First of all a cordial greeting to the TYPOlight community from Venezuela.

The Problem:

In the organization where I am working a project assumed an Intranet. the situation arises to cope with TYPOlight 2.8.1, this organization has a proxy to ISA Server 2006.

When installing the module 'NewsTwitter' has been a problem. it can not authenticate with Twitter ... to this problem I entered the script 'TwitterOAuth.php' and have added the following lines, in method 'http' ...

if ($ this-> UseProxy)
  curl_setopt ($ ci, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
  curl_setopt ($ ci, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1);
  curl_setopt ($ ci, CURLOPT_PROXY, $ this-> proxy);
  curl_setopt ($ ci, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $ this-> proxyPort);
  curl_setopt ($ ci, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $ this-> userpasswd);
add these lines after I sent the message to twitter successful connection from the back-end to add a news file. However, when adding new news and enable the sending and twitter send me the following message on the log:

"Error posting to Twitter"

also another line of the method change 'http' and included the following:
$response = curl_exec($ci) or die(curl_error($ci) . "
 url :" . $url . " 
 method :" . $method . "
 postfields : " . $postfields);
and when to resubmit the new news is obtained as follows:

Received HTTP code 502 from proxy after CONNECT
url :
method :POST
postfields : oauth_consumer_key=hENImvXmQiEIYsm6zvfrA&oauth_nonce=ad4bec06656a1cbbeb4ce2d9aa2bcac5&oauth_signature=PWlXDqJKcZMb4oEEtBIltf7UMG4%3D&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1288270802&oauth_token=206289617-MyJubrBDW676Gmo8iyvUfy5NOM2UKjmDmVeNYcxC&oauth_version=1.0&status=texto%20breve...%20http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Ftypolight%2Fnoticias-reader-cai%2Fitems%2Ftitular.html
It is very important to note that I tested the module NewsTwitter Development in an environment without proxy and it works perfectly. But when I pass the project will be finished with a proxy ... and not how to solve ... can anyone help?

no more than Agragar dismissal Thank you and I forgive my bad English.

Note: It is very important to know that I followed the steps to post to twitter I have created an application and have done well to remember that probe and FREE Proxy module and it works perfectly.