you need.
    And then that method would automatically run every time a new user registers.

    Does that help?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How to use hooks

    Hi Medianomaly,

    Very kind of you! This should be what I need to get things working. You should copy this information to the tutorial section in this forum for future reference.

    One last question though: Is the only way to use hooks by building custom modules? Is it not possible to declare functions that uses hooks in localconfig.php or some other file?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How to use hooks

    I don't think it's the only way -- you could probably paste all the code into localconfig.php and have it work just the same, but making a module does seem to be the "recommended" way of doing it.

    It looks like you do need to call a method of a class from your hook (instead of a direct call to a function), but I don't know if there's a way around that.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How to use hooks

    Just a lil note: if I remember good, the some HOOKs may not display the data you want to print, due to redirection or something. What you can do is to call a fictional class or simply put the exit; statement at the end of the HOOK code:
    [code=php:2r6yvkbz]<span class="syntaxdefault">
    public*function*someClass</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">$arrData</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">)
    </span><span class="syntaxdefault">****print_r</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">(</span><span class="syntaxdefault">$arrData</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">);

    </span><span class="syntaxdefault">****new*Asd</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">();</span><span class="syntaxdefault">*</span><span class="syntaxcomment">//*or
    </span><span class="syntaxdefault">****exit</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">;
    </span><span class="syntaxdefault">*</span>[/code:2r6yvkbz]

    And according to medianomaly's code, there is no need to put
    [code=php:2r6yvkbz]<span class="syntaxdefault">
    public*function*__construct</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">()</span><span class="syntaxdefault">*</span><span class="syntaxkeyword">{}
    </span><span class="syntaxdefault">*</span>[/code:2r6yvkbz]
    and you can also extend your class with e.g. Backend, that will give you a possibility to connect to the database. I don't know if it's safe though :roll:


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