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Thread: FE_USER_AUTH cookie across subdomains

  1. #1
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    Default FE_USER_AUTH cookie across subdomains

    Hi All,

    I've started making some good progress developing for Contao and really enjoy it.

    I've become stuck trying to allow a front end user to stay logged in across subdomains. The reason for this is that we have a multi-language site, each language on a different subdomain, and the checkout will be on another secure subdomain.

    I've tried to extend FrontendUser so that I can override methods which call $this->setCookie, so that the domain can include subdomains.

    i.e. change lines like this: (line 255)
     $this->setCookie('FE_AUTO_LOGIN', $strToken, ($time + $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['autologin']), $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['websitePath']);
     $this->setCookie('FE_AUTO_LOGIN', $strToken, ($time + $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['autologin']), $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['websitePath'], "");
    This seems to have problems of its own ( I have to override a lot of methods, from both FrontendUser and User)
    And so far doesn't yet seem to be working as expected (not sure if its my dev environment setup)

    But I can't help but wonder if there's another way to do this?

    maybe a new TL_CONFIG setting?
    $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cookieDomain'] = "";

    and then the System.php file can be altered (line 513 onwards) (I don't think I can extend and replace System class through an extension?)

    	protected function setCookie($strName, $varValue, $intExpires, $strPath='', $strDomain=null, $blnSecure=null)
    		if (!strlen($strPath))
    			$strPath = '/';
    		$strDomain = $strDomain ? $strDomain : $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['cookieDomain'];
    		setcookie($strName, $varValue, $intExpires, $strPath, $strDomain, $blnSecure);
    Has anyone come across a solution to this?
    Is it a totally bad idea to change System.php in this way?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: FE_USER_AUTH cookie across subdomains

    Is it generally a bad idea to modify the core files, because they will be overwritten by the next update. Why don't you set the cookie in a HOOK like postLogin? Isn't that possible?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: FE_USER_AUTH cookie across subdomains

    This looks like exactly what I should be doing.

    Thanks for the pointer I will try that out

  4. #4
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    Default Re: FE_USER_AUTH cookie across subdomains

    I have now tried using a hook to implement cross domain sign on looks like this:
    Class AuthenticateAcrossDomains
    	public function loginAcrossDomains($User) 
    		$this->setCookie('FE_AUTO_LOGIN', $User->autologin, ($User->createdOn + $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['autologin']), $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['websitePath'], '');
    	public function logoutAcrossDomains($User)
    		$this->setCookie('FE_AUTO_LOGIN', $User->autologin, (time() - 86400), $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['websitePath'], '');
    Good news, I can now log in across subdomains! by using the autologin feature of Contao (by setting FE_AUTO_LOGIN cookie domain to

    Bad news: I can't log-out across domains!

    • logout code only logs out the cookie on the current domain. I have no access to the other domains FE_USER_AUTH cookies at the time I am logging out.

    • I cannot overcome this because the postLogin hook occurs after the FE_USER_AUTH cookie is set (and is only set on the current domain) and therefore I cannot clear that cookie and set another one for all subdomains

    • I have tried hacking it so that I set an additional 'FE_USER_AUTH' ("") on postLogout but Contao doesn't work on any of the other sub domains (FrontendUser->authenticate() line:228 $this->reload() keeps getting called)

    Really scratching my head now. Seems like I have to alter/override System->setCookie or extend FrontendUser.

    Any other suggestions?


  5. #5
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    Default Re: FE_USER_AUTH cookie across subdomains

    Ok so I think I have found the best solution.

    Extend FrontendUser

    class MyFrontendUser extends FrontendUser
    	 * Set a cookie across subdomains if the $strDomain isnt already set
    	 * (non-PHPdoc)
    	 * @see system/libraries/System::setCookie()
    	protected function setCookie($strName, $varValue, $intExpires, $strPath='', $strDomain=null, $blnSecure=null)
    		$strDomain = (is_null($strDomain) ? "" : $strDomain );
    		parent::setCookie($strName, $varValue, $intExpires, $strPath, $strDomain, $blnSecure);
    However theres a lot more to it than that. Becuase FrontendUser is initialised by the framework before I can instaniate MyFrontendUser. ....

    wrote this far too late last night, maybe go back to the drawing board ;o)


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