Why cant just install it in the same way as older versions of contao by unzipping files on my server?
I uploaded contao-manager, run it...
And it said to me: "Stop! I need more RAM, 128 MB is not enough for me!"
not enough? its a lot of... but ok... and i gave it 1024 MB and run it once again
But it said to me: "Stop! I dont like your www folder name is www! You must change it to 'web'!"
why? cant you just use default name? but ok... i changed and run it once again
But it said to me: "Stop! I dont like you have .tmp folder on your server, you must delete it!"
Now what? Why it's a problem? OK, OK, as you wish... i deleted it and run manager once again
It installed at last and suggested to go to /contao/install
I clicked the link... but it was missing!
My "web" folder looks like this:
but there is no contao folder, and there is no index php
how to install this?