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Thread: To which version of Contao should I upgrade Typolight 2.6.2?

  1. #1
    New user
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    Default To which version of Contao should I upgrade Typolight 2.6.2?

    Hello there,

    In 2010 I developed a website with Typolight version 2.6.2 and it has been running fine until a few weeks ago when it got hacked.

    I then installed a backup on my laptop with xampp and then tried to upgrade it directly to Contao version 3.5.6.

    However, I get a fatal error on the "Update Database Tables" step, more specifically, clicking on the "Run Version 3.0 update - step 1" button results in the following fatal error,

    Fatal error: Uncaught except Exception with message Query error: Unknown column 'skipTinymce' in 'where clause' (UPDATE `tl_layout` SET `framework`='a:1:{i:0;s:10:"layout.css";}' WHERE skipTinymce=1) thrown in D:\xampp\htdocs\httpdocs\system\modules\core\libra ry\Contao\Database\Statement.php on line 295

    This error is then followed by a stack trace.

    The full list of steps that I use to upgrade it is by

    1) unzipping the files from into the docroot,

    2) ensure there was a line in the system\config\localconfig.php file as follows

    $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['licenseAccepted'] = true;

    3) and then opened http://localhost/contao/install.php and followed the instructions

    Is this the correct version I should be upgrading to, please?

    If yes then please point me to the correct upgrade procedure. I must not be doing it right.

    If not then please tell me which is the correct version and where the upgrade instructions are to be found.

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    User Spooky's Avatar
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    With the old Typolight Versions I am not sure, but it's probably best to upgrade to the next minor versions first and then when you are at Contao 2.11.x you can upgrade to Contao 3.5.6 directly (you should not update to 3.0.x or 3.1.x first).

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spooky View Post
    With the old Typolight Versions I am not sure, but it's probably best to upgrade to the next minor versions first and then when you are at Contao 2.11.x you can upgrade to Contao 3.5.6 directly (you should not update to 3.0.x or 3.1.x first).
    Thank you Spooky. I have successfully upgraded to 3.5.6 without errors now (a week ago), using your suggested versions. I also discovered in the Apache logs that the Contao upgrade script could not modify some files when it was executed by me which I am certain was the cause of the errors that I wrote about. It was also due to my Apache on Xampp on Windows installation being almost a default one. To save me spending the time necessary to configure Apache on Xampp on Windows with sufficient permissions for the upgrade script to modify files, I decided to upload the website to my CentOS6 server and when I upgraded the website there, it completed without errors.

    For the benefit of anyone else who may come here seeking information, I had to then do a few other things to get the website to operate normally and look correct, such as :

    1. rename template files from having a tpl file extension to have an xhtml file extension instead
    2. create a website root in the "Site structure" section and move the top level pages underneath that new website root, including the Home page
    3. change my page layouts to use the "fe_page" page template instead of the the old one it was using
    4. correct the .htaccess file as per this page which seems to be required only for Apache 2.4.x
    5. update the css to make it look normal again

    Thanks again,
    Last edited by moorej; 01/18/2016 at 00:07.


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