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Thread: Storage the form in two tables on the database

  1. #1

    Default Storage the form in two tables on the database


    For my forum module, I want to create a subject with a form, but with my database, I have to register form data in two tables.

    tl_forum_topic -> id,tstamp,titre,alias,dateSujet,sujetCloture,sujet Resolu,published,featured
    tl_forum_message -> id, tstamp, pid, author,dateMessage,content,published

    I have to register the title, generate the alias, and the date of the topic in tl_forum_topic
    And register the author, the dateMessage and the content in tl_forum_message

    I have to use a Hook or I can do this in another way ?

    Thanks for your answers.

  2. #2


    Anybody ?


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