Hi there,

I would like to use the Nesium Player (with Playlist) inside an accordion. I've test-implemented it here:
http://www.myriamflute.ch/typolight2/in ... ---en.html

The page is here to present the various records made, and for every record I've implemented an accordion item (with wrapper start and end). It sort of works, but I'm going to have to make a few tweaks and I know virtually nothing about javascript, unfortunately. i.e. I'm a little lost.

I'm trying to accomplish the following things.

1. I'd like the players not to start on pageload (otherwise multiple pieces of music are playing simultanously), but to start as soon as the appropriate accordion is extended and the player comes into view.

2. When one of the accordions closes the player MUST stop playing, any other behavior is extremely confusing... Basically it may never occur, that two players are playing at the same time – especially so, when only one player is in sight at the same time, due to the accordion.

I'm hoping someone here can help me find solutions. Much grats for any suggestions.
