Hello !

I would like to announce a new service for the community. It is named contao-bundles.org (http://www.contao-bundles.org/en/start.html)

There you have the possibility to create you own installation packages with all free extension that you require for your daily work. It is quite similar to the ER type "Bundles" but with our service you are able, to build your own extension bundles.

Actually we have already some bundles available. Feel free to register and build your own bundles.
Select your extensions, go to "My wish list" and generate your package. With the API Key, which is displayed, you can install it in your client BE directly.

Additional we have build an extension named bundle_client (http://www.contao.org/extension-list/vi ... lient.html). With this tool, you can easily access the bundles in your own Backend.

Feel free to use it, report problems to our https://github.com/ContaoCommunityAl...ository/issues repository. Some issues are in german, Don´t hasitate to write in english ;-)