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Thread: Pb with select menu and country select menu when exporting to csv or xls

  1. #1
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    Frage Pb with select menu and country select menu when exporting to csv or xls

    Hi everyone,

    Contao 2.11.17 (old site ;-) / EFG 1.16.5 stable rev 5 / MulticolumnWizard 3.3.1 stable rev 6 / xls_export 3.0.0 stable rev 20

    I've created a form with some select fields and one country select field. The problem is for some fields, values are in mysql table but are not exported

    Examples :

    Select field "Number of years"

    Value Label Exported
    +2 +2 +2
    +3 +3 +3

    Select field "Years of experience"
    Value Label Exported
    0-5 0 to 5
    6-10 6 to 10
    It looks like values can start with number. it must be a letter ore some special character like +

    Select field "Years of experience"
    Value Label Exported
    '0-5' '0 to 5'
    '6-10' '6 to 10'

    Select field "Years of experience"
    Value Label Exported
    \0-5' \0 to 5
    \6-10' \6 to 10

    Trying to escape the values with '' or \ doesn't work better.

    Select country field "Country"

    Value Label Exported
    fr France

    I got the same problem with the select country menu. Value is in the mysql table but not exported.

    Edit : ​for testing, in form parameters, I unchecked "Save value of options" and "Export field values" and it seems to work.
    Last edited by charled; 09/01/2016 at 00:15.


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