I've tried with extension ce_rater and starrater but i'm not able to link them with my property catalog.
please advise on a solution or a better way out?
I've tried with extension ce_rater and starrater but i'm not able to link them with my property catalog.
please advise on a solution or a better way out?
the new version of the catalog (alpha3) has custom field-types. one of them is a field that contains a ajaxratingfield, and hitcounters, amoungts others. The code is reasonably stable to use for production, but you won't be able to retrofit the new functionality on the old catalog.
Thanks Thyon, i've downloaded alpha3, do i need to copy the folders and subfolders to their respective paths as in extension manager i'm not able to get update to alpha3?
One more this will i loose all my catalog fields and data or they will remain intact?
as with anything, I strongly recommend a complete DB backup before you start anything. Then you can simply install the new folders (and zip up the old folder that you are replacing) in their positions and then run the install.php script again to update the database with new fields. Then you might have to manually remove catalog_ext/ folder, but it will warn you about that (as there isn't enough permissions to remove the folder), until you've done it. Then you should be able to continue working without a problem, adding new fields, etc.
Thanks again.
i've installed alpha3 successfuly, my previous data is also intact..
i've added a new catalog field type ("rating of items") it shows ajaxratingfield value as "30"
but when i print the catalog item the new field is not there..how i use it? do i need to do something extra and how users will be able to submit their ratings, do i need to create a form etc?
I'm getting this error when i click modules tab in back-end:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class tl_module_catalog in D:\wamp\www\supercity\system\modules\catalog_ext\d ca\tl_module.php on line 651
But when i compare tl_module.php with the backup file there is no code difference.
remember that you must delete (and backup) the catalog_ext/ folder, as its no longer used in the new version, everything is merged into a single catalog/ folder. That's why there is a redeclaration. you can try to ask xtra for a recommendation as he developed the rating field.
his details are on the google code page or the new version.
The value "30" is the size you want to have for one star.
The rating can be between 1 and 5 stars (as with the ce_rating from what I originally derived this fieldtype).
For using the rating field with a different size than 30px, you have to define a separate css for it.
Could you post a link to the page where the rating does not work?
sorry this site is still on my local system.
after adding a new field with type "rating of items", the field appears on the fieldlist of catalog but not while adding a new item. i can not see this field at all to add its value, though all other fields are seen like title etc?
I've made the site live, please check the following url
please check the catalog-> Residential Property Listings ->property class field for rating field which is not functioning.
If I can not use the new version of catalog module, is there any possibility to write something similar on older version ?
Nope. as this custom feature is only available with the new version. You will have to see, as there are other rating extensions you could try in the extension repository. You'll probably need a custom template for that.
I understand, it would be hard to rewrite this module. So I have question about new version and catalogajaxratingfield, how to move item rating from ModuleCatalogReader to ModuleCatalogList?
I don't know. I guess you just list it as a field? You'll probably have to make extensive changes to the template for the ajax part to know which item to update. All the info is there in each catalog item array, so it should be possible.
You can also ask "xtra".