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Thread: Redirect 301 pb with an index2.php

  1. #1

    Default Redirect 301 pb with an index2.php

    Hi there,

    i had to do some 301 redirects on a website, google had urls like index.php?option= ... (old joomla with no rewriting) and urls like index2.php?option=....
    i didn't manage to redirectPermanent (because of query strings) or rewriteCond/rewriteRule in htaccess (all old urls went onto 404 page)

    so i did php 301 redirections in at top of my fe_page (a bit dirty)
    all old pages begining with index.php?.... are redirecting great
    but all old pages starting with index2.php?... still gave me apache 404.

    for the moment i created a index2.php and wrote all redirect in it and it works but i find it really dirty.

    any idea on why i have those pbs ? (tested on 2 different servers)


  2. #2
    New user
    Join Date


    So it is not so complicated as you think

    Is the Domain still the same? So you can add the following in the top of your htaccess:
    Redirect 301 /index.php?.... /index.html
    Redirect 301 /index2.php?.... /index2.html
    So you can harcode it in this file and this works pretty well.

    Or you can use this extension: -> Sorry only German Content.

    I use this on one Page wich has a lot of redirects and it works pretty well. A combination of both is possible as well


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