In my dca I can declare date and time fields. When entering any date value the unix timestamp is saved for the beginning of that date in my timezone. My timezone is set to Europe/Amsterdam. But when saving times the number is converted to a number I do not understand. Our current offset from UTC/GMT is +2:00. The time that is saved when the typed value is 10:00 is 32400 (div 3600 = 9:00). Everywhere I want to use the time it is displayed as 10:00 so that is all fine. But there is this 1 hour offset I don't understand, I thought it should be 2.

My problem becomes clear when I have a date AND a time that I want to add into 1 datetime. For that I'm now using:
strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $date) . ' ' . date('H:i:s', $time))
This gives me the correct result.

Isn't there a function where I can just add the time (seconds from midnight) to the unix timstamp for the date (which is correctly saved as the start of day for my location, in my case 22:00 of the previous day on UTC/GMT). I haven't found such a function in Contao, does it exist, or should it even be added?

Why does Contao store the date as the expected current timestamp (which is at UTC) but doesn't store the time as nr of seconds since midnight.

To me it is weird that as a user in the backend I can say: date = 2011-10-01, time = 10:00. But when I add the values as they are stored in the db the result is 2011-10-01 09:00. Should I not be able to add these values directly, or at least not through a function that needs to convert the timestamps into two strings, and convert the concatenated result back into a unix timestamp again.