I have 2 catalogs - magazine and article.
Magazine catalog has a field named "number", article catalog has a field named printed_in_magazine.
I've setup printed_in_magazine as select field, and it takes data from magazine.number.
I wanted to create relation like one - to - many. => one magazine has a many articles

When I save data - all is good, in the article.printed_in_magazine field I have id of related magazine.

but when I'm trying to display data from both catalogs by catalog related module (I've setup Related fields to match = printed in magazine number ) I didn't get any value, because search has run by wrong field or data.

for example, this is values which I have in magazine and article table:
magazine table:
id=5 number=7

article table:
printed_in_magazine = 5

and connection, which made by catalog relation module is search for printed_in_magazine= 7.

seems that catalog related should search by row id in the related table, or we should store differ data on backend.

Did someone has the same issue?

p.s. sorry for my English, if something not clear enough I will try to explain.