I'm trying to make the web site with automatic members registration, where each member will have the opportunity to register and upload some photos and fill some personal data (mini portfolio page). So far I created protected page, where member can login after successful registration. On that page member can edit their personal information's and upload some photos to personal folder using form. With EFG it is possible to add efg edit module so member can also edit their data and photos.
The problem arises when member want to delete some photos. EFG delete only row data from database, and images still remains in the personal folder.
I also use EFG image select menu so members can choose which images want to publish (another form to send data to catalog).
Because deleted images remains in personal folder it makes conflict with EFG image select menu.
I can also achieve the same without EFG, using catalog with form (frontend user send data to catalog), but I have same problem because FE user can only edit catalog items, not to delete them (images remain in folder again)