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Thread: MobileCore hide on mobile/pad/regular sites

  1. #1
    New user
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    Default MobileCore hide on mobile/pad/regular sites

    Hi everyone,

    I am trying the extension mobilecore
    So far my phone is identified correctly and the specific layout is loaded. However, the options hide on mobile/pad/regular sites don't work.
    It does not matter, what I check, everything will be displayed, regardless of the show/hide feature.

    Can somebody help me?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: MobileCore hide on mobile/pad/regular sites

    I have the same problem with MobileCore. My biggest issue is that media queries dosen't really works in IE (tested in v6 and v7). I tried to use the respond-script, which a lot of the is positive about - but I can't make it work on my Contao-site. IE will still ignore my media queries and. Somebody who knows what to do? Make media queries work in IE (old versions).

  3. #3
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    Default Re: MobileCore hide on mobile/pad/regular sites

    Sorry I haven't used the MobileCore Extension but I am using the CK_Adapt Extension.
    To your question about media queries and IE is as follows

    reference source:

    Media queries are supported in Internet Explorer (IE) 9+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 3+, Opera 7+, as well as on most modern smartphones and other screen-based devices.
    Dealing with older versions of Internet Explorer
    The lack of support for media queries in IE 6 through IE 8 is not a problem. Simply create a basic set of styles that are served to all browsers without using media queries, and use the media queries to provide an enhanced experience for visitors using more advanced browsers.

    Alternatively, use an Internet Explorer conditional comment to serve a special set of rules to older versions of IE like this:

    <!--[if lt IE 9 & !IEMobile]>
    <link href="iestyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


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