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Thread: newsletter additional fields, short registration form

  1. #1
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    Default newsletter additional fields, short registration form

    Hello everyone,

    I want to add additional fields to my newsletter (last name and first name). Unfortunately, I couldn't figure it out how to do it.
    I can add further Input fields to the template, but this fields won't either be saved into the database nor displayed in the admin newsletter panel. How should I go on?

    Furthermore, I want to add a short newsletter submit form (only the email) box to the landing page of my website, and as soon as someone fills it out and click submit, he should be redirected to the main newsletter registration form where he can complete the registration process.
    Therefore, I created a simple form with the Form Generator for the sidebar box including an input field and a submit button. I redirected it to the main registration site (where I use a Newsletter Subscribe Module). Now I want to display the value from the sidebar form as default value in the main form. How can I do this?

    I thought I just can use simular fieldnames and use a GET request for the sidebarbox form. But it isn't working.
    The search form works also like that, but I couldn't figure out why it does.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: newsletter additional fields, short registration form

    Any ideas how to do it? I couldn't figure it out so far..

  3. #3
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    Default Re: newsletter additional fields, short registration form

    Hi flumueller,
    first of all and generally: to figure out why which things do what, you mostly have to look into the classes (not into the templates). Means you have to have some php knowledge, of course .

    To personalize the newsletter would require a new module/ extension (e.g. xtnewsletter). It's easier to achieve this with help of the member registration and the module xtmembers_fieldeditor. You can send personalized newsletters to members and the extension lets you create addional fields (if your recipients are registered as members doesn't matter, eventually).

    Your 2-forms thing is problematic. Again you'd have to extend the module. Or use the module sessionform and a custom form (instead of the normal member-registration), that writes into the DB.



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