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Thread: [wfl] Webfontloader

  1. #1
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    Default [wfl] Webfontloader

    We ( & have just released our new extension "Webfontloader".

    The Webfontloader enables you to use fonts provided by various suppliers very easy with Contao:

    • Google Webfonts[/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • Fontsquirrel @Fontface Kits[/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • Typekit[/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • Monotype ([/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • CSS files with @font-face settings (locale and external)[/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • Font files (.eot, .woff, .ttf, .svg, locale and external)[/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • Ready-to-use code snippets[/*:m:rm39qsab]

    Mostly the fonts can use the Google WebFont Loader, which provides more detailed CSS configurations like while-loading etc.. Other ways of embedding are provided per page layout:

    • Google WebFont Loader plus CSS[/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • Google WebFont Loader plus CSS in noscript-tag (doesn't validate unfortunately)[/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • CSS only[/*:m:rm39qsab]
    • Google WebFont Loader only (which makes fonts available with Javascript only)[/*:m:rm39qsab]

    The Fontsquirrel @Fontface-Kits are automatically downloaded and transferred into the Contao file manager.

    Attention: Please read the licenses of the fonts used, because they differ a lot. Some providers e. g. want the website manager to suppress hotlinking of the font files.

    We are working on a documentation. But until it's available you'll be fine to use it if you take a look at the hints at the fields.

    By now it's a beta version. Please use it, test it and tell us about the bugs you found. But it's already quite stable now :D


    Christian & Markus
    "Read the source, Luke"

  2. #2
    Experienced user
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    Default Re: [wfl] Webfontloader

    This looks very cool. Thanks for releasing it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: [wfl] Webfontloader

    Hi Christian,

    As Brian says this looks a cool extension.

    Just had a quick play and was hoping to work with fontsquirrel, but I don't see any options for that, am I missing something?

    Ta, Gary.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: [wfl] Webfontloader

    Hi Gary,

    you got stuck at the 1st part of the configuration ;-) In the actual version (beta3) I renamed some things to make it clearer until a documentation is out. Maybe I also can add a few help wizards in the BE.

    The 1st part is to create a font collection. Just like the news archive or the faq archive. Here you also put in the typekit-id and monotype-id, because you can only use one per site and don't need more configuration.

    In the 2nd part you fill the font-collection with font-definitions. This can be Google, Fontsquirrel, self-hosted etc. Even mixed, so you e.g. can have 2 Google fonts, 1 Fontsquirrel and 1 with self-hosted files in a single configuration using only 1 Google WebFont Loader for all of them. Here you are only asked the values needed by the font-supplier.

    Finished with that, you address those collections in the page-layout to use them. After this the fonts are usable in your own CSS like system-fonts and you don't need to bother with loading them and getting them into your site. Additionally, you can use the special CSS-selectors Google provides with its WebFont Loader.

    Best regards,


    PS: Do you want to take a look over the English translation? Maybe it's a bit "unusually" done by me ;-)
    "Read the source, Luke"

  5. #5
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    Default Re: [wfl] Webfontloader


    Is there somewhere an english documentation for wfl ?

    I'm trying to use self-hosted Google web font but I'm experiencing latency when charging webpages. How can I optimize it?

    Is it better to use fonts directly from Google website ? But i don't understand how the javascript code has to look like in event fields.

    Thanks for your help.


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