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Thread: Automatic Submenu?

  1. #1
    New user
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    Default Automatic Submenu?

    HI all,

    I've been playing around with the stop and start levels for a sub menu,

    but basically all I want is one menu module that shows the sub pages automatically.

    My website has about 3 levels,
    Some pages have sub pages.
    Some pages have sub pages with sub pages.
    Some pages have no sub pages at all.

    So say one of my pages is called Departments.
    And Departments has 5 sub pages.
    I want links to all those 5 sub pages to appear in a menu.

    And say I click one , "ICT department" for example then I want for the "ICT department" sub pages to appear in that menu.

    At the moment I have two modules with different start and stop levels but really I just want one.

    Is this possible?

    I will try and post an example tomorrow if this is unclear

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Automatic Submenu?

    what is the problem with having two modules?
    Consulenza Contao CMS

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Automatic Submenu?

    If you set the limit to 1 and you do not check "hard limit", then this is exactly what the navigation module does. It will show only the first level, but the limit is not applicable to submenu items.

    On another website I used CSS/JS to solve this because I wanted other submenu's to show on hover (so I only show current submenu items unless I hover the mouse over another main menu item. Then I show those submenu items)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Automatic Submenu?

    Quote Originally Posted by ga.n
    what is the problem with having two modules?
    I guess because I don't want my users to be worrying about modules and layouts I just want them to be able to add as many sub levels as they need and just always show the appropriate menu.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Automatic Submenu?

    Quote Originally Posted by clairec
    Quote Originally Posted by ga.n
    what is the problem with having two modules?
    I guess because I don't want my users to be worrying about modules and layouts I just want them to be able to add as many sub levels as they need and just always show the appropriate menu.
    Take a look at:

    the main menu is composed by three page that you see on top. The extensions page has five subpages that are shown on the right column (under the "see also" title)

    if you do not know a priori how many "levels" you will have I think the only solution is to put the entire menu (without stop levels) as a module of the layout this way it will take care of showing the newly added pages.
    Consulenza Contao CMS


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