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Thread: suddenly unable to upload files to File Manager?

  1. #1
    New user
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    Default suddenly unable to upload files to File Manager?


    Our organization is experiencing an issue with uploading files to File Manager and also with creating new folders within File Manager. We have always had this function available but suddenly it is not working, without us being aware of any change in anything else in the system. Upon uploading a file, Contao appears to be working on it, and then just returns to the upload page without a confirmation message and without the file being visible anywhere within File Manager. We have tried different sizes of files, different browsers, etc, to no avail. Also, when trying to create a folder, we receive an error message that the folder cannot be created. Has anyone else experienced this issue or is able to help?

    (We contacted our website hosting company to see if there is any issue there, but they are able to upload files successfully through cPanel, but not through Contao.)

    Thanks much,

    Milena Dabova
    Double Edge Theatre

  2. #2
    Community-Moderator xchs's Avatar
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    please run the Conato check and check whether all the system requirements are met. It seems that the PHP process does not have enough permissions to create files and folders. When the PHP process still runs as an Apache module try switching to CGI (FastCGI) so that the scripts are executed within your user context.
    Contao Community Moderator
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  3. #3
    New user
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    Default resolved!

    Yes, thank you, this was exactly the issue. Our hosting company had to transfer our site to another server that was able to accommodate the Contao system requirements and now the uploading works again!


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