Hi everyone,
I'm currently reading articles about Wordpress' new "core killer" feature called FSE for Full Site Editing. For those who doesn't know, WP has introduced in 2018 its new templating system called Gutenberg. Gutenberg uses blocks (we call them Content elements) and, with FSE,will let total design control on each template (as we can do since I discovered Cont... Typolight). And they call it a (work in progress) revolution...
Almost all CMS natively work this way. And that's why many builders exist for WP which didn't until know.
For now, not all themes are FSE compatible and there's still work to be done... But it's good news for those working with WP or those having to navigate between other cms and WP...
To my point, WP is still at the cave age for 2 points :
- tree structure pages management (try it, without plugin you will cry...)
- media management (no plugin = no directory...)
That's to thanks for Contao which is a great CMS with very helpful backend.
The only thing I'm really missing is a core custom content element creator (as Custom Post Type mechanism in WP... even if a plugin is needed to be really useful).
Thanks to all.